< Revelation 3 >

1 And wryte vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Sardis: this sayth he that hath the sprete of god and the vii. starres. I knowe thy workes thou haste a name that thou lvyest and thou art deed
“Kwa malaika wa kanisa la Sarde andika hivi: “Huu ndio ujumbe kutoka kwake yeye aliye na roho saba za Mungu na nyota saba. Nayajua mambo yako yote; najua unajulikana kuwa na uhai kumbe umekufa!
2 Be awake and strength the thynges which remayne that are redy to dye. For I have not founde thy workes perfaycte before god.
Amka! Imarisha chochote chema kilichokubakia kabla nacho hakijatoweka kabisa. Maana, mpaka sasa, sijayaona matendo yako kuwa ni makamilifu mbele ya Mungu wangu.
3 Remember therfore how thou hast receaved and hearde and hold faste and repet. Yf thou shalt not watche I will come on ye as a thefe and thou shalt not knowe what houre I wyll come apon the
Kumbuka, basi, yale uliyofundishwa na jinsi ulivyoyasikia, uyatii na ubadili nia yako mbaya. Usipokesha nitakujia ghafla kama mwizi, na wala hutaijua saa nitakapokujia.
4 Thou haste a feawe names in Sardis which have not defyled their garmentes: and they shall walke with me in whyte for they are worthy
Lakini wako wachache huko Sarde ambao hawakuyachafua mavazi yao. Hao wanastahili kutembea pamoja nami wakiwa wamevaa mavazi meupe.
5 He that overcometh shalbe clothed in whyte araye and I will not put out his name out of the boke of lyfe and I will confesse his name before my father and before his angelles.
“Wale wanaoshinda, watavikwa mavazi meupe kama hao. Nami sitayafuta majina yao kutoka katika kitabu cha uzima; tena nitawakiri kwamba ni wangu mbele ya Baba yangu na mbele ya malaika wake.
6 Let him that hath eares heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacions.
“Aliye na masikio, basi, na ayasikie yale Roho anayoyaambia makanisa!
7 And wryte vnto ye tydinges bringer of ye cogregacio of Philadelphia: this sayth he yt is holy and true which hath ye keye of Dauid: which openyth and noma shutteth and shutteth and no ma openeth.
“Kwa malaika wa kanisa la Filadelfia andika hivi: “Huu ndio ujumbe kutoka kwake yeye aliye mtakatifu na wa kweli, ambaye anao ule ufunguo wa Daudi, na ambaye hufungua na hakuna mtu awezaye kufungua.
8 I knowe thy workes. Beholde I have set before the an open doore and no man can shut it for thou haste a lyttell strengthe and haste kept my sayinges: and haste not denyed my name.
Nayajua mambo yako yote! Sasa, nimefungua mbele yako mlango ambao hakuna mtu awezaye kuufunga; najua kwamba ingawa huna nguvu sana, hata hivyo, umezishika amri zangu, umelitii neno langu wala hukulikana jina langu.
9 Beholde I make them of the congregacion of Sathan which call them selves Iewes and are not but do lye: Beholde: I will make them that they shall come and worshippe before thy fete: and shall knowe that I love the.
Sikiliza! Nitawapeleka kwako watu wa kundi lake Shetani, watu ambao hujisema kuwa ni Wayahudi, kumbe ni wadanganyifu. Naam, nitawapeleka kwako na kuwafanya wapige magoti mbele yako wapate kujua kwamba kweli nakupenda wewe.
10 Because thou hast kept ye wordes of my paciece therfore I will kepe ye fro the houre of teptacion which will come upo all ye worlde to tempte them yt dwell vpo the erth.
Kwa kuwa wewe umezingatia agizo langu la kuwa na uvumilivu, nami pia nitakutegemeza salama wakati ule wa dhiki inayoujia ulimwengu mzima kuwajaribu wote wanaoishi duniani.
11 Beholde I come shortly. Holde that which thou haste that no man take awaye thy croune
Naja kwako upesi! Linda, basi, ulicho nacho sasa, ili usije ukanyang'anywa na mtu yeyote taji yako ya ushindi.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pyllar in the temple of my God and he shall goo no more oute. And I will wryt vpo him the name of my God and the name of ye cite of my god newe Ierusale which cometh doune oute of heve fro my God and I will wryte vpon him my newe name.
“Wale wanaoshinda nitawafanya wawe minara katika Hekalu la Mungu wangu, na hawatatoka humo kamwe. Pia nitaandika juu yao jina la Mungu wangu na jina la mji wa Mungu wangu, yaani Yerusalemu mpya, mji ambao utashuka kutoka juu mbinguni kwa Mungu wangu. Tena nitaandika juu yao jina langu jipya.
13 Let him that hath eares heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacions.
“Aliye na masikio, basi, na ayasikie yale Roho anayoyaambia makanisa!
14 And vnto the messenger of ye congregacio which is in Laodicia wryte: This sayth (ame) the faythfull and true witnes ye begynninge of the creatures of God.
“Kwa malaika wa kanisa la Laodikea andika hivi: “Huu ndio ujumbe kutoka kwake yeye aitwaye Amina. Yeye ni shahidi mwaminifu na wa kweli, ambaye ni chanzo cha viumbe vyote alivyoumba Mungu.
15 I knowe thy workes yt thou arte nether colde nor hot: I wolde thou were colde or hotte.
Nayajua mambo yako yote! Najua kwamba wewe si baridi wala si moto. Afadhali ungekuwa kimojawapo: baridi au moto.
16 So then because thou arte bitwene bothe and nether colde ner hot I will spew ye oute of my mouth:
Basi, kwa kuwa hali yako ni vuguvugu, si baridi wala si moto, nitakutapika!
17 because thou sayst thou arte riche and incresyd wt goodes and haste nede of nothynge and knowest not howe thou arte wretched and miserable poore blinde and nakyd.
Wewe unajisema, Mimi ni tajiri; ninajitosheleza, sina haja ya kitu chochote. Kumbe, hujui kwamba wewe ni mnyonge, unahitaji kuhurumiwa, maskini, kipofu tena uko uchi!
18 I counsell the to bye of me golde tryed in the fyre that thou mayste be riche and whyte raymet yt thou mayste be clothed yt thy fylthy nakednes do not apere: and anoynt thyne eyes with eye salve yt thou mayste se.
Nakushauri ununue kwangu dhahabu iliyosafishwa kwa moto upate kuwa tajiri kweli. Tena afadhali ununue pia vazi jeupe, uvae na kufunika aibu ya uchi wako. Nunua pia mafuta ukapake machoni pako upate kuona.
19 As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. Be fervent therfore and repet.
Mimi ndiye mwenye kumwonya na kumrudi yeyote ninayempenda. Kwa hiyo kaza moyo, achana na dhambi zako.
20 Beholde I stode at the doore and knocke. Yf eny man heare my voyce and opon the dore I will come in vnto him and will suppe with him and he with me.
Sikiliza! Mimi nasimama mlangoni na kubisha hodi. Mtu akisikia sauti yangu na kufungua mlango, nitaingia nyumbani kwake na kula chakula pamoja naye, naye atakula pamoja nami.
21 To him that overcommeth will I graunte to sytt with me in my seate evyn as I overcam and have sytten with my father in his seate.
“Wale wanaoshinda nitawaketisha pamoja nami juu ya kiti changu cha enzi, kama vile mimi mwenyewe nilivyoshinda nikaketi pamoja na Baba yangu juu ya kiti chake cha enzi.
22 Lett him yt hath eares heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacions.
“Aliye na masikio, basi, na ayasikie yale Roho anayoyaambia makanisa!”

< Revelation 3 >