< Mark 8 >

1 In those dayes whe ther was a very greate companye and had nothinge to eate Iesus called his disciples to him and sayd vnto the:
Ce khawnghi awh thlang khawzah cun law bai unawh ai kawi ikawawm ama mi taak awh bubatkhqi ce khy khqi nawh, a mi venawh,
2 I have copassion on this people because they have nowe bene with me. iii. dayes and have nothinge to eate:
“Vawhkaw thlang kqengkhqi ve khaw thum voei ni venawh awm hawh unawh, buh ai hly ikawiawm am ta usaw qeen khqi hy nyng;
3 And yf I shuld sende the awaye fastinge to their awne houses they shulde faynt by the waye. For dyvers of the came from farre.
buh hyh na imna a ming voei awhtaw lamna nawk kawm uh, thlang vang khqoet taw khawk hla nakawng a mik lawna awm bai nawh,” tinak khqi hy.
4 And his disciples answered him: where shuld a man have breade here in the wildernes to satisfie these?
A hubatkhqi ing, “Thlang ing vemyih kqawng lakna ami ai khoek buh ni huh thai kaw?” ti unawh amah awihlat uhy.
5 And he axed them: how many loves have ye? They sayde: seven.
Jesu ing, “Phaihpi izah nami taak?” tinawh doet khqi hy. A mingmih ing, “Cun khqih” tina uhy.
6 And he commaunded the people to syt doune on the grounde. And he toke the. vii. loves gave thankes brake and gave to his disciples to set before them. And they dyd set the before the people.
Cawh anih ing thlang kqengkhqi ce dek awh ngawih ham awi pek khqi hy. Phaihpi cun khqih ce lo nawh zeel awi ak kqawn coengawh thek nawh thlangkhqi venawh tei peek ahamna a hubatkhqi pekkhqi hy, a hubatkhqi ing thlang kqengkhqi ce tei pek khqi uhy.
7 And they had a feawe smale fysshes. And he blessed them and comaunded them also to be set before them.
Nga a khoeh ca ami taak ce awm bai nawh, zeel awi ak kqawn coengawh, thlang kqeng a venawh tei aham a hubatkhqi venawh kqawn pehy.
8 And they ate and were suffysed: And they toke vp yf the broken meate that was lefte. vii. baskettes full.
Thlangkhqi ing ami ai awh phyi boeih uhy. Ami ai ngenkhqi ce a hubatkhqi ing vawh khqih na kawi uhy.
9 And they yt ate were in nomber aboute fowre thousand. And he sent them awaye.
Cawhkaw buh ak aikhqi taw pa thak awm hqoeng thlang thawngli law uhy. Thlang kqeng ce a ceh sak coengawh,
10 And a none he entred into a ship wt his disciples and came into the parties of Dalmanutha.
a hubatkhqi mi lawng khuina lut unawh Dalmanutha khaw benna ce cet uhy.
11 And the pharises cam forth and begane to dispute with him sekinge of him a signe fro heven and temptinge him.
Farasikhqi law unawh Jesu ce awi doet uhy. Noek adak ham ngaih unawh khan ben nakaw hatnaak ce doet uhy.
12 And he sygthed in his sprete and sayde: why doth this generacion seke a signe? Verely I saye vnto you ther shall no signe be geven vnto this generacion.
Cehlai ak kawlung ing ak tlona hyi nawh a mingmih a venawh, “Kawtih vawhkaw cadilkhqi ing kawpoek kyi hatnaak ce ami sui hy voei? Awitak ka nik kqawn peek khqi, kawmih hatnaak awm peek na am awm kaw,” tinak khqi hy.
13 And he lefte the and went into the ship agayne and departed over the water.
A mingmih ce cehta nawh lawng khuina a luh coengawh vang ben caqai na ce cet hy.
14 And they had forgotte to take breed wt the nether had they in the ship with them more then one loofe.
A hubatkhqi ing phaihpi khyn aham hilh uhy, phaihpi pynoet doeng ce lawng khuina ta uhy.
15 And he charged the sayinge. Take hede and beware of ye leven of ye pharises and of ye leve of Herode.
Jesu ing, “Ralriing lah uh, Farasikhqi ingkaw Herod a venawh ce nami cyih ta uh,” tinak khqi hy.
16 And they reasoned amonge the selves sayinge: we have no breed
A mimah ingtaw, “Phaihpi amni taak a dawngawh ni,” tina poek uhy.
17 And whe Iesus knewe yt he sayde vnto the: why take ye thought because ye have no bread? perceave ye not yet nether vnderstonde? Have ye youre hertes yet blynded?
Cekkhqi ak awih kqawn ce Jesu ing za nawh doet khqi hy: “Ikaw hamna phaihpi am nami taak akawng ce namik kqawn? Tuh dy namik kawlung awh am na ming zasim bak bak nawh nu? Namik kawlung na mi tiing sak hyn nawh nu?
18 Have ye eyes and se not? and have ye eares and heare not? Do ye not remember?
Mik ta loei unawh am na ming hu nawh nu? Haa ta loei unawh am na ming za nawh nu? Na mim hilh hawh nawh nu?
19 When I brake v. loves amonge. v. M. How many baskettes full of broke meate toke ye vp? They sayde vnto him twelve.
Thlang thongnga aham phaihpi cun nga kang tei awh, ak ngen vawh izah nu nami kawih ce? tinak khqi hy. Cekkhqi ing, “Vawh hqa hlaihih,” tina uhy.
20 When I brake. vii. amonge. iiii. M. How many basketes of the levinges of broken meate toke ye vp? they sayde. vii.
Thlang thongli aham phaihpi cun khqih kang tei awh, ak ngen vawh izah nu nami kawih ce? tinak khqi bai hy. Cekkhqi ing, “Vawh khqih,” tina uhy.
21 And he sayde vnto the: how is it yt ye vnderstonde not?
A mingmih a venawh, “Am na ming zasim hlan bak bak nawh nu?” tinak khqi hy.
22 And he came to Bethsaida and they brought a blynde man vnto him and desyred him to touche him.
Bethsaida khaw ce ami pha awh thlang vang ing mikhyp pynoet ce lawpyi unawh, anih ce bi aham Jesu a venawh qeennaak thoeh uhy.
23 And he caught the blynde by the honde and leade him out of the toune and spat in his eyes and put his hondes apon him and axed him whether he saw ought.
Mikhyp ce tu nawh khawceng na ceh pyi hy. Amik awh cimtui sa pe nawh ak khan awh a kut tloeng pehy, cekcoengawh, “Nak hu thai hawh aw? tina hy.
24 And he loked vp and sayde: I se ye men: For I se the walke as they were trees.
Hang mang law nawh, “Thlangkhqi ce thingkhqi ak cet myihna hu nyng,” tina hy.
25 After that he put his hondes agayne apon his eyes and made him see. And he was restored to his sight and sawe every ma clerly.
Cekcoengawh ce ak thlang amik awh Jesu ing a kut tloeng pe tlaih bai hy. Cawh amik ce dai tlaih nawh ik-oeihkhqi ce ak caih pheng na hu hy.
26 And he sent him home to his housse sayinge: nether goo into the toune nor tell it to eny in the toune.
“Khawk khuina koeh cet moe,” tina nawh im na tyi hy.
27 And Iesus went out and his disciples into the tounes that longe to the cite called Cesarea Philippi. Aud by the waye he axed his disciples sayinge: whom do men saye yt I am?
Kaiserea Philipi khaw ceng khaw cawikhqi awh Jesu ingkaw a hubatkhqi taw cet uhy. Cawh lam awh a mingmih ce doet khqi hy, “Kai ve thlangkhqi ing u nu ami ti?” tinak khqi hy.
28 And they answered: some saye that thou arte Iohn Baptiste: some saye Helyas: and some one of the Prophetes.
A mingmih ing, “Thlang vang ing Baptisma ak pekung Johan; thlang vang ing Elijah; thlang vang bai ingtaw tawngha pynoet oet ni ti uhy,” tina uhy.
29 And he sayde vnto the: But whom saye ye that I am? Peter answered and sayd vnto him: Thou arte very Christe.
“Nangmih ingtaw kai ve u nu nami ti?” tinak khqi hy. Cawh Piter ing, “Nang taw Khrih ni,” tina hy.
30 And he charged them that they shuld tell no man of it.
Jesu ing amah akawng ce u venawh awm amak kqawn aham cekkhqi ce yn khqi hy.
31 And he beganne to teache them how that the sonne of man must suffre many thinges and shuld be reproved of the elders and of the hye prestes and scribes and be kylled and after thre dayes aryse agayne.
Thlanghqing Capa ing khuikha hu kawmsaw, a hqamcakhqi, khawsoeih boeikhqi ingkaw anaa awi cawngpyikungkhqi ing hoet kawm uh, anih ce him kawm usaw am thum nyn awh tho tlaih kaw, tinawh cekkhqi ce cawngpyi hy.
32 And he spake that sayinge openly. And Peter toke him asyde and began to chyde him.
Ve akawng ve ak caih caana kqawn pehy, cedawngawh Piter ing ak changna khy nawh kaa na hy.
33 Then he tourned aboute and looked on his disciples and rebuked Peter sayinge: Goo after me Satan. For thou saverest not ye thinges of God but the thinges of men.
Cehlai Jesu ing a hubatkhqi benna mang nawh Piter ce zyi hy. “Setan! Ka huna thoeih lah, Khawsa a kawnglam ak poek kaana, thlanghqing a kawnglam doeng ni nak poek hy,” tina hy.
34 And he called the people vnto him with his disciples also and sayd vnto them: Whosoever will folowe me let him forsake him sylfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me.
Cekcoengawh thlang kqeng ce a hubatkhqi mi a venna khy nawh: “U ingawm ka hu awh bat law ham a ngaih awhtaw amah ingkaw amah ce hoet qu seh, amah a thinglam ce kawh doena ka hu awh bat seh.
35 For whosoever will save his lyfe shall lose it But whosoever shall lose his lyfe for my sake and ye gospels ye same shall save it.
U awm a hqingnaak thaawng ham ak ngaih ingtaw a hqingnaak ce hlawng kaw.
36 What shall it profet a ma yf he shuld wynne all ye worlde and loose his awne soule?
Thlang ing khawmdek ve a pum boeih na ham mai seiawm, a hqingnaak a hlawng awhtaw anih ham ikaw phu ak taak?
37 or els what shall a ma geve to redeme his soule agayne?
Thlang ing a hqingnaak lakawh ikaw a pek thai kaw?
38 Whosoever therfore shall be asshamed of me and of my wordes amonge this advoutrous and sinfull generacion: of him shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father wt the holy angels.
U ingawm ve samphaih ingkaw thawlh dung khuiawh kai ingkaw kak awi ak chahn pyi thlang taw, thlanghqing Capa ing Pa boeimangnaak ing ak khan ceityihkhqi mi a law awh anih ce chah pyi lawt kaw,” tina hy.

< Mark 8 >