< Mark 10 >

1 And Jhesus roos vp fro thennus, and cam in to the coostis of Judee ouer Jordan; and eftsoones the puple cam togidere to hym, and as he was wont, eftsoone he tauyte hem.
IESUS ap kotila sang wasa o, koti dong wein Iudäa, palila sang Iordan. Aramas ap pil pokon dong re a. A ap pil pur ong padak kin ir, due me a kin wiawia.
2 And the Farisees camen, and axiden hym, Whether it be leueful to a man to leeue his wijf? and thei temptiden hym.
Parisär kai ap kodo peipeidok re a: Me pung, ol en muei sang a paud? Irail ari kasongesong i.
3 And he answeride, and seide to hem, What comaundide Moises to you?
A ap kotin sapeng masani ong irail: Da me Moses masani ong komail?
4 And thei seiden, Moises suffride to write a libel of forsaking, and to forsake.
Re ap sapeng: Moses mueideda kisin likau en kamueit en wiaui, ap muei sang.
5 `To whiche Jhesus answeride, and seide, For the hardnesse of youre herte Moises wroot to you this comaundement.
Iesus ap kotin sapeng masani ong irail: Pweki omail kapitakai, me a intingie kida kusoned wet.
6 But fro the bigynnyng of creature God made hem male and female;
A nin tapin sappa a wiauiata: Kot a kotin wia ira da ol o li.
7 and seide, For this thing a man schal leeue his fadir and modir,
I me aramas amen pan pededi sam a in a, pat ong eta a paud.
8 and schal drawe to hys wijf, and thei schulen be tweyne in o flesch. And so now thei ben not tweyne, but o flesch.
Ira ari pan uduk eta eu, ira soer riamen, a uduk eta eu.
9 Therfor that thing that God ioynede togidere, no man departe.
Ari, meakot Kot kapad penaer, aramas der kamueit pasang!
10 And eftsoone in the hous hise disciplis axiden hym of the same thing.
Nan im o sapwilim a tounpadak kan pur ong kalelapok re a due.
11 And he seide to hem, Who euer leeuith his wijf, and weddith another, he doith auowtri on hir.
I ari kotin masani ong irail: Meamen, me muei sang a paud li, ap ale amen, a kamal i.
12 And if the wijf leeue hir housebonde, and be weddid to another man, sche doith letcherie.
O ma li amen muei sang a paud, ap ale amen, a kin kamal.
13 And thei brouyten to hym litle children, that he schulde touche hem; and the disciplis threteneden the men, that brouyten hem.
Re ap poto dong re a kisin seri kai, pwen kotin sair ir. Tounpadak kan ap kapoui irail me wado ko.
14 And whanne Jhesus hadde seyn hem, he baar heuy, and seide to hem, Suffre ye litle children to come to me, and forbede ye hem not, for of suche is the kyngdom of God.
Ni en Iesus a kotin masani, a ap kotin suede kida, ap masani ong irail: Mueid ong kisin seri akan, en ko dong re i. Der kalik irail edi! Pwe iei song en, me udan wein Kot.
15 Treuli Y seie to you, who euer resseyueth not the kyngdom of God as a litil child, he schal not entre in to it.
Melel I indai ong komail, meamen, me sota ale wein Kot rasong kisin seri men, a sota pan pedelong ong lole.
16 And he biclippide hem, and leide hise hondis on hem, and blisside hem.
A kotin palo irail edi, pwil po’rail lim a ko, kapai irail ada.
17 And whanne Jhesus was gon out in the weie, a man ranne bifore, and knelide bifor hym, and preiede hym, and seide, Good maister, what schal Y do, that Y resseyue euerlastynge lijf? (aiōnios g166)
Ni a kotiieilang nani al o, meamen ap tang dong i, kelepukedi, kalelapok re a: Saunpadak mau, da me i en wia, pwe i en soki maur soutuk? (aiōnios g166)
18 And Jhesus seide to hym, What seist thou, that Y am good? Ther is no man good, but God hym silf.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong i: Da me koe indaki, me I mau? Sota meamen me mau, Kot eta.
19 Thou knowist the comaundementis, do thou noon auowtrie, `sle not, stele not, seie not fals witnessyng, do no fraude, worschipe thi fadir and thi modir.
Koe kin asa kusoned akan: Koe der kamal! Koe der kamela! Koe der pirap! Koe der kinakine mal! Koe der morsued! Wauneki sam om o in om!
20 And he answeride, and seide to hym, Maister, Y haue kept alle these thingis fro my yongthe.
A ap sapeng potoan ong i: Saunpadak, mepukat i kin wiawiada sang ni ai tikitik kokodo.
21 And Jhesus bihelde hym, and louede hym, and seide to hym, O thing faileth to thee; go thou, and sille alle thingis that thou hast, and yyue to pore men, and thou schalt haue tresoure in heuene; and come, sue thou me.
Iesus ap kotin mamasani i o kupura, ap masani ong i: Me takis me lua, kowei, netikila meakaros, me koe aneki, ki ong me samama kan; om pai ap pan mi nanlang; ap kodo, ale om lopu idauen ia!
22 And he was ful sori in the word, and wente awei mornyng, for he hadde many possessiouns.
I ari patau kila masan pot et, kokola insensued, pwe a kapwa me toto.
23 And Jhesus bihelde aboute, and seide to hise disciplis, Hou hard thei that han ritchessis schulen entre in to the kyngdom of God.
Iesus ap kotin aupwili sili, ap masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Meid apwal ong me kapwapwa, en pedelong ong nan wein Kot.
24 And the disciplis weren astonyed in hise wordis. And Jhesus eftsoone answeride, and seide `to hem, Ye litle children, hou hard it is for men that tristen in ritchessis to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
Tounpadak kan ap puriamui kila a masan oko. Iesus ap pil kotin sapeng masani ong irail: Seri ko! Meid apwal ong irail, me keleki kapwa, en pedelong ong nan wein Kot.
25 It is liyter a camele to passe thorou a nedlis iye, than a riche man to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
Me mangai ong kamel en tilong nan por en dikok, sang me kapwapwa en ko ong nan wein Kot.
26 And thei wondriden more, and seiden among hem silf, And who may be sauyd?
Irail ari waponda kaualap, indinda nan pung arail: A is me kak kamaurela?
27 And Jhesus bihelde hem, and seide, Anentis men it is impossible, but not anentis God; for alle thingis ben possible anentis God.
Iesus ap kotin mamasani wong irail masani: A so kak pan aramas, a kaidin pan Kot; pwe ren Kot meakaros me kak.
28 And Petir bigan to seie to hym, Lo! we han left alle thingis, and han sued thee.
Petrus ap tapiada potoan ong: Re masani, se likidmaliela meakaros, ap idedauen komui sili.
29 Jhesus answeride, and seide, Treuli Y seie to you, ther is no man that leeueth hous, or britheren, or sistris, or fadir, or modir, or children, or feeldis for me and for the gospel,
Iesus ap kotin sapeng masani! Melel I indai ong komail: Sota meamen, me likidmaliela im, de ri a ol, de li akan, de sam, de in, de a paud, de seri ko, de sap pweki ngai o rongamau,
30 which schal not take an hundrid fold so myche now in this tyme, housis, and britheren, and sistris, and modris, and children, and feeldis, with persecuciouns, and in the world to comynge euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Me so pan id aneki pan me epuki ansau wet im, o ri a ol, o li akan, o nono, o seriko, o sap, iangaki kamekam, o maur soutuk nan muei kokodo. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 But many schulen be, the firste the last, and the last the firste.
A me toto men moa, pan men murla, o men mur pan moala.
32 And thei weren in the weie goynge vp to Jerusalem; and Jhesus wente bifor hem, and thei wondriden, and foleweden, and dredden. And eftsoone Jhesus took the twelue, and bigan to seie to hem, what thingis weren to come to hym.
Ni arail kotikot kodalang Ierusalem, Iesus me kotin tiong mo’rail; a irail puriamui kila, idedauen wapon. A ap kotin ale ekriamen oko, ap kotin tapiada masani ong irail, me pan wiaui ong i ko:
33 For lo! we stien to Jerusalem, and mannus sone schal be bitraied to the princis of prestis, and to scribis, and to the eldre men; and thei schulen dampne hym bi deth, and thei schulen take hym to hethene men. And thei schulen scorne hym,
Kilang, kitail kodalang Ierusalem. Nain aramas pan pangalang samero lapalap o saunkawewe kan; re ap pan kadeikada, en kamela, ap id kilang ren me kisan men liki kan.
34 and bispete hym, and bete him; and thei schulen sle hym, and in the thridde dai he schal rise ayen.
Re ap pan kapikapit i, o woki, o kondipi, o kamela. A ap pan maureda murin ran silu.
35 And James and Joon, Zebedees sones, camen to hym, and seiden, Maister, we wolen, that what euer we axen, thou do to vs.
Iakopus i Ioanes nain Sepedäus akan potodo, potoan ong i: Saunpadak, se men, komui en kotin wiai ong kit meakot, me se mauki.
36 And he seide to hem, What wolen ye that Y do to you?
A ap kotin masani ong ira: Da me koma mauki, I en wiai ong koma?
37 And thei seiden, Graunte to vs, that we sitten `the toon at thi riythalf, and the tother at thi left half, in thi glorie.
Ira ap potoan ong i: Re kotin mueid ong kit, amen kit en mod pali maun omui, a amen pali maing nan omui lingan.
38 And Jhesus seide to hem, Ye witen not what ye axen; moun ye drynke the cuppe, which Y schal drynke, or be waischun with the baptym, in which Y am baptisid?
A Iesus kotin masani ong ira: Koma sasa, me koma poekipoeki en. Koma pan kak nim dal, me I nim, de paptaiseki paptais me I paptaiseki?
39 And thei seiden to hym, We moun. And Jhesus seide to hem, Ye schulen drynke the cuppe that Y drynke, and ye schulen be waschun with the baptym, in which Y am baptisid;
Ira ap potoan ong i: Se kak. Iesus ap kotin masani ong ira: Ei, koma pan nim dal me I nim, o paptaiseki paptais, me I paptaiseki.
40 but to sitte at my riythalf or lefthalf is not myn to yyue to you, but to whiche it is maad redi.
A mod pali maun i o pali maing i, I sota kak mueid ong; pwe ong irail eta, me a onop ong.
41 And the ten herden, and bigunnen to haue indignacioun of James and Joon.
Ni en ek oko ar rongada, re ap suedekida Iakopus i Ioanes.
42 But Jhesus clepide hem, and seide to hem, Ye witen, that thei that semen to haue prynshode of folkis, ben lordis of hem, and the princes of hem han power of hem.
Iesus lao molipe ir do, ap kotin masani ong irail: Komail asa duen saupeidi en wei pokon ar kin poe irail edi o ar saumas akan kin manaman ong ir.
43 But it is not so among you, but who euer wole be maad gretter, schal be youre mynyster;
Ari, due met sota pan wiaui nan pung omail. A me men laud nan pung omail, a en omail papa.
44 and who euer wole be the firste among you, schal be seruaunt of alle.
Meamen re omail, me men saumas, en ladu en karusia.
45 For whi mannus sone cam not, that it schulde be mynystrid to hym, but that he schulde mynystre, and yyue his lijf ayenbiyng for manye.
Pwe pil Nain aramas sota kotido, pwe en papa i, a pwen papa ong irail, kida maur i wiliandi me toto.
46 And thei camen to Jerico; and whanne he yede forth fro Jerico, and hise disciplis, and a ful myche puple, Barthymeus, a blynde man, the sone of Thimei, sat bisidis the weie, and beggide.
Irail ap ko dong Ieriko. Ari, ni i o sapwilim a tounpadak kan o pokon kalaimun kotiiei sang Ieriko, Partimäus maskun, nain Timäus, momod liman al o, wia poekipoek.
47 And whanne he herde, that it is Jhesus of Nazareth, he bigan to crie, and seie, Jhesu, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me.
A ni a rongada, me iei Iesus en Nasaret, a ap weriwer indada: Iesus, sapwilim en Dawid, kupura ia!
48 And manye thretneden hym, that he schulde be stille; and he criede myche the more, Jhesu, the sone of Dauid, haue merci on me.
Me toto ap kidaue, pwen nenenla. Ari, a ap kalaudela a weriwer: Sapwilim en Dawid kupura ia!
49 And Jhesus stood, and comaundide hym to be clepid; and thei clepen the blynde man, and seien to hym, Be thou of betere herte, rise vp, he clepith thee.
Iesus ari kotin udi, masani en peekek kodo. Ir ari ekeredo ol maskun o indai ong i: Insenemau, uda! A kotin molipe uk!
50 And he castide awei his cloth, and skippide, and cam to hym.
I ari kasela a likau madang uda ap poto dong Iesus.
51 And Jhesus answeride, and seide to hym, What wolt thou, that Y schal do to thee? The blynde man seide to hym, Maister, that Y se.
Iesus ap kotin sapeng masani ong i: Da me koe mauki, I en wiai ong uk? Me maskun o ap potoan ong: Rapuni, i men potoan kilang wasa.
52 Jhesus seide to hym, Go thou, thi feith hath maad thee saaf. And anoon he saye, and suede hym in the weie.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong i: Ukewei! Om poson me kakelail uk ada. I ari madang kilangada wasa, ap idauen la Iesus.

< Mark 10 >