< Matthew 22 >

1 And Iesus answered and spake vnto them agayne in similitudes sayinge.
anantaraM yIshuH punarapi dR^iShTAntena tAn avAdIt,
2 The kingdome of heve is lyke vnto a certayne kynge which maryed his sonne
svargIyarAjyam etAdR^ishasya nR^ipateH samaM, yo nija putraM vivAhayan sarvvAn nimantritAn AnetuM dAseyAn prahitavAn,
3 and sent forth his servantes to call them that were byd to the weddinge and they wolde not come.
kintu te samAgantuM neShTavantaH|
4 Ageyne he sent forth other servauntes sayinge: Tell them which are bydden: beholde I have prepared my dynner myne oxen and my fatlinges are kylled and all thinges are redy come vnto the mariage.
tato rAjA punarapi dAsAnanyAn ityuktvA preShayAmAsa, nimantritAn vadata, pashyata, mama bhejyamAsAditamAste, nijavTaShAdipuShTajantUn mArayitvA sarvvaM khAdyadravyamAsAditavAn, yUyaM vivAhamAgachChata|
5 But they made light of it and went their wayes: one to his ferme place another about his marchaundise
tathapi te tuchChIkR^itya kechit nijakShetraM kechid vANijyaM prati svasvamArgeNa chalitavantaH|
6 the remnaunt toke his seruantes and intreated them vngodly and slewe them.
anye lokAstasya dAseyAn dhR^itvA daurAtmyaM vyavahR^itya tAnavadhiShuH|
7 When the kinge hearde that he was wroth and send forth his warryers and distroyed those murtherers and brent vp their cyte.
anantaraM sa nR^ipatistAM vArttAM shrutvA krudhyan sainyAni prahitya tAn ghAtakAn hatvA teShAM nagaraM dAhayAmAsa|
8 Then sayde he to his servauutes: the weddinge was prepared. But they which were bydden were not worthy.
tataH sa nijadAseyAn babhAShe, vivAhIyaM bhojyamAsAditamAste, kintu nimantritA janA ayogyAH|
9 Go ye therfore out into ye hyewayes and as many as ye finde byd them to the mariage.
tasmAd yUyaM rAjamArgaM gatvA yAvato manujAn pashyata, tAvataeva vivAhIyabhojyAya nimantrayata|
10 The seruauntes wet out into the hiewayes and gaddered to gedder as many as they coulde fynde both good and bad and ye weddinge was furnysshed with gestes.
tadA te dAseyA rAjamArgaM gatvA bhadrAn abhadrAn vA yAvato janAn dadR^ishuH, tAvataeva saMgR^ihyAnayan; tato. abhyAgatamanujai rvivAhagR^iham apUryyata|
11 Then the kynge came in to viset the gestes and spyed there a ma which had not on a weddinge garment
tadAnIM sa rAjA sarvvAnabhyAgatAn draShTum abhyantaramAgatavAn; tadA tatra vivAhIyavasanahInamekaM janaM vIkShya taM jagAd,
12 and sayde vnto him: frende how fortuned it that thou camest in hither and hast not on a weddyng garment? And he was eve spechlesse.
he mitra, tvaM vivAhIyavasanaM vinA kathamatra praviShTavAn? tena sa niruttaro babhUva|
13 Then sayde the kynge to his ministers: take and bynde hym hand and fote and caste hym into vtter darcknes there shalbe wepinge and gnasshinge of teth.
tadA rAjA nijAnucharAn avadat, etasya karacharaNAn baddhA yatra rodanaM dantairdantagharShaNa ncha bhavati, tatra vahirbhUtatamisre taM nikShipata|
14 For many are called and feawe be chosen.
itthaM bahava AhUtA alpe manobhimatAH|
15 Then wet the Pharises and toke counsell how they might tagle him in his wordes.
anantaraM phirUshinaH pragatya yathA saMlApena tam unmAthe pAtayeyustathA mantrayitvA
16 And they sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes servauntes sayinge: Master we knowe yt thou are true and teachest the waye of god trulie nether carest for eny man for thou consydrest not menes estate.
herodIyamanujaiH sAkaM nijashiShyagaNena taM prati kathayAmAsuH, he guro, bhavAn satyaH satyamIshvarIyamArgamupadishati, kamapi mAnuShaM nAnurudhyate, kamapi nApekShate cha, tad vayaM jAnImaH|
17 Tell vs therfore: how thynkest thou? Is it lawfull to geve tribute vnto Cesar or not?
ataH kaisarabhUpAya karo. asmAkaM dAtavyo na vA? atra bhavatA kiM budhyate? tad asmAn vadatu|
18 Iesus perceaved their wikednes and sayde: Why tempte ye me ye ypocrites?
tato yIshusteShAM khalatAM vij nAya kathitavAn, re kapaTinaH yuyaM kuto mAM parikShadhve?
19 Let me se ye tribute money. And they toke hym a peny.
tatkaradAnasya mudrAM mAM darshayata| tadAnIM taistasya samIpaM mudrAchaturthabhAga AnIte
20 And he sayde vnto them: whose is this ymage and superscripcion?
sa tAn paprachCha, atra kasyeyaM mUrtti rnAma chAste? te jagaduH, kaisarabhUpasya|
21 They sayde vnto him: Cesars. Then sayde he vnto them. Geve therfore to Cesar that which is Cesars: and geve vnto god that which is goddes.
tataH sa uktavAna, kaisarasya yat tat kaisarAya datta, Ishvarasya yat tad IshvarAya datta|
22 When they hearde that they marveled and lefte hym and went there waye.
iti vAkyaM nishamya te vismayaM vij nAya taM vihAya chalitavantaH|
23 The same daye the Saduces came to him (which saye that there is no resurrcecion) and axed him
tasminnahani sidUkino. arthAt shmashAnAt notthAsyantIti vAkyaM ye vadanti, te yIsherantikam Agatya paprachChuH,
24 sayinge: Master Moses bade yf a man dye havinge no chyldre that the brother mary his wyfe and reyse vp seed vnto his brother.
he guro, kashchinmanujashchet niHsantAnaH san prANAn tyajati, tarhi tasya bhrAtA tasya jAyAM vyuhya bhrAtuH santAnam utpAdayiShyatIti mUsA AdiShTavAn|
25 Ther were wt vs seven brethre and the fyrste maried and deceased wt oute yssue and lefte his wyfe vnto his brother.
kintvasmAkamatra ke. api janAH saptasahodarA Asan, teShAM jyeShTha ekAM kanyAM vyavahAt, aparaM prANatyAgakAle svayaM niHsantAnaH san tAM striyaM svabhrAtari samarpitavAn,
26 Lykewise the seconde and ye thryd vnto the sevethe.
tato dvitIyAdisaptamAntAshcha tathaiva chakruH|
27 Laste of all the woman dyed also.
sheShe sApI nArI mamAra|
28 Now in the resurreccion whose wyfe shall she be of the seven? For all had her.
mR^itAnAm utthAnasamaye teShAM saptAnAM madhye sA nArI kasya bhAryyA bhaviShyati? yasmAt sarvvaeva tAM vyavahan|
29 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: ye are deceaved and vnderstonde not the scriptures nor yet the power of God.
tato yIshuH pratyavAdIt, yUyaM dharmmapustakam IshvarIyAM shakti ncha na vij nAya bhrAntimantaH|
30 For in the resurreccion they nether mary nor are maryed: but are as the angels of God in heven.
utthAnaprAptA lokA na vivahanti, na cha vAchA dIyante, kintvIshvarasya svargasthadUtAnAM sadR^ishA bhavanti|
31 As touchynge the resurreccion of the deed: have ye not redde what is sayde vnto you of God which sayeth:
aparaM mR^itAnAmutthAnamadhi yuShmAn pratIyamIshvaroktiH,
32 I am Abrahams God and Ysaacks God and the God of Iacob? God is not the God of the deed: but of the lyvinge.
"ahamibrAhIma Ishvara ishAka Ishvaro yAkUba Ishvara" iti kiM yuShmAbhi rnApAThi? kintvIshvaro jIvatAm Ishvara: , sa mR^itAnAmIshvaro nahi|
33 And when the people hearde that they were astonyed at his doctrine.
iti shrutvA sarvve lokAstasyopadeshAd vismayaM gatAH|
34 When the Pharises had hearde how yt he had put the Saduces to silence they drewe to gedder
anantaraM sidUkinAm niruttaratvavArtAM nishamya phirUshina ekatra militavantaH,
35 and one of them which was a doctoure of lawe axed a question teptinge h m and sayinge:
teShAmeko vyavasthApako yIshuM parIkShituM papachCha,
36 Master which is ye chefe comaundment in the lawe?
he guro vyavasthAshAstramadhye kAj nA shreShThA?
37 Iesus sayde vnto him: love the Lorde thy God wt all thine herte with all thy soule and with all thy mynde.
tato yIshuruvAcha, tvaM sarvvAntaHkaraNaiH sarvvaprANaiH sarvvachittaishcha sAkaM prabhau parameshvare prIyasva,
38 This is the fyrst and the chefe comaundement.
eShA prathamamahAj nA| tasyAH sadR^ishI dvitIyAj naiShA,
39 And ther is another lyke vnto this. Love thyne neghbour as thy selfe.
tava samIpavAsini svAtmanIva prema kuru|
40 In these two commaundemetes hange all the lawe and the Prophetes.
anayo rdvayorAj nayoH kR^itsnavyavasthAyA bhaviShyadvaktR^igranthasya cha bhArastiShThati|
41 Whyll the Pharises were gaddered togeder Iesus axed
anantaraM phirUshinAm ekatra sthitikAle yIshustAn paprachCha,
42 the sayinge: what thinke ye of Christ? Whose sonne is he? They sayde vnto him: the sonne of David.
khrIShTamadhi yuShmAkaM kIdR^igbodho jAyate? sa kasya santAnaH? tataste pratyavadan, dAyUdaH santAnaH|
43 He sayde vnto the: how then doeth David in spirite call him Lorde sayinge?
tadA sa uktavAn, tarhi dAyUd katham AtmAdhiShThAnena taM prabhuM vadati?
44 The Lorde sayde to my Lorde syt on my right honde: tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole.
yathA mama prabhumidaM vAkyamavadat parameshvaraH| tavArIn pAdapIThaM te yAvannahi karomyahaM| tAvat kAlaM madIye tvaM dakShapArshva upAvisha| ato yadi dAyUd taM prabhuM vadati, rtiha sa kathaM tasya santAno bhavati?
45 Yf David call him Lorde: how is he then his sonne?
tadAnIM teShAM kopi tadvAkyasya kimapyuttaraM dAtuM nAshaknot;
46 And none coulde answere him ageyne one worde: nether dueste eny from that daye forth axe him eny moo questions.
taddinamArabhya taM kimapi vAkyaM praShTuM kasyApi sAhaso nAbhavat|

< Matthew 22 >