< Luke 17 >

1 And Jhesu seide to hise disciplis, It is impossible that sclaundris come not; but wo to that man, bi whom thei comen.
A KOTIN masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Nan a sota kak, men kamakar kan en so pwaida, a suedi ong me kokido.
2 It is more profitable to him, if a mylne stoon be put aboute his necke, and he be cast in to the see, than that he sclaundre oon of these litle.
A mau ong, takai en ir plaua eu en paudoki ong ni tapin wor a, ap lokidokila nan madau, sang a kamakar amen tikitik pukat.
3 Take ye hede you silf; if thi brothir hath synned ayens thee, blame hym; and if he do penaunce, foryyue hym.
Kalaka pein komail! Ma ri om ol wia dipi ong uk, en kapung ong i, a ma a pan kalukila, maki ong i.
4 And if seuene sithis in the dai he do synne ayens thee, and seuene sithis in the dai he be conuertid to thee, and seie, It forthenkith me, foryyue thou hym.
A ma a wia dipi ong uk pan isepak ni ran eu o pure dong uk pan isepak indada: I kalula, koe en maki ong i!
5 And the apostlis seiden to the Lord, Encrese to vs feith.
A wanporon akan potoan ong Kaun o: Re kotin kalaudela at poson!
6 And the Lord seide, If ye han feith as the corn of seneuei, ye schulen seie to this more tre, Be thou drawun vp bi the rote, and be ouerplauntid in to the see, and it schal obeie to you.
A Kaun o kotin masani: Ma omail poson laudi ong wan katiring, komail pan kak indai ong tuka pik pot et: Kaisang, kasau ong nan madau, a pan oke komail.
7 But who of you hath a seruaunt erynge, or lesewynge oxis, which seith to hym, whanne he turneth ayen fro the feeld, Anoon go, and sitte to mete;
A is re omail, me a ladu men, me kin matimat o kamakamanga man akan, pan indang i ni a puredo sang matuel o: Madang kodo mondi o manga?
8 and seith not to hym, Make redi, that Y soupe, and girde thee, and serue me, while Y ete and drynke, and aftir this thou schalt ete and drynke;
A sota pan indang i: Kaonopada me i pan manga nin sautik o, kaiada om likau, papa ia, lao i mangaer o nim, a muri koe pan manga o nim.
9 whether he hath grace to that seruaunt, for he dide that that he comaundide hym?
De a pan danke ladu pweki a wiada, me a masani ong i? I lamelam so.
10 Nay, Y gesse. So ye, whanne ye han don alle thingis that ben comaundid to you, seie ye, We ben vnprofitable seruauntis, we han do that that we ouyten to do.
Pil dueta komail, komail, lao wiadar meakan me kakaliki ong komail er, komail ap pan inda: Kit ladu mal, pwe i eta, me se wiadar, me kakalik ong kit er.
11 And it was do, the while Jhesus wente in to Jerusalem, he passide thorou the myddis of Samarie, and Galilee.
Kadekadeo ni a kotilang Ierusalem, a kotin weid nan wein Samaria o Kaliläa.
12 And whanne he entride in to a castel, ten leprouse men camen ayens hym, whiche stoden afer,
O ni a kotin kotilong ong nan kisin kanim eu, ol tuketuk ek tu ong i, me udi ong kaila wei.
13 and reiseden her voys, and seiden, Jhesu, comaundoure, haue merci on vs.
Irail ngil laudeda indada: Maing Iesus, kupurai kit!
14 And as he say hem, he seide, Go ye, `schewe ye you to the prestis. And it was don, the while thei wenten, thei weren clensid.
A lao kotin masanier, ap masani ong irail: Komail koieila kasansale ong pein komail ong samero kan. Kadekadeo ni arail kokola irail kelailada.
15 And oon of hem, as he saiy that he was clensid, wente ayen, magnifiynge God with grete vois.
A amen irail ni a kilanger me a kelailadar, ap puredo ngil laudeda, kapikapinga Kot.
16 And he fel doun on the face bifore hise feet, and dide thankyngis; and this was a Samaritan.
O poridi sang aluwilu a, danke i; ari, i men Samaria men.
17 And Jhesus answerde, and seide, Whether ten ben not clensid, and where ben the nyne?
Iesus kotin sapeng masani: Kaidin me ek, me kelailadar, a ia me duemen oko?
18 There is noon foundun, that turnede ayen, and yaf glorie to God, but this alien.
Sota me pure dong kapinga Kot, ol en liki men et eta?
19 And he seide to hym, Rise vp, go thou; for thi feith hath maad thee saaf.
A masani ong i: Uda ko wei, om poson me kakel uk ada!
20 And he was axid of Farisees, whanne the rewme of God cometh. And he answerde to hem, and seide, The rewme of God cometh not with aspiyng,
Parisär akai lao kalelapok re a: Dokan da me wein Kot pan pwaida? A kotin sapeng masani: Nan wein Kot sota kin sansal kokodo.
21 nether thei schulen seie, Lo! here, or lo there; for lo! the rewme of God is with ynne you.
Irail sota pan indada: Kilang met, de kilang monen, pwe kilang, wein Kot mi lol omail.
22 And he seide to hise disciplis, Daies schulen come, whanne ye schulen desire to se o dai of mannus sone, and ye schulen not se.
A kotin masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Ran oko pan kodo, me komail pan men kilangada ran eu en Nain aramas, a komail sota pan kak kilang.
23 And thei schulen seie to you, Lo! here, and lo there. Nyle ye go, nether sue ye;
Irail pan indai ong komail: Kilang monen, de kilang met! A der kola o der idauen ir ala!
24 for as leyt schynynge from vndur heuene schyneth in to tho thingis that ben vndur heuene, so schal mannus sone be in his dai.
Pwe duen liol kin lingaling sang apali en lang lel pali teio en lang, iduen Nain aramas ni a ran o.
25 But first it bihoueth hym to suffre many thingis, and to be repreued of this generacioun.
A mas a pan kalokolok toto o lokidokila ren di wet.
26 And as it was doon in the daies of Noe, so it schal be in the daies of mannys sone.
O duen a wiaui ni muein Noa, iduen a pan wiaui ni ran oko en Nain aramas:
27 Thei eeten and drunkun, weddiden wyues, and weren youun to weddyngis, til in to the dai in the whych Noe entride in to the schip; and the greet flood cam, and loste alle.
Irail manga, irail nim, irail papaud, irail kapapaud, lao lel ran en Noa a pedelong ong nan war im o, o nolik pwaida kamom ir ala karos.
28 Also as it was don in the daies of Loth, thei eeten and drunkun, bouyten and seelden, plauntiden and bildiden; but the dai that Loth wente out of Sodome,
Pil dueta ni muein Lot: Irail manga, irail nim, irail netinet, irail sapasap, irail kauadar im,
29 the Lord reynede fier and brymstoon fro heuene, and loste alle.
A ni ran o, me Lot koiei sang Sodom, kisiniai o swepel ap moredi sang nanlang, kame ir ala karos.
30 Lijk this thing it schal be, in what dai mannys sone schal be schewid.
Nan iduen a pan wiaui ni ran, me Nain aramas pan sansaledo.
31 In that our he that is in the roof, and his vessels in the hous, come he not doun to take hem awei; and he that schal be in the feeld, also turne not ayen bihynde.
Ni ran o meamen mi pon im, o a kapwa mi nan im, a ender kodi ong ale. O pil dueta me mimi nan sap, i ender puredo.
32 Be ye myndeful of the wijf of Loth.
Tamatamanda en Lot a paud!
33 Who euer seketh to make his lijf saaf, schal leese it; and who euer leesith it, schal quykene it.
Pwe meamen kanakanai ong maur a, pan pupe sang, a me pan kasela, nan i me pan maureta.
34 But Y seie to you, in that nyyt twei schulen be in o bed, oon schal be takun, and the tothir forsakun;
I indai ong komail, ni pong ota ol riamen pan wonon pon pet eu, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
35 twei wymmen schulen be gryndynge togidir, `the toon schal be takun, and `the tother forsakun; twei in a feeld, `the toon schal be takun, and `the tother left.
Li riamen pan iris pena plaua, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
36 Thei answeren, and seien to hym, Where, Lord?
Ol riamen pan mi nan sap, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
37 Which seide to hym, Where euer the bodi schal be, thidur schulen be gaderid togidere also the eglis.
Irail sapeng potoan ong i: Ia Maing? A kotin masani ong irail: Wasa me man mat mi ia, nan i wasa pwin ikel pan pil pokon pena ia.

< Luke 17 >