< Προς Γαλατας 3 >

1 ω ανοητοι γαλαται τισ υμασ εβασκανεν τη αληθεια μη πειθεσθαι οισ κατ οφθαλμουσ ιησουσ χριστοσ προεγραφη εν υμιν εσταυρωμενοσ
O foolish Galatians! Who you has bewitched (the truth not to obey *K*) whose before eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed (among you *K*) [as] crucified?
2 τουτο μονον θελω μαθειν αφ υμων εξ εργων νομου το πνευμα ελαβετε η εξ ακοησ πιστεωσ
This only I wish to learn from you; by works of [the] Law the Spirit did you receive or by hearing of faith?
3 ουτωσ ανοητοι εστε εναρξαμενοι πνευματι νυν σαρκι επιτελεισθε
So foolish are you? Having begun in [the] Spirit now in [the] flesh are you being perfected?
4 τοσαυτα επαθετε εικη ειγε και εικη
So many things did you suffer in vain? if indeed even in vain!
5 ο ουν επιχορηγων υμιν το πνευμα και ενεργων δυναμεισ εν υμιν εξ εργων νομου η εξ ακοησ πιστεωσ
The [One] therefore supplying to you the Spirit and working miracles among you, [is it] out of works of the Law or out of hearing of faith?
6 καθωσ αβρααμ επιστευσεν τω θεω και ελογισθη αυτω εισ δικαιοσυνην
Even as Abraham believed in God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.
7 γινωσκετε αρα οτι οι εκ πιστεωσ ουτοι εισιν υιοι αβρααμ
do know then that those of faith these sons are of Abraham.
8 προιδουσα δε η γραφη οτι εκ πιστεωσ δικαιοι τα εθνη ο θεοσ προευηγγελισατο τω αβρααμ οτι ενευλογηθησονται εν σοι παντα τα εθνη
Having foreseen then the Scripture that by faith justifies the Gentiles God, foretold the gospel to Abraham that Will be blessed in you all the nations.
9 ωστε οι εκ πιστεωσ ευλογουνται συν τω πιστω αβρααμ
So then those of faith are blessed along with the believing Abraham.
10 οσοι γαρ εξ εργων νομου εισιν υπο καταραν εισιν γεγραπται γαρ επικαταρατοσ πασ οσ ουκ εμμενει εν πασιν τοισ γεγραμμενοισ εν τω βιβλιω του νομου του ποιησαι αυτα
As many as for of works of [the] Law are, under a curse are; it has been written for (that *no*) Cursed [is] everyone who not does continue (in *k*) all things which written in the book of the Law to do them.
11 οτι δε εν νομω ουδεισ δικαιουται παρα τω θεω δηλον οτι ο δικαιοσ εκ πιστεωσ ζησεται
for now by [the] law no [one] is justified before God [is] evident, because The righteous by faith will live;
12 ο δε νομοσ ουκ εστιν εκ πιστεωσ αλλ ο ποιησασ αυτα ανθρωποσ ζησεται εν αυτοισ
And the Law not is of faith rather The [one] having done these things (man *K*) will live by them.
13 χριστοσ ημασ εξηγορασεν εκ τησ καταρασ του νομου γενομενοσ υπερ ημων καταρα γεγραπται γαρ επικαταρατοσ πασ ο κρεμαμενοσ επι ξυλου
Christ us redeemed from the curse of the Law having become for us a curse; (since *no*) it has been written (for: *k*) Cursed [is] everyone who is hanging on a tree;
14 ινα εισ τα εθνη η ευλογια του αβρααμ γενηται εν χριστω ιησου ινα την επαγγελιαν του πνευματοσ λαβωμεν δια τησ πιστεωσ
so that to the Gentiles the blessing of Abraham may become in Christ Jesus so that the promise of the Spirit we may receive through faith.
15 αδελφοι κατα ανθρωπον λεγω ομωσ ανθρωπου κεκυρωμενην διαθηκην ουδεισ αθετει η επιδιατασσεται
Brothers, according to man I am speaking. Even of man ratified a covenant no [one] sets aside or adds thereto.
16 τω δε αβρααμ ερρηθησαν αι επαγγελιαι και τω σπερματι αυτου ου λεγει και τοισ σπερμασιν ωσ επι πολλων αλλ ωσ εφ ενοσ και τω σπερματι σου οσ εστιν χριστοσ
And to Abraham were spoken the promises and to the seed of him. Not it does say; and to seeds as of many but as of One; and to the seed of you who is Christ.
17 τουτο δε λεγω διαθηκην προκεκυρωμενην υπο του θεου εισ χριστον ο μετα ετη τετρακοσια και τριακοντα γεγονωσ νομοσ ουκ ακυροι εισ το καταργησαι την επαγγελιαν
This now I say: [The] covenant confirmed beforehand by God (into Christ *K*) afterward four hundred and thirty years having come [the] law not does annul so as to nullify the promise.
18 ει γαρ εκ νομου η κληρονομια ουκετι εξ επαγγελιασ τω δε αβρααμ δι επαγγελιασ κεχαρισται ο θεοσ
If for by [the] Law [is] the inheritance no longer no longer by a promise; but to Abraham through a promise has granted [it] God.
19 τι ουν ο νομοσ των παραβασεων χαριν προσετεθη αχρι ου ελθη το σπερμα ω επηγγελται διαταγεισ δι αγγελων εν χειρι μεσιτου
Why then the Law? transgressions Because of it was added until (that *NK(o)*) may have come the seed to whom promise has been made, having been ordained through angels in [the] hand of a mediator.
20 ο δε μεσιτησ ενοσ ουκ εστιν ο δε θεοσ εισ εστιν
However a mediator of one [person] not is, but God one is.
21 ο ουν νομοσ κατα των επαγγελιων του θεου μη γενοιτο ει γαρ εδοθη νομοσ ο δυναμενοσ ζωοποιησαι οντωσ αν εκ νομου ην η δικαιοσυνη
The therefore Law [is] contrary to the promises of God? Never would it be! If for was given a law which is being able to impart life, indeed (from [the] law *NK(o)*) then would was emerging righteousness;
22 αλλα συνεκλεισεν η γραφη τα παντα υπο αμαρτιαν ινα η επαγγελια εκ πιστεωσ ιησου χριστου δοθη τοισ πιστευουσιν
but imprisoned the Scripture [things] all under sin, so that the promise by faith from Jesus Christ may be given to those believing.
23 προ του δε ελθειν την πιστιν υπο νομον εφρουρουμεθα συγκεκλεισμενοι εισ την μελλουσαν πιστιν αποκαλυφθηναι
Before now coming faith under [the] Law we were held in custody (being locked up *N(k)O*) until which is being soon faith to be revealed.
24 ωστε ο νομοσ παιδαγωγοσ ημων γεγονεν εισ χριστον ινα εκ πιστεωσ δικαιωθωμεν
so that the Law trainer of us has become unto Christ, so that by faith we may be justified;
25 ελθουσησ δε τησ πιστεωσ ουκετι υπο παιδαγωγον εσμεν
When was coming now the faith no longer no longer under a trainer we are.
26 παντεσ γαρ υιοι θεου εστε δια τησ πιστεωσ εν χριστω ιησου
all for sons of God you are through faith in Christ Jesus;
27 οσοι γαρ εισ χριστον εβαπτισθητε χριστον ενεδυσασθε
As many as for into Christ you were baptized, Christ you have put on.
28 ουκ ενι ιουδαιοσ ουδε ελλην ουκ ενι δουλοσ ουδε ελευθεροσ ουκ ενι αρσεν και θηλυ παντεσ γαρ υμεισ εισ εστε εν χριστω ιησου
Neither there is Jew nor Greek, neither there is slave nor free, neither there is male and female; (all *NK(o)*) for you yourselves one are in Christ Jesus.
29 ει δε υμεισ χριστου αρα του αβρααμ σπερμα εστε και κατ επαγγελιαν κληρονομοι
If now you yourselves [are] Christ’s, then Abraham’s seed you are, (and *k*) according to [the] promise heirs.

< Προς Γαλατας 3 >