< Romans 8 >

1 Ther is then no damnacion to them which are in Christ Iesu which walke not after ye flesshe: but after ye sprete.
Xulasilisaq, Mesih Eysada bolghanlar gunahning jazasigha mehkum bolmaydu.
2 For the lawe of the sprete yt bringeth life thorowe Iesus Christ hath delivered me fro the lawe of synne and deeth.
Chünki Mesih Eysada bolghan hayatliqni bexsh étidighan Rohning qanuniyiti ademni gunahqa we ölümge élip baridighan qanuniyettin silerni xalas qildi.
3 For what the lawe coulde not doo in as moche it was weake because of the flesshe: that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of synfull flesshe and by synne daned synne in ye flesshe:
Chünki [gunahliq] et élip kélidighan ajizliq tüpeylidin Tewrat qanuni qilalmighanni Xudaning Özi [qildi]; U Öz Oghlini gunahkar etlik qiyapette gunahni bir terep qilishqa ewetip, ettiki mewjut gunahni [ölümge] mehkum qiliwetti;
4 that the rightewesnes requyred of the lawe myght be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesshe but after the sprete.
buning bilen [muqeddes] qanunning heqqaniy telipi etke egeshmeydighan, belki Rohqa egiship mangidighan bizlerde emelge ashurulidu.
5 For they that are carnall are carnally mynded. But they that are spirituall are gostly mynded.
Chünki etke boysunidighanlar etke xas ishlarning oyida yüridu; Muqeddes Rohqa boysunidighanlar bolsa, shu Rohqa ait ishlarning oyida yüridu.
6 To be carnally mynded is deeth. But to be spiritually mynded is lyfe and peace.
Ettiki oy-niyetler ademni ölümge élip baridu; Muqeddes Rohqa ait oy-niyetler hayatliq we xatirjem-amanliqtur;
7 Because that the flesshly mynde is emnyte agaynst God: for it is not obedient to the lawe of God nether can be.
chünki ettiki oy-niyetler Xudagha düshmenliktur; chünki et Xudaning qanunigha boysunmaydu hem hetta uninggha boysunushi mumkin emes;
8 So then they yt are geven to the flesshe canot please God.
ette bolghanlar Xudani xursen qilalmaydu.
9 But ye are not geven to the flesshe but to the sprete: yf so be that ye sprite of God dwell in you. If ther be eny man yt hath not ye sprite of Christ ye same is none of his.
Emma silerge kelsek, peqet Xudaning Rohi derweqe ichinglarda yashawatqan bolsa, siler ette emes, belki Rohta yashaysiler. Emma Mesihning Rohigha ige bolmighan adem bolsa, u Mesihke mensuplardin emes.
10 Yf Christ be in you the body is deed because of synne: but the sprite is lyfe for rightewesnes sake.
Lékin Mesih qelbinglarda bolsa, téninglar gunah tüpeylidin ölümning ilkide bolsimu, heqqaniyliq tüpeylidin rohinglar hayattur.
11 Wherfore if the sprite of him that raysed vppe Iesus fro deeth dwell in you: even he that raysed vp Christ from deeth shall quycken youre mortall bodyes because that this sprite dwelleth in you.
Halbuki, ölgen Eysani ölümdin Tirildürgüchining Özidiki Roh silerde yashisa, Mesihni ölümdin tirildürgüchi qelbinglarda yashawatqan Rohi arqiliq ölidighan téninglarnimu hayati küchke ige qilidu.
12 Therfore brethren we are nowe detters not to the flesshe to live after the flesshe.
Shuning üchün, qérindashlar, biz etke qerzdar emes, yeni uninggha egiship yashashqa qerzdar emesmiz.
13 For if ye live after the flesshe ye must dye. But yf ye mortifie the dedes of the body by the helpe of the sprite ye shall lyve.
Chünki etke egiship yashisanglar, halak bolisiler; lékin Muqeddes Rohqa tayinip ettiki qilmishlarni ölümge mehkum qilsanglar, yashaysiler.
14 For as many as are led by the sprete of God: they are the sonnes of god.
Chünki kimlerki Xudaning Rohining yétekchilikide yashisa, shularning hemmisi Xudaning perzentliridur.
15 For ye have no receaved the sprete of bondage to feare eny moare but ye have receaved the sprite of adopcion wherby we crye Abba father.
Chünki siler qobul qilghan roh qulluqqa ait emes, shundaqla silerni qayta qorqunchqa salghuchi birxil roh emes, belki siler oghulluqqa élip baridighan Rohni qobul qilghansiler; U arqiliq «Abba, ata!» dep nida qilimiz.
16 The same sprete certifieth oure sprete yt we are the sonnes of God.
Roh bizning öz rohimiz bilen bille bizning Xudaning baliliri ikenlikimizge guwahliq béridu.
17 Yf we be sonnes we are also heyres the heyres I meane of God and heyres anexed with Christ: if so be that we suffer togedder that we maye be glorified to gedder.
Xudaning baliliri ikenmiz, emdi mirasxorlarmu bolimiz — Xudaning mirasxorliri hemde Mesih bilen teng mirasxor bolimiz — peqetla uning bilen teng azab-oqubet tartsaqla, uning bilen shan-shereptin teng behrimen bolimiz.
18 For I suppose that the affliccions of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory which shalbe shewed vpon vs.
Chünki men hazirqi azab-oqubetlerning kelgüside bizde ashkarilinidighan shan-shereplerge héch sélishturghuchiliqi yoq dep hésablaymen.
19 Also the fervent desyre of the creatures abideth lokynge when the sonnes of God shall appere
Chünki pütkül kainat Xudaning oghullirining ayan qilinishini intizarliq bilen kütmekte.
20 because the creatures are subdued to vanyte agaynst their will: but for his will which subdueth them in hope.
Chünki yaritilghan kainat [Xudaning] [leniti astida qélip], bimenilikke chöktürüldi. Bu, kainatning öz ixtiyari bilen emes, belki uni chöktürgüchining iradisi bilen boldi we shundaq ümidi bilen boldiki, kainat özimu chirishtin bolghan qulluqtin qutquzulup, Xudaning perzentlirige béghishlinidighan shan-sherepke tewe bolghan hörlükke érishtürülüshtin ibaret idi.
21 For ye very creatures shalbe delivered from the bondage of corrupcion into the glorious lybertie of the sonnes of God.
22 For we knowe that every creature groneth with vs also and travayleth in payne even vnto this tyme.
Chünki pütkül kainatning hazirghiche nale-peryad kötürüp, tughut tolghiqining azabini birlikte tartiwatqanliqini bilimiz.
23 Not they only but even we also which have the fyrst frutes of the sprite morne in oureselves and wayte for the (adopcio) and loke for the delivraunce of oure bodyes.
Yalghuz kainat emes, hetta bizmu, yeni [muqeddes] Rohning tunji chiqarghan méwisidin behrimen bolghan bizlermu dilimizda nale-peryad kötürmektimiz hemde [Xudaning] oghulliri süpitide qobul qilinishimizni, yeni ténimizning nijatning hörlükige chiqirilishini intizarliq bilen kütmektimiz.
24 For we are savyd by hope. But hope that is sene is no hope. For how can a ma hope for that which he seyth?
Biz ümidke baghlan’ghachqa tquzulghanikenmiz. Lékin ümid qilin’ghan nerse körülgen bolsa, u yene ümid bolamdu? Kimmu köz aldidiki nersini ümid qilsun?
25 But and yf we hope for that we se not then do we with pacience abyde for it.
Biraq, téxi körmiginimizge ümid baghlighanikenmiz, uni sewrchanliq bilen kütüshimiz kérektur.
26 Lyke wyse ye sprite also helpeth oure infirmities. For we knowe not what to desyre as we ought: but the sprete maketh intercession mightely for vs with gronynges which canot be expressid with tonge.
Shuningdek, insaniy ajizliqimizda [Muqeddes] Roh kélip bizge yardem qilidu; chünki qandaq dua qilishimiz kéreklikini bilmeymiz. Lékin Rohning Özi ipadiligüsiz nale-peryad bilen biz üchün [Xudaning aldida] turup dua-tilawet qilmaqta.
27 And he that searcheth the hertes knoweth what is ye meaninge of the sprite: for he maketh intercession for the sayntes accordinge to ye pleasure of god.
Insanlarning qelbini inchikilep közitip Qarighuchi bolsa, [Muqeddes] Rohning oy-niyetlirining néme ikenlikini bilidu; chünki U Xudaning iradisi boyiche muqeddes bendiliri üchün [Xudaning aldida] dua qilip ötünmekte.
28 For we knowe that all thinges worke for the best vnto them yt love God which also are called of purpose.
Shundaqla shuni bilimizki, pütkül ishlar Xudani söyidighanlarning, yeni uning meqset-muddiasi boyiche chaqirilghanlarning bext-berikitige birlikte xizmet qilmaqta.
29 For those which he knewe before he also ordeyned before yt they shuld be lyke fassioned vnto the shape of his sonne that he myght be ye fyrst begotten sonne amoge many brethren.
Chünki Xuda aldin könglige pükkenkishilerni, ularning kelgüside Öz Oghlining obrazigha oxshash bolidighinini, Oghlining nurghun qérindashliri arisidiki tunji oghli bolidighinini aldin belgiligen.
30 Morover which he apoynted before them he also called. And which he called them also he iustified which he iustified them he also glorified.
Aldin békitken kishilerni U chaqirdi, chaqirghan kishilerni U heqqaniy qildi; heqqaniy qilghanlargha U shan-sherep ata qildi.
31 What shall we then saye vnto these thinges? yf god be on oure syde: who can be agaynst vs?
Undaqta, bu ishlargha yene néme deyli? Xuda biz terepte turghaniken, kimmu bizge qarshi chiqalisun?!
32 which spared not his awne sonne but gave him for vs all: how shall he not wt him geve vs all thinges also?
Öz Oghlinimu ayimay, Uni hemmimiz üchün pida yoligha tapshurghan [Xuda], Uninggha qoshup hemmini bizge shertsiz ata qilmay qalarmu?
33 Who shall laye eny thinge to ye charge of goddes chosen? it is god that iustifieth:
Kimmu Xudaning tallighanliri üstidin shikayet qilalisun?! Xuda heqqaniy qilghan yerde,
34 who then shall condempne? it is Christ which is deed ye rather which is rysen agayne which is also on the ryght honde of God and maketh intercession for vs.
kimmu gunahqa mehkum qilalisun? Ölgen, shundaqla tirilgen we Xudaning ong yénida turuwatqan, hemde biz üchün [Xudaning aldida] turup dua-tilawet qiliwatqan Mesih shundaq qilarmu?!
35 Who shall seperate vs fro the love of god? shall tribulacion? or anguysshe? or persecucion? other honger? other nakednesse? other parell? other swearde?
Kim bizni Mesihning méhir-muhebbitidin ayriwételisun? Japa-musheqqetmu, derd-elemmu, ziyankeshlikmu, acharchiliqmu, yalingachliqmu, xéyim-xetermu yaki qilichmu?
36 As it is written: For thy sake are we kylled all daye longe and are counted as shepe apoynted to be slayne.
[Muqeddes yazmilarda] éytilghinidek: — «Séni dep kün boyi qirilmaqtimiz, Boghuzlinishni kütüp turghan qoylardek hésablanmaqtimiz».
37 Neverthelesse in all these thinges we overcome strongly thorow his helpe that loved vs.
Biraq bizni Söygüchige tayinip bularning hemmiside ghaliplarning ghalipi bolmaqtimiz;
38 Ye and I am sure that nether deeth nether lyfe nether angels nor rule nether power nether thinges present nether thinges to come
Shuninggha qet’iy qayil qilindimki, meyli ölüm bolsun hayatliq bolsun, perishtiler bolsun jin-sheytan hökümranlar bolsun, hazirqi ishlar yaki kelgüsidiki ishlar bolsun, herqandaq rohiy küchler bolsun,
39 nether heyth nether loweth nether eny other creature shalbe able to departe vs fro ye love of God shewed in Christ Iesu oure lorde.
pelek bolsun hang bolsun, shundaqla pütkül kainatta yaritilghan herqandaq bashqa bir shey’i bolsun, bizni Rebbimiz Mesih Eysada bolghan Xudaning méhir-muhebbitidin héchqachan ayriwetküchi bolalmaydu.

< Romans 8 >