< Revelation 9 >

1 And the fyfte angell blewe and I sawe a stare fall from heven vnto the erth. And to him was geven the kaye of the bottomlesse pytt. (Abyssos g12)
Kisha malaika wa tano alipiga tarumbeta yake. Niliona nyota kutoka mbinguni iliyokuwa imeanguka kwenye dunia. Nyota ilipewa ufunguo wa shimo linaloelekea kwenye shimo lisilo na mwisho. (Abyssos g12)
2 And he opened the botomlesse pytt and there arose the smoke of a grett fornace. And the sunne and the ayer were darkned by the reason of the smoke of the pytt. (Abyssos g12)
Alifungua shimo lisilo na kikomo, na moshi ukapanda juu kwa safu kutoka ndani ya shimo kama moshi kutoka katika tanuru kubwa. Jua na anga vilibadilika vikawa giza kwa sababu ya moshi uliotoka shimoni. (Abyssos g12)
3 And there cam out of the smoke locustes vpo the erth: and vnto them was geve power as the scorpions of the erth have power.
Ndani ya moshi nzige walitoka kuja juu ya dunia, nao walipewa nguvu kama ile ya nge juu ya dunia.
4 And it hurt ye grasse of the erth: nether eny grene thinge: nether eny tree: but only those me which have not ye seale in their forhedes
Waliambiwa kutokudhuru majani katika nchi au mmea wowote wa kijani au mti, isipokuwa tu watu ambao hawakuwa na muhuri wa Mungu katika paji za nyuso zao.
5 and to the was comaunded yt they shulde not kyll the but yt they shulde be vexed v monethes and their payne was as the payne yt cometh of a scorpion whe he hath stoge a ma.
Hawakupewa ruhusa ya kuwaua hao watu, bali kuwatesa tu kwa miezi mitano. Uchungu wao ulikuwa kama ule wa kuumwa na nge amwumapo mtu.
6 And in those dayes shall men seke deeth and shall not fynde it and shall desyre to dye and deeth shall flye fro the.
Katika siku hizo watu watatafuta kifo, lakini hawatakipata. Watatamani kufa, lakini kifo kitawakimbia.
7 And the similitude of the locustes was lyke vnto horses prepared vnto battayll and on their heddes were as it were crownes lyke vnto golde: and their faces were as it had bene the faces of men.
Nzige walifanana na farasi walioandaliwa kwa vita. Kwenye vichwa vyao kulikuwa na kitu kama taji ya dhahabu na nyuso zao zilikuwa kama za binadamu.
8 And they had heare as the heare of wemen. And their tethe were as the tethe of lyons.
Walikuwa na nywele kama za wanawake na meno yao yalikuwa kama ya simba.
9 And they had habbergions as it were habbergions of yron. And the sounde of their wynges was as the sounde of charettes when many horsses runne to gedder to battayle.
Walikuwa na vifua kama vifua vya chuma na sauti ya mabawa yao ilikuwa kama sauti ya magari mengi ya vita na farasi wakimbiao kwenda vitani.
10 And they had tayles lyke vnto scorpions and there were stinges in their tayles. And their power was to hurt men v. monethes.
Walikuwa na mikia inayouma kama nge; katika mikia yao walikuwa na nguvu ya kudhuru watu kwa miezi mitano.
11 And they had a kynge over them which is the angell of the bottomlesse pytt whose name in the hebrew tonge is Abadon: but in the greke tonge Apollion. (Abyssos g12)
Walikuwa naye kama mfalme juu yao malaika wa shimo lisilokuwa na mwisho. Jina lake katika Kiebrania ni Abadoni, na katika Kiyunani ana jina Apolioni. (Abyssos g12)
12 One woo is past and beholde two wooes come after this.
Ole ya kwanza imepita. Angalia! Baada ya hili kuna maafa mawili yaja.
13 And the sixte. angell blewe and I herd a voyce from the iiii. corners of the golden aultre which is before god
Malaika wa sita alipiga tarumbeta yake, na nikasikia sauti ikitoka katika pembe ya madhabahu ya dhahabu ambayo iko mbele za Mungu.
14 saying to the sixte angell which had the trompe: Loose the iiii. angelles which are bounde in the grett ryver Eufrates.
Sauti ilimwambia malaika wa sita aliyekuwa na tarumbeta, “Waachie malaika wanne ambao wamefungwa katika mto mkubwa Efrata.”
15 And the iiii. angelles were loosed which wer prepared for an houre for a daye for a moneth and for a yeare for to slee the thyrde part of me.
Malaika wale wanne waliokuwa wameandaliwa kwa saa hiyo maalumu, siku hiyo, mwezi huo, na mwaka huo, waliachiwa wawaue theluthi ya wanadamu.
16 And the nombre of horsme of warre were twenty tymes xM. And I herde the nobre of them.
Idadi ya maaskari waliokuwa juu ya farasi ilikuwa 200, 000, 000. Nilisikia idadi yao.
17 And thus I sawe the horses in a vision and them yt sate on the havynge fyry habbergions of a Iacyncte coloure and brymstony and the heeddes of ye horses werre as the heeddes of lyons. And out of their mouthes went forth fyre and smoke and brymstone.
Hivi ndivyo nilivyoona farasi katika maono yangu na wale waliopanda juu yao: Vifua vyao vilikuwa vyekundu kama moto, bluu iliyoiva na njano isiyoiva. Vichwa vya farasi vilifanana na vichwa vya simba, na midomoni mwao ulitoka moto, moshi na salfa.
18 And of these iii. was the thyrde parte of men kylled: that is to saye of fyre smoke and brymstone which proceded out of the mouthes of them:
Theluthi ya wanadamu waliuawa na haya mapigo matatu: moto, moshi, na salfa iliyotoka katika midomo yao.
19 For their power was in their mouthes and in their tayles: for their tayles were lyke vnto serpetes and had heedes and with them they dyd hurt:
Kwa kuwa nguvu ya farasi ilikuwa katika midomo yao na katika mikia yao—kwa kuwa mikia yao ilikuwa kama nyoka, na walikuwa na vichwa ambavyo walitumia kuwatia majeraha wanadamu.
20 And the remnaunt of the me which were not kylled by these plages repented not of the dedes of their hondes that they shulde not worshyppe devyls and ymages of golde and sylver and brasse and stone and of wood which nether can se nether heare nether goo.
Watu waliobaki, wale ambao walikuwa hawajauawa na mapigo haya, hawakutubia matendo yao waliyokuwa wamefanya, wala hawakuacha kuabudu mapepo na miungu ya dhahabu, fedha, shaba, mawe na miti—vitu ambavyo haviwezi kuona, kusikia au kutembea.
21 Also they repented not of their murther and of their sorcery nether of their fornacion nether of their thefte.
Wala hawakutubia uuaji wao, uchawi wao, uasherati wao au njia zao za wizi.

< Revelation 9 >