< John 4 >

1 Therfor as Jhesu knew, that the Farisees herden, that Jhesu makith and baptisith mo disciplis than Joon,
KAUN lao kotin mangi, me Parisär akan rongadar, me Iesus kin wiada tounpadak kan o paptais toto sang Ioanes,
2 thouy Jhesus baptiside not, but hise disciplis, he lefte Judee,
Ari, pwe sota me pein Iesus kotin paptais, sapwilim a tounpadak kan ta,
3 and wente ayen in to Galilee.
Ap kotila sang Iudäa, kotin purelang Kaliläa.
4 And it bihofte hym to passe bi Samarie.
A a kotin weid nan wein Samaria.
5 Therfor Jhesus cam in to a citee of Samarie, that is seid Sicar, bisidis the place, that Jacob yaf to Joseph, his sone.
I ap kotilang kanim en Samaria eu, me adaneki Sikar, koren iong sap, me Iakop ki ong na ol Iosep.
6 And the welle of Jacob was there; and Jhesus was weri of the iourney, and sat thus vpon the welle. And the our was, as it were the sixte.
Iei wasa en Iakop a parer eu mia. Iesus ari ngirekila a sapasapal, ap kaipokedi pon parer o, ari mepukat wiauier impan auer kawonu.
7 And a womman cam fro Samarie, to drawe watir. And Jhesus seith to hir, Yyue me drynk.
A li en Samaria amen ap kodon idip pil ia. Iesus kotin masani ong i: Kido lim ai kis pil en!
8 And hise disciplis weren gon in to the citee, to bie mete.
Pwe sapwilim a tounpadak kan ko ong nan kanim, pan netiada sak arail.
9 Therfor thilke womman of Samarie seith to him, Hou thou, `whanne thou art a Jewe, axist of me drynk, that am a womman of Samarie? for Jewis vsiden not to dele with Samaritans.
Li en Samaria ap indang i: Iaduen, komui kisan men Sus, ap poeki pil re i? Pwe ngai li en Samaria amen, pwe Sus akan sota kin waroki ong men Samaria.
10 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hir, If thou wistist the yifte of God, and who `he is, that seith to thee, Yyue me drynk, thou perauenture woldist haue axid of hym, and he schulde haue youun to thee quyk watir.
Iesus kotin sapeng masani ong i: Ma koe asa duen kisakis sang ren Kot o is i, me indang uk: Kido lim ai kis pil en, koe pan poeki re a, a ap pan ki ong uk pil memaur.
11 The womman seith to him, Sire, thou hast not where ynne to drawe, and the pit is deep; wherof thanne hast thou quik watir?
Li o indang i: Maing, sota sapwilim omui men idip pil, a parer me lol, a ia wasa, kom pan idip sang ia pil memaur?
12 Whethir thou art grettere than oure fadir Jacob, that yaf to vs the pit? and he drank therof, and hise sones, and hise beestis.
De komui lapa sang sam at Iakop, me kotiki ong kit er parer en, o pein nima sang, o na kan, o na man akan?
13 Jhesus answerde, and seide to hir, Eche man that drynkith of this watir, schal thirste efte soone;
Iesus kotin sapeng masani ong i: Karos, me nima sang pil wet, pan pur ong men nim pilada.
14 but he that drynkith of the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal not thirste with outen ende; but the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal be maad in hym a welle `of watir, spryngynge vp in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
A meamen, me nima sang pil, me I ki ong i, pan solar men nim pilada kokolata, pwe pil, me I kin ki ong, pan pot loli kusukusudang maur soutuk. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
15 The womman seith to hym, Sire, yyue me this watir, that Y thirste not, nether come hidur to drawe.
Li o ap indai ong i: Maing, kom kotiki ong ia kisan pil o, pwe i en solar men nim pil, o solar kodo o idipa sang met!
16 Jhesus seith to hir, Go, clepe thin hosebonde, and come hidir.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: Kowei ukedo om paud!
17 The womman answerde, and seide, Y haue noon hosebonde. Jhesus seith to hir, Thou seidist wel, That Y haue noon hosebonde;
Li o sapeng indada: Sota ai paud. Iesus kotin masani ong i: Melel om lokaia: Sota ai paud.
18 for thou hast hadde fyue hosebondis, and he that thou hast, is not thin hosebonde. This thing thou seidist sotheli.
Pwe om paud me limen mas kokodo, a kaidik om paud, me koe paudeki met; iei melel, me koe indada.
19 The womman seith to hym, Lord, Y se, that thou art a prophete.
Li o indang i: Maing, i ap asaer, me saukop amen komui.
20 Oure fadris worschipiden in this hil, and ye seien, that at Jerusalem is a place, where it bihoueth to worschipe.
Sam at akan kaukaudok pon nana wet, a komail kin inda dene Ierusalem eta wasa me aramas en kaudok ia.
21 Jhesus seith to hir, Womman, bileue thou to me, for the our schal come, whanne nether in this hil, nethir in Jerusalem, ye schulen worschipe the fadir.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: Li, kamelele ia, a korendor ansaun omail pan solar kaukaudok ong Sam pon nana wet, pil sota Ierusalem.
22 Ye worschipen that ye knowen not; we worschipen that that we knowen; for helthe is of the Jewis.
Komail kin sasa, me komail kin kaukaudok ong. A kit asa, me se kaukaudok ong, pwe kamaur pwarado sang ren men Sus akan.
23 But the tyme is comun, and now it is, whanne trewe worschiperis schulen worschipe the fadir in spirit and treuthe; for also the fadir sekith suche, that worschipen hym.
A ansau korendor, ari a leler, me toun kaudok melel akan pan kaudok ong Sam ni Ngen o melel, pwe iei ta song en toun kaudok kan, me Sam pil kotin kupura.
24 God is a spirit, and it bihoueth hem that worschipen hym, to worschipe in spirit and treuthe.
Ngen eu Kot, a me kaudok ong i, ren kaudokki Ngen o melel.
25 The womman seith to hym, Y woot that Messias is comun, that is seid Crist; therfor whanne he cometh, he schal telle vs alle thingis.
Li indai ong i: I asa, me Mesias pan kotido, me maraneki Kristus. I lao kotido, a pan katiti ong kit meakaros.
26 Jhesus seith to hir, Y am he, that spekith with thee.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: Ngai i, me lokelokaia ong uk.
27 And anoon hise disciplis camen, and wondriden, that he spak with the womman; netheles no man seide to hym, What sekist thou, or, What spekist thou with hir?
A sapwilim a tounpadak kan ap purodo, puriamui a masan ong li amen. Ari so, sota me indada: Da me re kotin kainoma, de da me re kotin mamasani ong i?
28 Therfor the womman lefte hir watir pot, and wente in to the citee, and seide to tho men,
Li o ap pwilikidi potel en pil o, ap koieilang kanim o kasoi ong aramas akan:
29 Come ye, and se ye a man, that seide to me alle thingis that Y haue don; whether he be Crist?
Kodo, kilang aramas amen, me kasale ong ia karos, me i wiadar, ma i kaidin Kristus?
30 And thei wenten out of the citee, and camen to hym.
Rap koieila sang nan kanim o potodo re a.
31 In the mene while hise disciplis preieden hym, and seiden, Maistir, ete.
Ni ansau ota sapwilim a tounpadak kan poeki re a, potoan ong: Rapi, re kotin konot!
32 But he seide to hem, Y haue mete to ete, that ye knowen not.
A kotin masani ong irail: Kan ai kisin manga mia, me komail sasa.
33 Therfor disciplis seiden togidir, Whether ony man hath brouyt him mete to ete?
Tounpadak kan ap kasokasoi nan pung arail: Muein amen wa dong i sak.
34 Jhesus seith to hem, My mete is, that Y do the wille of hym that sente me, that Y perfourme the werk of hym.
Iesus kotin masani ong irail: Wiawia kupur en me kadar ia do, o kapwaiada sapwilim a dodok, iei kan ai,
35 Whether ye seien not, that yit foure monethis ben, and rype corn cometh? Lo! Y seie to you, lifte vp youre iyen, and se ye the feeldis, for now thei ben white to repe.
Komail sota kin indada: Saunipong paieu mi mon rak? Kilan, I indai ong komail, sarada, kilang matuel o pwe a malar.
36 And he that repith takith hire, and gaderith fruyt in to euerlastynge lijf; that bothe he that sowith, and he that repith, haue ioye togidere. (aiōnios g166)
Me dolung kin pwaipwai o nanak ong maur soutuk, pwe ira karos, me kamorok o me dolung en peren pena. (aiōnios g166)
37 In this thing is the word trewe, for anothir is that sowith, and anothir that repith.
Pwe ni mepukat kasoi o pwaidar: Amen me kin kamokamorok, a amen me kin dolung.
38 Y sente you to repe, that that ye `haue not trauelid; `othere men han trauelid, and ye han entrid `in to her trauels.
I kadar komail wei, en dolung pena, me komail so doke, Akai me dodoker, a komail me id aneki arail rak.
39 And of that citee many Samaritans bileueden in hym, for the word of the womman, that bare witnessyng, That he seide to me alle thingis that Y haue don.
Men Samaria toto kisan kanim o posonla i pweki kasoi en li o, me kadede: A kotin kasale ong ia karos, me i wiadar.
40 Therfor whanne Samaritans camen to hym, thei preieden hym to dwelle there; and he dwelte there twey daies.
Men Samaria kan lao pokon dong i, rap poeki re a, en kotikot re’rail. I ari kotikot ia pong ria pong.
41 And many mo bileueden for his word,
A me toto me posonlar pweki a masan,
42 and seiden to the womman, That now not for thi speche we bileuen; for we han herd, and we witen, that this is verili the sauyour of the world.
Ap indang li o: Se poson kila kaidin om kasoi, pwe se pein rongadar o weweki, me i melel Saunkamaur pan sappa.
43 And aftir twei daies he wente out fro thennus, and wente in to Galilee.
Murin ran riau Iesus kotila sang wasa o, kotilang Kaliläa.
44 And he bar witnessyng, that a profete in his owne cuntre hath noon onour.
Pwe pein Iesus kotin kadedeki, me saukop amen sota kin mau nan udan sap we.
45 Therfor whanne he cam in to Galilee, men of Galilee resseyueden hym, whanne thei hadden seyn alle thingis that he hadde don in Jerusalem in the feeste dai; for also thei hadden comun to the feeste dai.
A lao kotilang Kaliläa, men Kaliläa me kasamo i, pwe re iang kilanger me a kotin wiadar Ierusalem ni kamadip o, pwe re toun iang kamadip.
46 Therfor he cam eftsoone in to the Cane of Galile, where he made the watir wiyn. And `a litil kyng was, whos sone was sijk at Cafarnaum.
Iesus ari kotin pure dong Kana nan Kaliläa, wasa a kotin kapikila pil wain. A monsap amen mia, me na ol somau nan Kapernaum.
47 Whanne this hadde herd, that Jhesu schulde come fro Judee in to Galilee, he wente to hym, and preiede hym, that he schulde come doun, and heele his sone; for he bigan to die.
A lao rongadar, me Iesus koti dong Kaliläa sang Iudäa, ap poto dong re a, poeki i en kotidi, kakelada na ol, pwe a koren iong mela.
48 Therfor Jhesus seide to him, But ye se tokenes and grete wondris, ye bileuen not.
Iesus ap kotin masani ong i: Ma komail so kilang kilel o manaman akan komail sota pan poson.
49 The litil kyng seith to hym, Lord, come doun, bifor that my sone die.
Monsap potoan ong i: Maing kotidi mon nai seri mela!
50 Jhesus seith to hym, Go, thi sone lyueth. The man bileuede to the word, that Jhesus seide to hym, and he wente.
Iesus kotin masani ong i: U kowei, noum ol memaur. Ari aramas o poson masan o, me Iesus kotin masani ong i ap koieila.
51 And now whanne he cam doun, the seruauntis camen ayens hym, and telden to hym, and seiden, That his sone lyuede.
A ni a kodila, a ladu kan me tu ong i, kasoi ong i, me na putak mauredar.
52 And he axide of hem the our, in which he was amendid. And thei seiden to hym, For yistirdai in the seuenthe our the feuer lefte him.
I ap kalelapok re’rail: Ansau da me a pikikidi maur? Irail indang i: Aio ni auer kaisu karakar ko sanger.
53 Therfor the fadir knewe, that thilke our it was, in which Jhesus seide to hym, Thi sone lyueth; and he bileuede, and al his hous.
Sam o ap asadar, me i ansau, me Iesus kotin masani ong i: Noum ol memaur. I ari o na kan me posonla i.
54 Jhesus dide eft this secounde tokene, whanne he cam fro Judee in to Galilee.
Iet kilel kariau, me Iesus kotin wiadar ni a koti dong Kaliläa sang Iudäa.

< John 4 >