< Mark 8 >

1 In those dayes whe ther was a very greate companye and had nothinge to eate Iesus called his disciples to him and sayd vnto the:
tadA tatsamIpaM bahavo lokA AyAtA atasteShAM bhojyadravyAbhAvAd yIshuH shiShyAnAhUya jagAda, |
2 I have copassion on this people because they have nowe bene with me. iii. dayes and have nothinge to eate:
lokanivahe mama kR^ipA jAyate te dinatrayaM mayA sArddhaM santi teShAM bhojyaM kimapi nAsti|
3 And yf I shuld sende the awaye fastinge to their awne houses they shulde faynt by the waye. For dyvers of the came from farre.
teShAM madhye. aneke dUrAd AgatAH, abhukteShu teShu mayA svagR^ihamabhiprahiteShu te pathi klamiShyanti|
4 And his disciples answered him: where shuld a man have breade here in the wildernes to satisfie these?
shiShyA avAdiShuH, etAvato lokAn tarpayitum atra prantare pUpAn prAptuM kena shakyate?
5 And he axed them: how many loves have ye? They sayde: seven.
tataH sa tAn paprachCha yuShmAkaM kati pUpAH santi? te. akathayan sapta|
6 And he commaunded the people to syt doune on the grounde. And he toke the. vii. loves gave thankes brake and gave to his disciples to set before them. And they dyd set the before the people.
tataH sa tAllokAn bhuvi samupaveShTum Adishya tAn sapta pUpAn dhR^itvA IshvaraguNAn anukIrttayAmAsa, bhaMktvA pariveShayituM shiShyAn prati dadau, tataste lokebhyaH pariveShayAmAsuH|
7 And they had a feawe smale fysshes. And he blessed them and comaunded them also to be set before them.
tathA teShAM samIpe ye kShudramatsyA Asan tAnapyAdAya IshvaraguNAn saMkIrtya pariveShayitum AdiShTavAn|
8 And they ate and were suffysed: And they toke vp yf the broken meate that was lefte. vii. baskettes full.
tato lokA bhuktvA tR^iptiM gatA avashiShTakhAdyaiH pUrNAH saptaDallakA gR^ihItAshcha|
9 And they yt ate were in nomber aboute fowre thousand. And he sent them awaye.
ete bhoktAraH prAyashchatuH sahasrapuruShA Asan tataH sa tAn visasarja|
10 And a none he entred into a ship wt his disciples and came into the parties of Dalmanutha.
atha sa shiShyaH saha nAvamAruhya dalmAnUthAsImAmAgataH|
11 And the pharises cam forth and begane to dispute with him sekinge of him a signe fro heven and temptinge him.
tataH paraM phirUshina Agatya tena saha vivadamAnAstasya parIkShArtham AkAshIyachihnaM draShTuM yAchitavantaH|
12 And he sygthed in his sprete and sayde: why doth this generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you ther shall no signe be geven vnto this generacion.
tadA so. antardIrghaM nishvasyAkathayat, ete vidyamAnanarAH kutashchinhaM mR^igayante? yuShmAnahaM yathArthaM bravImi lokAnetAn kimapi chihnaM na darshayiShyate|
13 And he lefte the and went into the ship agayne and departed over the water.
atha tAn hitvA puna rnAvam Aruhya pAramagAt|
14 And they had forgotte to take breed wt the nether had they in the ship with them more then one loofe.
etarhi shiShyaiH pUpeShu vismR^iteShu nAvi teShAM sannidhau pUpa ekaeva sthitaH|
15 And he charged the sayinge. Take hede and beware of ye leven of ye pharises and of ye leve of Herode.
tadAnIM yIshustAn AdiShTavAn phirUshinAM herodashcha kiNvaM prati satarkAH sAvadhAnAshcha bhavata|
16 And they reasoned amonge the selves sayinge: we have no breed
tataste. anyonyaM vivechanaM kartum Arebhire, asmAkaM sannidhau pUpo nAstIti hetoridaM kathayati|
17 And whe Iesus knewe yt he sayde vnto the: why take ye thought because ye have no bread? perceave ye not yet nether vnderstonde? Have ye youre hertes yet blynded?
tad budvvA yIshustebhyo. akathayat yuShmAkaM sthAne pUpAbhAvAt kuta itthaM vitarkayatha? yUyaM kimadyApi kimapi na jAnItha? boddhu ncha na shaknutha? yAvadadya kiM yuShmAkaM manAMsi kaThinAni santi?
18 Have ye eyes and se not? and have ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember?
satsu netreShu kiM na pashyatha? satsu karNeShu kiM na shR^iNutha? na smaratha cha?
19 When I brake v. loves amonge. v. M. How many baskettes full of broke meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him twelve.
yadAhaM pa nchapUpAn pa nchasahasrANAM puruShANAM madhye bhaMktvA dattavAn tadAnIM yUyam avashiShTapUpaiH pUrNAn kati DallakAn gR^ihItavantaH? te. akathayan dvAdashaDallakAn|
20 When I brake. vii. amonge. iiii. M. How many basketes of the levinges of broken meate toke ye vp? they sayde. vii.
apara ncha yadA chatuHsahasrANAM puruShANAM madhye pUpAn bhaMktvAdadAM tadA yUyam atiriktapUpAnAM kati DallakAn gR^ihItavantaH? te kathayAmAsuH saptaDallakAn|
21 And he sayde vnto the: how is it yt ye vnderstonde not?
tadA sa kathitavAn tarhi yUyam adhunApi kuto bodvvuM na shaknutha?
22 And he came to Bethsaida and they brought a blynde man vnto him and desyred him to touche him.
anantaraM tasmin baitsaidAnagare prApte lokA andhamekaM naraM tatsamIpamAnIya taM spraShTuM taM prArthayA nchakrire|
23 And he caught the blynde by the honde and leade him out of the toune and spat in his eyes and put his hondes apon him and axed him whether he saw ought.
tadA tasyAndhasya karau gR^ihItvA nagarAd bahirdeshaM taM nItavAn; tannetre niShThIvaM dattvA tadgAtre hastAvarpayitvA taM paprachCha, kimapi pashyasi?
24 And he loked vp and sayde: I se ye men: For I se the walke as they were trees.
sa netre unmIlya jagAda, vR^ikShavat manujAn gachChato nirIkShe|
25 After that he put his hondes agayne apon his eyes and made him see. And he was restored to his sight and sawe every ma clerly.
tato yIshuH punastasya nayanayo rhastAvarpayitvA tasya netre unmIlayAmAsa; tasmAt sa svastho bhUtvA spaShTarUpaM sarvvalokAn dadarsha|
26 And he sent him home to his housse sayinge: nether goo into the toune nor tell it to eny in the toune.
tataH paraM tvaM grAmaM mA gachCha grAmasthaM kamapi cha kimapyanuktvA nijagR^ihaM yAhItyAdishya yIshustaM nijagR^ihaM prahitavAn|
27 And Iesus went out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi. Aud by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I am?
anantaraM shiShyaiH sahito yIshuH kaisarIyAphilipipuraM jagAma, pathi gachChan tAnapR^ichChat ko. aham atra lokAH kiM vadanti?
28 And they answered: some saye that thou arte Iohn Baptiste: some saye Helyas: and some one of the Prophetes.
te pratyUchuH tvAM yohanaM majjakaM vadanti kintu kepi kepi eliyaM vadanti; apare kepi kepi bhaviShyadvAdinAm eko jana iti vadanti|
29 And he sayde vnto the: But whom saye ye that I am? Peter answered and sayd vnto him: Thou arte very Christe.
atha sa tAnapR^ichChat kintu koham? ityatra yUyaM kiM vadatha? tadA pitaraH pratyavadat bhavAn abhiShiktastrAtA|
30 And he charged them that they shuld tell no man of it.
tataH sa tAn gADhamAdishad yUyaM mama kathA kasmaichidapi mA kathayata|
31 And he beganne to teache them how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges and shuld be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes and be kylled and after thre dayes aryse agayne.
manuShyaputreNAvashyaM bahavo yAtanA bhoktavyAH prAchInalokaiH pradhAnayAjakairadhyApakaishcha sa ninditaH san ghAtayiShyate tR^itIyadine utthAsyati cha, yIshuH shiShyAnupadeShTumArabhya kathAmimAM spaShTamAchaShTa|
32 And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke him asyde and began to chyde him.
tasmAt pitarastasya hastau dhR^itvA taM tarjjitavAn|
33 Then he tourned aboute and looked on his disciples and rebuked Peter sayinge: Goo after me Satan. For thou saverest not ye thinges of God but the thinges of men.
kintu sa mukhaM parAvartya shiShyagaNaM nirIkShya pitaraM tarjayitvAvAdId dUrIbhava vighnakArin IshvarIyakAryyAdapi manuShyakAryyaM tubhyaM rochatatarAM|
34 And he called the people vnto him with his disciples also and sayd vnto them: Whosoever will folowe me let him forsake him sylfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me.
atha sa lokAn shiShyAMshchAhUya jagAda yaH kashchin mAmanugantum ichChati sa AtmAnaM dAmyatu, svakrushaM gR^ihItvA matpashchAd AyAtu|
35 For whosoever will save his lyfe shall lose it But whosoever shall lose his lyfe for my sake and ye gospels ye same shall save it.
yato yaH kashchit svaprANaM rakShitumichChati sa taM hArayiShyati, kintu yaH kashchin madarthaM susaMvAdArtha ncha prANaM hArayati sa taM rakShiShyati|
36 What shall it profet a ma yf he shuld wynne all ye worlde and loose his awne soule?
apara ncha manujaH sarvvaM jagat prApya yadi svaprANaM hArayati tarhi tasya ko lAbhaH?
37 or els what shall a ma geve to redeme his soule agayne?
naraH svaprANavinimayena kiM dAtuM shaknoti?
38 Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me and of my wordes amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels.
eteShAM vyabhichAriNAM pApinA ncha lokAnAM sAkShAd yadi kopi mAM matkathA ncha lajjAspadaM jAnAti tarhi manujaputro yadA dharmmadUtaiH saha pituH prabhAveNAgamiShyati tadA sopi taM lajjAspadaM j nAsyati|

< Mark 8 >