< Romans 15 >

1 We which are stronge ought to beare the fraylnes of them which are weake and not to stonde in oure awne cosaytes.
Sasa sisi tulio na nguvu tunapaswa kuuchukua udhaifu wa walio dhaifu, na hatupaswi kujipendeza wenyewe.
2 Let every man please his neghbour vnto his welth and edyfyinge.
Kila mmoja wetu ampendeze jirani yake kwani ni jambo jema, kwa lengo la kumjenga.
3 For Christ pleased not him selfe: but as it is written. The rebukes of the which rebuked the fell one me.
Kwani hata Kristo hakujipendeza mwenyewe. Badala yake, ilikuwa kama ilivyoandikwa, “Matusi ya wale waliokutukana yamenipata mimi.”
4 Whatsoever thinges are written afore tyme are written for oure learnynge that we thorow pacience and comforte of the scripture myght have hope.
Kwa chochote kilichotangulia kuandikwa, kiliandikwa kwa kutuelekeza, kwa kusudi kwamba kupitia uvumilivu na kupitia kutiwa moyo na maandiko tungekuwa na ujasiri.
5 The God of pacience and consolacion geve vnto every one of you that ye be lyke mynded one towardes another after the insample of Christ:
Sasa Mungu wa uvumilivu na wa kutia moyo awape kuwa na nia sawa kwa kila mmoja kulingana na Yesu Kristo.
6 that ye all agreynge together maye with one mouth prayse God the father of oure Lorde Iesus.
Aweze kufanya hivi kwa nia moja muweze kumsifu kwa kinywa kimoja Mungu na Baba wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
7 Wherfore receave ye one another as Christ receaved vs to the prayse of God.
Kwa hiyo mpokeeni kila mmoja, kama vile Kristo alivyowapokea, kwa utukufu wa Mungu.
8 And I saye that Iesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the trueth of god to conferme the promyses made vnto the fathers.
Kwani nasema kwamba Kristo amefanywa mtumishi wa tohara kwa niaba ya ukweli wa Mungu. Alifanya hivi ili kwamba aweze kuthibitisha ahadi zilizotolewa kwa mababa,
9 And let the gentyls prayse god for his mercy as it is written: For this cause I will prayse the amonge the gentyls and synge in thy name.
na kwa mataifa kumtukuza Mungu kwa neema yake. Kama ambavyo imeandikwa, “Kwa hiyo nitatoa sifa kwako miongoni mwa mataifa na kuimba sifa katika jina lako.”
10 And agayne he sayth: reioyse ye gentyles with his people.
Tena inasema, “Furahini, ninyi watu wa mataifa, pamoja na watu wake.”
11 And agayne prayse the Lorde all ye gentyls and laude him all nacions.
Na tena, “Msifuni Bwana, ninyi mataifa yote; acha watu wa mataifa yote wamsifu yeye.”
12 And in another place Esaias sayth: ther shalbe the rote of Iesse and he that shall ryse ro raygne over the gentyls: in him shall the gentyls trust.
Tena Isaya asema, “Kutakuwa na shina la Yese, na mmoja atakayeinuka kutawala juu ya mataifa. Mataifa watakuwa na tumaini katika yeye.”
13 The God of hope fyll you with all ioye and peace in belevynge: that ye maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holy goost.
Sasa Mungu wa tumaini awajaze na furaha yote na amani kwa kuamini, ili kwamba muweze kuzidi katika tumaini, kwa nguvu ya Roho Mtakatifu.
14 I my selfe am full certified of you my brethren that ye youre selves are full of goodnes and filled with all knowledge and are able to exhorte one another.
Mimi mwenyewe pia nimeshawishiwa nanyi, ndugu zangu. Nimeshawishiwa kwamba pia ninyi wenyewe mmejazwa na wema, mmejazwa na maarifa yote. Ninashawishiwa kwamba, ninyi mwaweza pia kuhimizana kila mmoja na mwenzake.
15 Neverthelesse brethren I have some what boldly written vnto you as one that putteth you in remembrauce thorow the grace that is geven me of God
Lakini ninaandika kwa ujasiri zaidi kwenu juu ya mambo fulani ili kuwakumbusha tena, sababu ya kipawa nilichopewa na Mungu.
16 that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amonge the gentyls and shuld minister the gladde tydynges of God that the gentyls myght be an acceptable offerynge sanctyfied by the holy goost.
Kipawa hiki kilikuwa kwamba niweze kuwa mtumishi wa Yesu Kristo aliyetumwa kwa mataifa, kujitoa kama kuhani wa injili ya Mungu. Ningeweza kufanya hivi ili kujitoa kwangu kwa mataifa kuwe kumekubaliwa, kumetengwa na Mungu kwa njia ya Roho Mtakatifu.
17 I have therfore wherof I maye reioyse in Christ Iesu in tho thinges which pertayne to God.
Hivyo furaha yangu iko katika Kristo Yesu na katika mambo ya Mungu.
18 For I dare not speake of eny of tho thinges which Christ hath not wrought by me to make the gentyls obedient with worde and dede
Kwani sitaweza kuthubutu kunena lolote isipokuwa kwamba Kristo amekamilisha kupitia kwangu utii wa mataifa. Haya mambo yametimizwa kwa neno na tendo,
19 in myghty signes and wonders by the power of the sprete of God: so that from Ierusalem and the costes rounde aboute vnto Illyricum I have fylled all countres with the gladde tydynges of Christ.
kwa nguvu za ishara na maajabu, na kwa nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu. Hii ilikuwa ili kwamba kutoka Yerusalem, na kuzungukia mbali kama Iliriko, niweze kuichukua nje kwa ukamilifu injili ya Kristo.
20 So have I enforsed my selfe to preache the gospell not where Christ was named lest I shuld have bylt on another mannes foundacion:
Kwa njia hii, nia yangu imekuwa kuitangaza injili, lakini si mahali Kristo anajulikana kwa jina, ili kwamba nisiweze kujenga juu ya msingi wa mtu mwingine.
21 but as it is written: To whom he was not spoken of they shall se: and they that hearde not shall vnderstonde.
Kama ilivyoandikwa: “Ambao kwa yeye hawana habari zake alikuja watamwona, na wale ambao hawakumsikia watamfahamu.”
22 For this cause I have bene ofte let to come vnto you:
Kwahiyo nilikuwa pia nimezuiliwa mara nyingi kuja kwenu.
23 but now seynge I have no moare to do in these countres and also have bene desyrous many yeares to come vnto you
Lakini sasa, sina tena sehemu yoyote katika mikoa hii, na nimekuwa nikitamani kwa miaka mingi kuja kwenu.
24 when I shall take my iorney into spayne I will come to you. I trust to se you in my iorney and to be brought on my waye thither warde by you after that I have somwhat enioyed you.
Hivyo mara zote nikienda Hispania, ninatumaini kuwaona nikipita, na kuweza kupelekwa njia yangu na ninyi, baada ya kuwa nimefurahia ushirika na ninyi kwa muda.
25 Now go I vnto Ierusalem and minister vnto the saynctes.
Lakini sasa ninakwenda Yerusalemu kuwahudumia waumini.
26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certayne distribucio vpo the poore saynctes which are at Ierusalem.
Maana iliwapendeza watu wa Makedonia na Akaya kufanya changizo maalumu kwa masikini miongoni mwa waumini huko Yerusalemu.
27 It hath pleased them verely and their detters are they. For yf the getils be made partetakers of their spirituall thinges their dutie is to minister vnto the in carnall thinges.
Ndiyo, ilikuwa kwa upendo wao, na hakika, wamekuwa wadeni wao. Maana ikiwa mataifa wameshiriki katika mambo yao ya kiroho, wanadaiwa na wao pia kuwahudumia katika mahitaji ya vitu.
28 When I have performed this and have brought them this frute sealed. I will come backe agayne by you into Spayne.
Kwahiyo, wakati nimekamilisha hivi na kuwa na utoshelevu wa tunda hili kwao, mimi nitakwenda njiani pamoja nanyi huko Hispania.
29 And I am sure when I come that I shall come with aboundaunce of the blessinge of the gospell of Christ.
Najua kwamba, wakati nikija kwenu, nitakuja katika utimilifu wa baraka za Kristo.
30 I beseche you brethre for oure Lorde Iesus Christes sake and for the love of the sprete that ye helpe me in my busynes with youre prayers to God for me
Sasa ninawasihi, ndugu, kwa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, na kwa upendo wa Roho, kwamba mshiriki pamoja nami katika maombi yenu kwa Mungu kwa ajili yangu.
31 that I maye be delyvered from them which beleve not in Iewry and that this my service which I have to Ierusalem maye be accepted of ye saynctes
Ombeni kwamba niweze kuokolewa kutoka kwao wasio na utii katika Yudea, na kwamba huduma yangu huko Yerusalemu iweze kupokelewa na waumini.
32 that I maye come vnto you with ioye by the will of God and maye with you be refresshed.
Ombeni kwamba ninaweza kuja kwenu kwa furaha kupitia mapenzi ya Mungu, na kwamba niweze kuwa pamoja nanyi, kupata kupumzika.
33 The God of peace be with you. Amen.
Na Mungu wa amani awe pamoja nanyi nyote. Amina

< Romans 15 >