< Proverbes 3 >

1 Mon fils, n'oublie pas mes leçons, et que ton cœur garde mes préceptes!
My son, do not forget what I have taught you. Keep my commands in your inner being,
2 Car ils prolongeront tes jours et tes années de vie, et te donneront la paix.
because [if you obey them] you will live a long time and things will go well for you
3 Que l'amour et la vérité ne te quittent pas; lie-les à ton col, écris-les sur les tablettes de ton cœur!
Always faithfully love others and (be faithful/do what you say that you will do); doing those things [will cause others to be pleased with you]; it will be as though you are wearing a beautiful necklace. Keep those things in your mind/inner being.
4 Alors tu trouveras grâce et bon succès devant Dieu et devant les hommes.
If you do, God and people will approve of you and think highly of you [MTY].
5 Confie-toi en Dieu de tout ton cœur, et ne t'appuie pas sur ton propre sens!
Trust in Yahweh completely, and do not rely on what you yourself understand.
6 En toutes tes voies regarde vers Lui, et Il aplanira tes sentiers.
Always allow him to lead you. If you do that, he will (show you the right path/direct your life).
7 Ne sois point sage à tes propres yeux; crains l'Éternel, et fuis le mal!
Do not be proud of being wise. [Instead], revere Yahweh and turn away from doing evil.
8 ce sera la santé de ton corps, et le rafraîchissement de tes os.
If you do that, your body will be healthy/strong; it will be [like] medicine for you.
9 Honore Dieu avec ta richesse, et avec les prémices de tout ton revenu!
Honor Yahweh by [what you do with] your money; and [by giving him] the first part of your harvest.
10 et tes greniers se rempliront d'abondance, et de moût tes cuves regorgeront.
If you do that, [you will have a good harvest]. Yahweh will fill your barns [with grain], and your vats/containers will be overflowing with [grape juice for making] wine.
11 Ne méprise pas, mon fils, la correction de l'Éternel, et ne t'irrite point de ses châtiments!
My son, when Yahweh disciplines/corrects you, do not despise it, and if he rebukes you, do not resent it.
12 Car c'est celui qu'il aime que l'Éternel châtie, comme un père l'enfant auquel il prend plaisir.
[I say that] because it is the people whom Yahweh loves that he corrects/reproves, [just] like parents correct/reprove their sons whom they love.
13 Heureux l'homme qui trouve la sagesse, et l'homme qui obtient la prudence!
[Yahweh] is pleased with those who become wise and have good understanding.
14 Car son acquisition vaut mieux que celle de l'argent, et ce qu'elle rapporte, est meilleur que l'or fin;
Being wise and having good understanding is worth more than silver, better than gold.
15 elle a plus de prix que les perles, et tout ce que tu as de précieux ne lui équivaut pas.
Being wise is more precious than (jewels/precious stones); there is nothing that you could desire [that would be as valuable] as wisdom.
16 Longue vie est dans sa main droite; dans sa gauche, richesse et honneur.
On the one hand, wisdom [PRS] enables [you] to live a long life, and on the other hand, wisdom enables [you] to become rich and to be honored.
17 Ses voies sont des voies de délices, et tous ses sentiers sont des sentiers de paix.
If [you] are wise, [your] life will be pleasant, and things will go well [for you].
18 Elle est un arbre de vie pour ceux qui la saisissent, et qui la tient ferme en est rendu heureux.
Wisdom is [like] a tree that gives long life to those who [eagerly] take hold of it, and [Yahweh] is pleased with those who hold onto it tightly.
19 Par la sagesse l'Éternel a fondé la terre, et élevé les Cieux par son intelligence;
By his wisdom Yahweh created the earth, and by his understanding he put everything in the skies.
20 par sa science Il ouvrit les abîmes, et fit des nues distiller la rosée.
By his knowledge [he caused] the water that was beneath the earth to burst forth, and he caused rain to fall from the clouds.
21 Mon fils, ne les perds pas de vue, garde la sagesse et la réflexion!
My son, [always] keep doing things that are right and things that are smart. If you do that,
22 Elles donneront vie à ton âme, et parure gracieuse à ton col.
you will live [many years] and be honored and respected {people will honor and respect you}.
23 Alors d'un pas sûr tu marcheras dans ta voie, et ton pied ne heurtera point.
If you do what is right and wise, you will [be able to] walk safely, and you will not (stumble/do things that are wrong) [MET].
24 En te couchant tu seras sans peur, et couché tu auras un doux sommeil.
You will [be able to] lie down [at night] and not be afraid [of anything], and you will sleep peacefully.
25 Ne redoute pas l'alarme soudaine, ni l'attaque des méchants qui surviendrait;
You will not be afraid that something disastrous will happen to you or that storms that strike the wicked will strike you,
26 car l'Éternel sera ton assurance, et Il empêchera ton pied d'être pris dans le piège.
because you will be confident that Yahweh [will take care of you]. He will not let your foot be caught in a trap/snare.
27 Ne refuse pas un bienfait à celui qui y a droit, quand tu as le pouvoir de l'accorder.
If you are able to help people who deserve it, do not refuse to help them.
28 Ne dis pas à ton prochain: « Va-t'en et reviens, demain je te donnerai! » quand tu as de quoi donner.
If you are able to help someone you interact with, do not say, “Come back later; [perhaps] I can help you tomorrow.”
29 Ne machine pas du mal contre ton prochain, qui habite en confiance auprès de toi.
Do not make plans to harm those you interact with regularly, [because] they live near you, and they trust you.
30 N'entre avec personne en procès sans cause, quand tu n'as pas été provoqué par un tort.
If someone has not harmed you, do not accuse him [by saying that he has harmed you].
31 Ne porte pas envie à l'homme violent, et ne choisis aucune de ses voies,
Do not envy people who [obtain things by] violent actions, and do not imitate/do what they do.
32 car l'homme faux est l'abomination de l'Éternel, mais aux hommes droits Il donne son amitié.
[I say that] because Yahweh considers such people to be abominable/detestable; but he is a friend to [all] those who do what is right.
33 La malédiction de l'Éternel est sur la maison de l'impie, mais Il bénit la demeure des justes.
Yahweh curses the families [MTY] of those who are wicked, but he blesses the families of those who are good/righteous.
34 S'il se moque des moqueurs, aux humbles Il accorde sa grâce.
Yahweh makes fun of those who make fun [of others], but he kindly helps those who are humble.
35 Les sages ont l'honneur pour héritage, mais les insensés recueillent la honte.
Wise [people] will be honored {people will honor wise people}, but foolish people will be dishonored/disgraced.

< Proverbes 3 >