< Jesaja 62 >

1 Ich schweige nicht um Sions willen. Aus Liebe zu Jerusalem bin ich nicht still, bis daß sein Glück hervorbricht wie das Morgenlicht, sein Heil wie Fackelschein.
Because I am very concerned about [the people of] Jerusalem [DOU], I will do something to help them. I will not stop praying for them until they are rescued/freed [from their oppressors], until that becomes as apparent to everyone as the dawn [every morning], until people can see it as clearly as [SIM] they see a torch shining brightly [at night].
2 Die Heiden schaun dein Heil und alle Könige deine Herrlichkeit; sie geben dir nun einen neuen Namen, den selbst bestimmt der Mund des Herrn.
[Some day] the [people of many] nations will know that Yahweh has rescued you, [his people]. Their kings will see that your city is [very] great/glorious. And Yahweh [MTY] will give your [city] a new name.
3 Du bist ein Prachtkranz in der Hand des Herrn, ein königliches Diadem in deines Gottes Hand.
[It will be as though] Yahweh will hold you up in his hands in order that everyone can see you. Under his authority [MTY], you will be [like] a glorious headband/turban worn by a king.
4 "Verlassen" nennt dich niemand mehr, dein Land nicht mehr "Verstoßen". Man nennt dich "Meine Lust", dein Land "Vermählt". Denn seine Lust hat wiederum an dir der Herr; dein Land wird abermals gefreit.
Your [city] will never again be called “the deserted/abandoned city” and your country will never again be called “the desolate land”; it will be called “the land that Yahweh delights in”, and [it will also be called] “married to Yahweh”. It will be called that because Yahweh will be delighted with you, [and it will be as though] you are his bride [MET].
5 Dem Jüngling gleich, der eine Jungfrau freit, so freit um dich, der dich aufbaut; und wie ein Bräutigam sich seiner Braut erfreut, also erfreut sich deiner auch dein Gott.
You people will live in all the country of Judah like [SIM] a young man lives with his bride. And our God will be happy that you [belong to] him like [SIM] a bridegroom is happy that his bride [belongs to him].
6 Jerusalem! Ich stelle Wächter hin auf deine Mauern, die Tag und Nacht nie schweigen dürfen: "Die ihr den Herrn erinnern sollt, ihr dürft nicht ruhen!"
[You people of] Jerusalem, I have placed watchmen on your walls; they will [LIT] earnestly pray to Yahweh day and night. You watchmen, you must not stop [praying] [and] reminding Yahweh [about what he has promised to do]!
7 Und laßt ihm keine Ruhe, bis er hergestellt Jerusalem und für die Welt zum Jubelklang gemacht.
And tell Yahweh that he should not rest until he causes Jerusalem to be [a city that is] famous throughout the world.
8 Geschworen hat der Herr bei seiner Rechten, seinem starken Arm: "Ich gebe niemals deinen Weizen mehr zur Speise deinen Feinden, und Fremde dürfen deinen Wein nicht trinken, den du dir gebaut.
Yahweh has raised his right hand to solemnly promise [to the people of Jerusalem], “I will use my power [MTY] and never again allow your enemies to defeat you; [soldiers from other nations will never come again] to take away your grain and the wine that you worked hard [to produce].
9 Nein! Die ihn ernten, sollen ihn verzehren, den Herrn lobpreisend. - Die ihn gekeltert, sollen selbst ihn trinken in meinen heiligen Höfen."
You yourselves grew the grain, and you will be the ones who will praise [me], Yahweh, while you eat [the bread made from] that grain. Inside the courtyards of my temple you yourselves will drink the wine made from the grapes [that you harvested].”
10 Zieht ein! Durchzieht die Tore! Dem Volke bahnet einen Weg! Die Straße ebnet, ebnet! Entsteinet sie! Errichtet eine Flagge für die Stämme! -
Go out through the [city] gates! Prepare the highway on which people [will return from other countries]! Cause the road to become smooth; clear off [all] the stones; set up signal flags to help the people-groups to see [where the road to Jerusalem is].
11 Der Herr tut's kund bis an der Erde Enden. Vermeldet es der Sionstochter: "Sieh! Deine Rettung kommt!" Mit ihm kommt auch sein Lohn; sein Sold liegt ihm bereit.
This is the message that Yahweh has sent to [the people of] every nation: “Tell the people of Israel, ‘The one who will rescue/save you is coming! Look! He will be bringing to you (your reward/what you deserve [for the good things that you have done]); those whom he is setting free will be going ahead of him.’”
12 Sie heißen "Heiliges Volk", "Des Herrn Erlöste". Du jedoch wirst heißen: "Vielbegehrte", "Die Stadt, die nie verlassen wird".
They will be called “Yahweh’s own people, the ones whom he rescued”. And Jerusalem will be known as the city that [Yahweh] loves, the city that is no [longer] abandoned.

< Jesaja 62 >