< Mark 1 >

1 The beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God
Huu ni mwanzo wa injili ya Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu.
2 as yt is wrytten in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which shall prepared thy waye before ye.
Kama ilivyoandikwa na nabii Isaya, “Tazama, ninamtuma mjumbe wangu mbele yako, mmoja atakayetayarisha njia yako.
3 The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde make his paches streyght.
Sauti ya mtu aitaye nyikani, “Ikamilisheni njia ya Bwana; zinyosheni njia zake”.
4 Iohn dyd baptise in the wyldernes and preche the baptyme of repentauce for the remission of synnes.
Yohana alikuja, akibatiza nyikani na kuhubiri ubatizo wa toba kwa msamaha wa dhambi.
5 And all the londe of Iurie and they of Ierusalem went out vnto him and were all baptised of him in the ryver Iordan confessynge their synnes.
Nchi yote ya Yudea na watu wote wa Yerusalemu walikwenda kwake. Walikuwa wakibatizwa naye katika mto Yordani, wakiungama dhambi zao.
6 Iohn was clothed with cammylles heer and with a gerdyll of a skyn a bout hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes and wylde hony
Yohana alikuwa anavaa vazi la manyoya ya ngamia na mkanda wa ngozi kiunoni mwake, na alikuwa anakula nzige na asali ya porini.
7 and preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose.
Alihubiri na kusema, “Yupo mmoja anakuja baada yangu mwenye nguvu zaidi kuliko mimi, na sina hadhi hata ya kuinama chini na kufungua kamba za viatu vyake.
8 I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost.
Mimi niliwabatiza kwa maji, lakini yeye atawabatiza ninyi kwa Roho Mtakatifu.”
9 And yt came to passe in those dayes that Iesus cam from Nazareth a cyte of Galile: and was baptised of Iohn in Iordan.
Ilitokea katika siku hizo kwamba Yesu alikuja kutoka Nazareti ya Galilaya, na alibatizwa na Yohana katika mto Yordani.
10 And assone as he was come out of the water Iohn sawe heaven open and the holy goost descendinge vpon him lyke a dove.
Wakati Yesu alipoinuka kutoka majini, aliona mbingu zimegawanyika wazi na Roho akishuka chini juu yake kama njiwa.
11 And ther came a voyce from heaven: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte.
Na sauti ilitoka mbinguni, “Wewe ni Mwanangu mpendwa. Ninapendezwa sana na wewe.”
12 And immediatly the sprete drave him into wildernes:
Kisha mara moja Roho akamlazimisha kwenda nyikani.
13 and he was there in the wildernes xl dayes and was tempted of Satan and was with wilde beestes. And the aungels ministred vnto him.
Alikuwako nyikani siku arobaini, akijaribiwa na Shetani. Alikuwa pamoja na wanyama wa mwituni, na malaika walimhudumia.
14 After Iohn was taken Iesus came in to Galile preachinge the gospell of the kyngdome of God
Sasa baada ya Yohana kukamatwa, Yesu alikuja Galilaya akitangaza injili ya Mungu,
15 and sayinge: the tyme is come and the kyngdome of God is at honde repent and beleve the gospell.
akisema, “Muda umetimia, na ufalme wa Mungu umekaribia. Tubuni na kuamini katika injili”.
16 As he walked by the see of Galile he sawe Simon and Andrew his brother castinge nettes into ye see for they were fysshers.
Na akipita kando ya bahari ya Galilaya, alimwona Simoni na Andrea ndugu wa Simoni wakitupa nyavu zao katika bahari, kwa kuwa walikuwa wavuvi.
17 And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me and I will make you fisshers of men.
Yesu aliwaambia, “Njoni, nifuateni, na nitawafanya wavuvi wa watu.”
18 And strayght waye they forsoke their nettes and folowed him.
Na mara moja waliacha nyavu na wakamfuata.
19 And when he had gone a lytell further thence he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede and Ihon his brother even as they were in the shyppe mendinge their nettes.
Wakati Yesu alipotembea umbali kidogo, alimwona Yakobo mwana wa Zebedayo na Yohana ndugu yake; walikuwa kwenye mtumbwi wakitengeneza nyavu.
20 And anone he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred servauntes and went their waye after him.
Mara aliwaita na wao walimwacha baba yao Zebedayo ndani ya mtumbwi na watumishi waliokodiwa, wakamfuata.
21 And they entred into Capernau: and streight waye on ye Saboth dayes he entred in to ye synagoge and taught.
Na walipofika Kaperinaumu, siku ya Sabato, Yesu aliingia kwenye sinagogi na kufundisha.
22 And they merveled at his learninge. For he taught them as one that had power with him and not as the Scribes.
Walilishangaa fundisho lake, kwa vile alikuwa akiwafundisha kama mtu ambaye ana mamlaka na siyo kama waandishi.
23 And there was in their synagoge a ma vexed wt an vnclene spirite yt cried
Wakati huo huo kulikuwa na mtu katika sinagogi lao aliyekuwa na roho mchafu, na alipiga kelele,
24 sayinge: let be: what have we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte eue that holy of god.
akisema, “Tuna nini cha kufanya na wewe, Yesu wa Nazareti? Umekuja kutuangamiza? Nakujua u nani. Wewe ni Mtakatifu pekee wa Mungu!”
25 And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: hoolde thy peace and come out of him.
Yesu alimkemea pepo na kusema, “Nyamaza na utoke ndani yake!”
26 And ye vnclene spirite tare him and cryed with a loude voyce and came out of him.
Na roho mchafu alimwangusha chini na akatoka kwake wakati akilia kwa sauti ya juu.
27 And they were all amased in so moche that they demaunded one of another amoge them selves saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctryne is this? For he comaundeth the foule spirites with power and they obeye him.
Na watu wote walishangaa, hivyo wakaulizana kila mmoja, “Hii ni nini? Fundisho jipya lenye mamlaka? Hata huamuru pepo wachafu nao wanamtii!”
28 And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile.
Na habari kuhusu yeye mara moja zikasambaa kila mahali ndani ya mkoa wote wa Galilaya.
29 And forth with as sone as they were come out of the synagoge they entred into ye housse of Symon and Andrew with Iames and Ihon.
Na mara moja baada ya kutoka nje ya sinagogi, waliingia nyumbani mwa Simoni na Andrea wakiwa na Yakobo na Yohana.
30 And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her.
Sasa mama mkwe wa Simoni alikuwa amelala mgonjwa wa homa, na mara moja walimwambia Yesu habari zake.
31 And he came and toke her by the honde and lifte her vp: and the fever forsoke hir by and by: and she ministred vnto them.
Hivyo alikuja, alimshika kwa mkono, na kumwinua juu; homa ikaondoka kwake, na akaanza kuwahudumia.
32 And at even when the sunne was downe they brought to him all that were diseased and them that were possessed with devyls.
Jioni hiyo wakati jua limekwisha zama, walimletea kwake wote waliokuwa wagonjwa, au waliopagawa na pepo.
33 And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore
Mji wote walikusanyika pamoja katika mlango.
34 and he healed many yt were sicke of divers deseases. And he cast out many devyls and suffred not ye devyls to speake because they knewe him.
Aliwaponya wengi waliokuwa wagonjwa wa magonjwa mbalimbali na kutoa pepo wengi, bali hakuruhusu pepo kuongea kwa sababu walimjua.
35 And in the morninge very erly Iesus arose and went out into a solitary place and there prayed.
Aliamka asubuhi na mapema, wakati ilikuwa bado giza; aliondoka na kwenda mahali pa faragha na aliomba huko.
36 And Simon and they that were with him folowed after him.
Simoni na wote waliokuwa pamoja naye walimtafuta.
37 And when they had founde him they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the.
Walimpata na wakamwambia, “Kila mmoja anakutafuta”
38 And he sayd vnto them: let vs go into the next tounes that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose.
Aliwaambia, “Twendeni mahali pengine, nje katika miji inayozunguka, ili niweze kuhubiri huko pia. Ndiyo sababu nilikuja hapa.”
39 And he preached in their synagoges throughout all Galile and cast the devyls out.
Alikwenda akipita Galilaya yote, akihubiri katika masinagogi yao na kukemea pepo.
40 And there came a leper to him besechinge him and kneled doune vnto him and sayde to him: yf thou wilt thou canest make me clene.
Mwenye ukoma mmoja alikuja kwake. Alikuwa akimsihi; alipiga magoti na alimwambia, “Kama unataka, waweza kunifanya niwe safi.”
41 And Iesus had copassion on him and put forth his honde touched him and sayde to him: I will be thou clene.
Akisukumwa na huruma, Yesu alinyosha mkono wake na kumgusa, akimwambia, “Ninataka. Uwe msafi.”
42 And assone as he had spoke immediatly ye leprosy departed fro him and was clensed.
Mara moja ukoma ukamtoka, na alifanywa kuwa safi.
43 And he charged him and sent him awaye forthwith
Yesu akamwonya vikali na akamwambia aende mara moja,
44 and sayd vnto him: Se thou saye no thinge to any man: but get the hence and shewe thy silfe to ye preste and offer for thy clensinge those thinges which Moses comaunded for a testimoniall vnto them.
Alimwambia, “Hakikisha hausemi neno kwa yeyote, lakini nenda, ujionyeshe kwa kuhani, na utoe dhabihu kwa ajili ya utakaso ambayo Musa aliagiza, kama ushuhuda kwao.”
45 But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thinges and to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opely entre in to the cite but was with out in desert places. And they came to him fro every quarter.
Lakini alikwenda na kuanza kumwambia kila mmoja na kueneza neno zaidi hata Yesu hakuweza tena kuingia mjini kwa uhuru. Hivyo alikaa mahali pa faragha na watu walikuja kwake kutoka kila mahali.

< Mark 1 >