< 2 Samyèl 24 >

1 Yon jou, Seyè a move sou pèp Izrayèl la ankò. Li fè David lakòz malè tonbe sou yo. Seyè a di David al konte konbe moun ki nan peyi Izrayèl ak nan peyi Jida.
And the strong veniaunce of the Lord addide to be wrooth ayens Israel, and he stiride in hem Dauid, seiynge to Joab, Go thou, and noumbre thou Israel and Juda.
2 Wa a pale ak Joab, kòmandman an chèf lame a, ki te la avè l', li di l' konsa: -Ale nan tout branch fanmi Izrayèl yo, depi lavil Dann nan nò jouk lavil Bètcheba nan sid. Konte mezi moun ki nan pèp la. Mwen vle konnen konbe moun ki gen nan peyi a.
And the kyng seide to Joab, the prince of his oost, Go thou bi alle lynagis of Israel fro Dan `til to Bersabee, and noumbre thou the puple, that Y wite the noumbre therof.
3 Men, Joab di wa a: -Monwa, mwen mande Seyè a, Bondye ou la, pou li fè pèp Izrayèl la vin san fwa pi plis pase jan li ye koulye a, lèfini pou monwa ka viv lontan pou wè sa! Men, poukisa, monwa, ou vle konte konbe moun ki nan peyi a?
And Joab seide to the kyng, Thi Lord God encresse to this puple, `hou greet it is now, and eft multiplie he an hundrid fold in the siyt of my lord the kyng; but what wole my lord the kyng to hym silf in sich a thing?
4 Men, wa a pa t' soti pou li chanje lòd li te bay la. Konsa, Joab ak lòt gwo chèf lame yo te blije soumèt yo. Yo soti devan wa a, yo pati, y' al konte konbe moun ki nan peyi Izrayèl la.
Sotheli the word of the kyng ouer cam the wordis of Joab, and of the princes of the oost; and Joab yede out, and the princes of the knyytis, fro the face of the kyng, that thei schulden noumbre the puple of Israel.
5 Yo travèse larivyè Jouden, y' al moute kan yo lavil Awoyè, nan mitan fon an, nan pòsyon tè ki pou branch fanmi Gad la. Apre sa, yo pati pou Jazè bò nan nò.
And whanne thei hadden passid Jordan, thei camen in to Aroer, to the riyt side of the citee which is in the valei of Gad;
6 Y' al lavil Galarad, yo pase lavil Kadès nan pòsyon tè ki pou moun Et yo, jouk yo rive Dann. Yo mache nan tout zòn lan, apre sa y' ale lavil Sidon sou bò lwès.
and thei passiden bi Jazer in to Galaad, and in to the lowere lond of Odsi, and camen in to the wodi places of Dan; and thei cumpassiden bisidis Sidon,
7 Lèfini, yo desann nan direksyon sid, yo rive nan Fò Tir la, yo pase nan tout bouk moun Iva yo ak bouk moun Kanaran yo, yo rive Bècheba nan zòn Negèv nan peyi Jida a.
and passiden nyy the wallis of Tire, and nyy al the lond of Euei, and of Chananei; and thei camen to the south of Juda, in Bersabee.
8 Se konsa yo mache nan tout peyi a. Apre nèf mwa ven jou, yo tounen lavil Jerizalèm.
And whanne al the lond was cumpassid, thei camen aftir nyne monethis and twenti daies in to Jerusalem.
9 Joab renmèt wa a rapò ki bay kantite moun antou ki te gen nan tout peyi a. Se konsa yo te jwenn witsanmil (800.000) gason ki ka fè lagè epi ki konn sèvi ak nepe nan peyi Izrayèl la ak senksanmil (500.000) nan peyi Jida a.
Therfor Joab yaf the noumbre of discriuyng of the puple to the kyng. And of Israel weren foundun nyne hundryd thousynd of stronge men, that drewen out swerd; and of Juda fyue hundrid thousynde of fiyteris.
10 Lè David fin fè konte konbe moun ki gen nan peyi a, konsyans li konmanse repwoche l'. Li di Seyè a: -Lè m' fè sa m' fè a, mwen fè yon gwo peche. Tanpri, Seyè, padonnen m', se sèvitè ou mwen ye. Mwen te aji tankou moun fou.
Forsothe the herte of Dauid smoot hym, `that is, his concience repreuyde hym, aftir that the puple was noumbrid; and Dauid seide to the Lord, Y synnede greetli in this dede; but, Lord, Y preye that thou turne awei the wickidnesse of thi seruaunt, for Y dide ful folili.
11 Nan denmen maten, antan David ap leve sot nan kabann li,
Therfor Dauid roos eerli, and the word of the Lord was maad to Gad, the prophete and seere, and seide, Go thou,
12 Seyè a pale ak pwofèt Gad, konseye David la, li di l' konsa: -Al di David mwen ba li twa chatiman pou li menm li chwazi yonn ladan yo. Sa l'a chwazi a se sa m'a fè l'.
and speke to Dauid, The Lord seith these thingis, The chesyng of thre thingis is youun to thee; chese thou oon, which thou wolt of these, that Y do to thee.
13 Gad vin jwenn li lakay li. Li fè l' konnen mesaj Seyè a te ba li a. Li di l' konsa: -Kisa ou vle? Sèt lanne grangou nan tout peyi a, twa mwa ap kouri devan lènmi ou, osinon twa jou epidemi nan tout peyi a. Al kalkile sou sa pou ou fè m' konnen ki repons pou m' pote bay moun ki voye m' lan.
And whanne Gad hadde come to Dauid, he telde to Dauid, and seide, Ether hungur schal come to thee in thi lond seuene yeer; ethir thre monethis thou schalt fle thin aduersaries, and thei schulen pursue thee; ether certis thre daies pestilence schal be in thi lond; now therfor delyuere thou, `ether auyse thou, and se, what word Y schal answere to hym that sente me.
14 David reponn: -Mwen nan gwo tèt chaje! Men, m' pa vle tonbe anba men lèzòm menm! Pito se Seyè a menm ki pini m', paske li gen bon kè.
Forsothe Dauid seide to Gad, Y am constreyned on ech side greetli; but it is betere that Y falle in to the hondis of the Lord, for his emercies ben manye, than in the hondis of men.
15 Se konsa Seyè a voye yon epidemi sou pèp Izrayèl la, li konmanse menm jou maten sa a pou twa jou, jan l' te di a. Depi lavil Dann nan nò rive lavil Bètcheba nan sid peyi a, swasanndimil (70.000) moun nan pèp Izrayèl la mouri.
And the Lord sente pestilence in to Israel fro the morewtid `til to the tyme ordeyned; and seuenti thousynde of men weren deed of the puple fro Dan `til to Bersabee.
16 Lè zanj Seyè a te prèt pou lonje men l' sou lavil Jerizalèm pou detwi l', Seyè a fè lide sispann chatiman an. Li di zanj ki t'ap touye moun yo: -Sispann! kenbe men ou! Lè sa a, zanj lan te gen tan toupre gwo glasi Araounak, moun lavil Jebis la.
And whanne the aungel of the Lord hadde holde forth his hond ouer Jerusalem, that he schulde distrie it, the Lord hadde mercy on the turmentyng; and seide to the aungel smytynge the puple, It sufficith now; withholde thin hond. Forsothe the aungel of the Lord was bisidis the corn floor of Areuna Jebusey.
17 David wè zanj lan ki t'ap touye moun yo, li pale ak Seyè a, li di l' konsa: -Se mwen menm ki koupab. Se mwen menm ki fè sa ki mal la. Kisa inonsan sa yo fè? Tanpri, se mwen menm ansanm ak fanmi mwen pou ou ta pini!
And Dauid seide to the Lord, whanne he hadde seyn the aungel sleynge the puple, Y am he that `haue synned, and Y dide wickidli; what han these do, that ben scheep? Y biseche, thin hond be turned ayens me, and ayens the hows of my fadir.
18 Men, jou sa a pwofèt Gad al jwenn David, li di l' konsa: -Moute lakay Araounak, moun lavil Jebis la, bati yon lotèl pou Seyè a nan mitan gwo glasi a.
Forsothe Gad, the prophete, cam to Dauid in that dai, and seide to hym, Stie thou, and ordeyne an auter to the Lord in the corn floor of Areuna Jebusei.
19 David koute sa Gad te di l' la, li moute lakay Araounak jan Seyè a te ba li lòd la.
And Dauid stiede, vpe the word of Gad, which the Lord hadde comaundid to hym.
20 Araounak t'ap gade, li wè wa a ki t'ap vin sou li ansanm ak chèf li yo. Li tonbe ajenou devan wa a, li bese tèt li jouk atè.
And Areuna bihelde, and perseyuede, that the kyng and hise seruauntis passiden to hym;
21 Li di l' konsa: -Monwa, sa ki mennen ou isit lakay mwen? David reponn li: -Mwen vin achte anplasman glasi a pou m' bati yon lotèl pou Seyè a, konsa epidemi an va sispann nan peyi a.
and he yede out, and worschipide the kyng bi low cheer to the erthe; and seide, What `cause is, that my lord the kyng cometh to his seruaunt? To whom Dauid seide, That Y bie of thee the corn floor, and bilde an auter to the Lord, and the sleynge ceesse, which is cruel in the puple.
22 Araounak di l' konsa: -Monwa, ou mèt pran l'. Ofri Seyè a sa ou vle. Men bèf sa yo pou ou boule nèt tankou yon ofrann sou lotèl la. Men jouk yo ak bwa kabwa yo pou fè dife.
And Areuna seide to Dauid, My lord the kyng take, and offre, as it plesith hym; thou hast oxis in to brent sacrifice, and a wayn and yockis of oxis in to vss of wode.
23 Araounak bay wa a tout bagay sa yo. Lèfini, li di: -Mwen mande Bondye pou l' asepte ofrann ou an!
Areuna yaf alle thingis to the king. And Areuna seide to the king, Thi Lord God reseyue thi vow.
24 Men wa a reponn li, li di l': -Non. Se achte m'ap achte. Se pou m' peye pou yo. Mwen p'ap pran anyen ki pa koute m' lajan pou m' ofri pou boule nèt pou Seyè a. Se konsa, David achte anplasman glasi a ansanm ak tout bèf yo pou senkant pyès ajan.
To whom the king answeride, and seide, Not as thou wolt, but Y schal bie of thee for prijs, and Y schal not offre to `my Lord God brent sacrifices youun freli. Therfor Dauid bouyte the corn floor, and `he bouyte oxis for fifti siclis of siluer.
25 Lèfini, li bati yon lotèl pou Seyè a, li fè ofrann pou boule nèt pou Bondye ak ofrann pou di Bondye mèsi. Seyè a tande lapriyè yo pou peyi a. Epidemi an sispann nan peyi Izrayèl la.
And Dauid bildide there an auter to the Lord, and offride brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices; and the Lord dide merci to the lond, and the veniaunce was refreyned fro Israel.

< 2 Samyèl 24 >