< Προς Θεσσαλονικεις Β΄ 1 >

1 παυλοσ και σιλουανοσ και τιμοθεοσ τη εκκλησια θεσσαλονικεων εν θεω πατρι ημων και κυριω ιησου χριστω
Paul and Silvanus and Timothy To the church of [the] Thessalonians in God [the] Father of us and in the Lord Jesus Christ:
2 χαρισ υμιν και ειρηνη απο θεου πατροσ ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου
Grace to you and peace from God [the] Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
3 ευχαριστειν οφειλομεν τω θεω παντοτε περι υμων αδελφοι καθωσ αξιον εστιν οτι υπεραυξανει η πιστισ υμων και πλεοναζει η αγαπη ενοσ εκαστου παντων υμων εισ αλληλουσ
To thank we ought God always concerning you, brothers, even as fitting it is, because is increasing exceedingly the faith of you and is abounding the love of one each of all you to one another;
4 ωστε ημασ αυτουσ εν υμιν καυχασθαι εν ταισ εκκλησιαισ του θεου υπερ τησ υπομονησ υμων και πιστεωσ εν πασιν τοισ διωγμοισ υμων και ταισ θλιψεσιν αισ ανεχεσθε
so as for ourselves us in you (to greatly boast *N(k)O*) in the churches of God about the perseverance of you and faith in all the persecutions of you and in the tribulations that you are bearing,
5 ενδειγμα τησ δικαιασ κρισεωσ του θεου εισ το καταξιωθηναι υμασ τησ βασιλειασ του θεου υπερ ησ και πασχετε
[This is] a plain token of the righteous judgment of God unto to be accounted worthy you of the kingdom of God for which also you suffer;
6 ειπερ δικαιον παρα θεω ανταποδουναι τοισ θλιβουσιν υμασ θλιψιν
if indeed if indeed righteous [it is] with God to repay those oppressing you with affliction
7 και υμιν τοισ θλιβομενοισ ανεσιν μεθ ημων εν τη αποκαλυψει του κυριου ιησου απ ουρανου μετ αγγελων δυναμεωσ αυτου
and to you those being oppressed repose with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with [the] angels mighty of Him
8 εν πυρι φλογοσ διδοντοσ εκδικησιν τοισ μη ειδοσιν θεον και τοισ μη υπακουουσιν τω ευαγγελιω του κυριου ημων ιησου
in (a fire of flame, *NK(o)*) inflicting vengeance on those not knowing God and on those not obeying the gospel of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ; *K*)
9 οιτινεσ δικην τισουσιν ολεθρον αιωνιον απο προσωπου του κυριου και απο τησ δοξησ τησ ισχυοσ αυτου (aiōnios g166)
who [the] penalty will suffer of destruction eternal away from [the] presence of the Lord and from the glory of the power of Him, (aiōnios g166)
10 οταν ελθη ενδοξασθηναι εν τοισ αγιοισ αυτου και θαυμασθηναι εν πασιν τοισ πιστευσασιν οτι επιστευθη το μαρτυριον ημων εφ υμασ εν τη ημερα εκεινη
when He may come to be glorified in the saints of Him and to be marveled at among all those (having believed, *N(k)O*) because was believed the testimony of us to you in the day that.
11 εισ ο και προσευχομεθα παντοτε περι υμων ινα υμασ αξιωση τησ κλησεωσ ο θεοσ ημων και πληρωση πασαν ευδοκιαν αγαθωσυνησ και εργον πιστεωσ εν δυναμει
for which also we pray always for you that you He may count worthy of the calling of the God of us and He may fulfill every good pleasure of goodness and work of faith with power,
12 οπωσ ενδοξασθη το ονομα του κυριου ημων ιησου εν υμιν και υμεισ εν αυτω κατα την χαριν του θεου ημων και κυριου ιησου χριστου
so that may be glorified the name of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ *K*) in you and you in Him according to the grace of the God of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.

< Προς Θεσσαλονικεις Β΄ 1 >