< Job 26 >

1 Et Job répondit et dit:
Job replied [to Bildad], saying this [sarcastically]:
2 Comme tu as aidé la faiblesse, soutenu le bras débile!
“I am a very weak and helpless man; and (you [certainly] have not helped me [SAR] very much!/[do you think that] you have helped me [SAR] very much?) [RHQ]
3 Comme tu as conseillé l'ignorance, et montré beaucoup de lumières!
(You certainly have counseled me well—I, who am not wise at all./[Do you think that] you have counseled me well—I, who am not wise at all?) [RHQ] ([I’m sure you think that] you have given a lot of very good advice to me. [RHQ]
4 A qui s'adressaient tes propos? et qui t'inspirait ce que tu as énoncé?
Who helped you to say all those [great/wise] things? Who inspired you to speak like you did?”
5 Devant Lui les Ombres tremblent, au-dessous des eaux et de leurs habitants.
“[Because] the spirits of dead people [are afraid], [they] tremble in the waters that are deep under the earth.
6 Les Enfers sont à nu devant Lui, et rien ne Lui masque l'abîme. (Sheol h7585)
God knows all about [those who are in] the place of the dead; there is nothing down there that prevents God from seeing what is there. (Sheol h7585)
7 Il étendit l'Aquilon au-dessus du vide; la terre est suspendue sur le néant.
God stretched out the earth over the huge empty space and caused the earth to have nothing [to support it].
8 Il serra les eaux dans ses nues, et sous leur poids le nuage n'éclate pas;
He fills the thick/dense clouds with water and prevents that water from bursting the clouds.
9 Il cache l'aspect de son trône, et Il l'enveloppe de sa nuée.
He causes clouds to (obscure/prevent us from seeing) the moon.
10 Il traça sur les eaux une limite circulaire, au point où la lumière confine aux ténèbres.
He separated the light from the darkness and put the horizon to mark the place where the night ends and the daytime begins.
11 Les colonnes des Cieux s'ébranlent, et s'étonnent à sa voix menaçante.
When [he is angry, it is as though] he rebukes the pillars that hold up the sky. They are (shocked/very fearful), and they tremble.
12 Par sa force, Il soulève la mer, et par sa sagesse, Il en abat l'orgueil.
With his power he calmed the sea; with his skill/wisdom he destroyed Rahab, the huge sea monster.
13 Son souffle rassérène le ciel, et sa main transperce le dragon qui fuit.
With his breath he caused the sky to be bright/clear; with his hand he killed the great dragon in the sea.
14 Ce sont là les bords de ses voies. Qu'il est faible le bruit qu'en saisit notre oreille! et le tonnerre de sa puissance, qui est-ce qui l'entend?
But those events show only a small amount of his power; [it is as though] we are hearing only whispers of his powerful voice. When we hear thunder, [we say, ] ‘(Who can really understand [how great] his power [is]/No one can [really] understand [how great] his power [is]!) [RHQ]’”

< Job 26 >