< Psalms 98 >

1 A Psalm. Sing ye to Jehovah a new song, For wonders He hath done, Given salvation to Him hath His right hand and His holy arm.
Pojte Gospodu pjesmu novu, jer uèini èudesa. Pomože mu desnica njegova i sveta mišica njegova.
2 Jehovah hath made known His salvation, Before the eyes of the nations, He hath revealed His righteousness,
Javi Gospod spasenje svoje, pred narodima otkri pravdu svoju.
3 He hath remembered His kindness, And His faithfulness to the house of Israel, All ends of earth have seen the salvation of our God.
Opomenu se milosti svoje i vjernosti svoje k domu Izrailjevu. Vidješe svi krajevi zemaljski spasenje Boga našega.
4 Shout to Jehovah, all the earth, Break forth, and cry aloud, and sing.
Raduj se Gospodu, sva zemljo; pjevajte, poklikujte i popijevajte!
5 Sing to Jehovah with harp, With harp, and voice of praise,
Udarajte Gospodu u gusle, u gusle i s glasom psalamskim.
6 With trumpets, and voice of a cornet, Shout ye before the king Jehovah.
U trube i rogove zatrubite pred carem Gospodom.
7 Roar doth the sea and its fulness, The world and the inhabitants in it.
Neka pljeska more i što je u njemu, vasiljena i koji u njoj žive;
8 Floods clap hand, together hills cry aloud,
Rijeke neka pljeskaju rukama; skupa gore nek se raduju
9 Before Jehovah, For He hath come to judge the earth, He judgeth the world in righteousness, And the people in uprightness!
Pred licem Gospodnjim; jer ide da sudi zemlji; sudiæe vasiljenoj pravedno, i narodima vjerno.

< Psalms 98 >