< 2 Istwa 8 >

1 Wa Salomon te pran ventan pou l' bati kay Seyè a ak kay pa li a.
Forsothe whanne twenti yeer weren fillid, aftir that Salomon bildide the hows of the Lord,
2 Li rebati tout lavil wa Iram te ba li, li voye moun pèp Izrayèl al rete ladan yo.
and his owne hows, he bildide the citees, whiche Iram hadde youe to Salomon; and he made the sones of Israel to dwelle there.
3 Apre sa, li al atake lavil Amat nan Zoba, li pran li.
Also he yede in to Emath of Suba, and gat it.
4 Li rebati lavil Tadmò nan dezè a ansanm ak tout lavil nan zòn Amat la pou sevi depo pwovizyon.
And he bildide Palmyram in deseert, and he bildide othere `citees maad ful stronge in Emath.
5 Salomon rebati Bètowon anwo ak Bètowon anba, li byen pwoteje yo ak miray ranpa, gwo pòtay ak ba pou fèmen yo.
And he bildide the hiyere Betheron and the lowere Betheron, wallid citees, hauynge yatis and lockis and barris;
6 Li rebati lavil Balat, tout lavil kote li te fè depo pwovizyon, tout lavil kote yo te gade chwal li yo ansanm ak cha lagè yo. Li bati tou sa li te fè lide bati nan lavil Jerizalèm, nan peyi Liban ak nan tout lòt peyi ki te sou zòd li yo.
also he bildide Balaath, and alle `citees ful stronge that weren of Salomon; and alle the citees of cartis, and the citees of knyytis kyng Salomon bildide, and disposide alle thingis whiche euere he wolde, in Jerusalem, and in the Liban, and in al the lond of his power.
7 -(we vèsè pwochen)
Salomon made suget in to tributaries til in to this dai al the puple that was left of Etheis, and Amorreis, and Phereseis, and Eueis, and of Jebuseis, that weren not of the generacioun of Israel, and of the sones of hem,
8 Lè moun Izrayèl yo te fin pran peyi Kanaran an pou yo, gen anpil nan moun ansyen mèt peyi a yo pa t' touye. Yo te kite yo rete nan peyi a. Te gen moun Amori, moun Et, moun Ferezi, moun Iva ak moun Jebis. Se pitit moun sa yo Salomon te pran sèvi esklav pou fè kòve. Se sa k'ap fèt jouk jounen jòdi a.
and of the aftircomers of hem, whiche the sones of Israel hadden not slayn.
9 Salomon pa t' fè ankenn moun nan pèp Izrayèl la sèvi esklav. Li te fè yo sèvi sòlda, ofisye, chèf, kaptenn ak kòmandan cha lagè yo ak kavalye yo.
Sotheli of the sones of Israel he settide not, that thei schulden serue the werkis of the kyng; for thei weren men werriours, and the firste duykis, and princes of charis, and of hise knyytis;
10 Te gen desansenkant (250) moun gouvènè yo te chwazi pou sèvi fòmann. Se yo ki te reskonsab kontwole tout travay ki t'ap fèt yo.
forsothe alle the princes of the oost of kyng Salomon weren two hundrid and fifti, that tauyten the puple.
11 Salomon fè madanm li, pitit fi farawon an, kite lavil David, al rete nan kay li te bati pou li a. Li t'ap di nan kè l': Ata madanm mwen pa gen dwa rete nan kay David, wa peyi Izrayèl la, paske tout kote Bwat Kontra Seyè a te pase se kote ki fèt pou rete apa pou Bondye.
Sotheli he translatide the douyter of Farao fro the citee of Dauid in to the hows, which he hadde bildid to hir; for the kyng seide, My wijf schal not dwelle in the hows of Dauid, kyng of Israel, for it is halewid, for the arke of the Lord entride in to that hows.
12 Salomon te ofri bèt pou yo boule nèt pou Bondye sou lotèl li te fè bati pou Seyè a devan Tanp lan.
Thanne Salomon offride brent sacrifices to the Lord on the auter of the Lord, which he hadde bildid bifor the porche,
13 Li ofri bèt pou yo boule nèt pou Seyè a, dapre lòd Moyiz te bay nan lalwa a pou chak jou fèt: pou jou repo yo, pou jou lalin nouvèl yo, ak pou twa gwo fèt yo fete chak lanne yo, ki vle di: Fèt Pen san ledven yo, Fèt Rekòt yo ak Fèt Joupa yo.
that bi alle daies me schulde offre in it, bi the comaundement of Moises, in sabatis, and in kalendis, and in feeste daies, thries bi the yeer, that is, in the solempnyte of the therflooues, and in the solempnyte of woukis, and in the solempnyte of tabernaclis.
14 Dapre regleman David, papa l', te bay, li mete chak gwoup nan travay pa yo, prèt yo pou fè sèvis pou Bondye, moun Levi yo pou fè lwanj Seyè a epi pou ede prèt yo nan travay yo dapre sa ki pou fèt chak jou fèt yo. Li bay chak gwoup gad pòtay Tanp lan lè travay yo nan chak pòtay, dapre lòd David, moun Bondye a, te kite.
And he ordeynede bi the ordynaunce of Dauid, his fadir, the officis of preestis in her seruyces, and the dekenes in her ordre, that thei schulden preise and mynystre bifor preestis bi the custom of ech dai; and he ordeynede porteris in her departyngis bi yate and yate. For Dauid, the man of God, hadde comaundid so;
15 Se konsa, yo te swiv tout ti detay ki nan lòd wa David te bay pou prèt yo ak pou moun Levi yo, ata lòd li te bay pou trezò Tanp lan.
and bothe preestis and dekenes passiden not fro the comaundementis of the kyng of alle thingis whiche he hadde comaundid.
16 Se konsa tout travay Salomon te vle fè a te fin fèt, depi jou yo t'ap fouye fondasyon Tanp Seyè a jouk yo fini l'. Tanp Seyè a pa t' manke anyen ankò pou l' fini.
And Salomon hadde alle costis maad redi in the kepingis of tresouris, fro that dai in whiche he foundide the hows of the Lord til in to the dai in which he perfourmyde it.
17 Apre sa, Salomon ale lavil Ezyongebè ak lavil Elat bò Lanmè Wouj la, nan pòsyon tè ki pou moun Edon yo.
Thanne Salomon yede in to Asiongaber, and in to Hailath, at the brynke of the reed see, which is in the lond of Edom.
18 Wa Iram te voye batiman ansanm ak moun peyi l' ki te konn lanmè bay Salomon pou sèvi ansanm ak moun Salomon yo sou batiman yo. Se chèf ki t'ap sèvi nan gouvènman Iram yo ki te vin renmèt batiman yo. Maren Iram yo vwayaje ansanm ak moun pa Salomon yo rive peyi Ofi, kote yo al chache trèz tòn lò pote bay Salomon.
Therfor Iram sente to hym, by the hondis of his seruauntis, schippis, and schippe men kynnyng of the see, and thei yeden with the seruauntis of Salomon in to Ophir, and thei token fro thennus foure hundrid and fifti talentis of gold, and brouyten to kyng Salomon.

< 2 Istwa 8 >