< Luke 5 >

1 It came to passe as the people preased vpon him to heare the worde of God that he stoode by the lake of Genezareth:
Siku moja Yesu alikuwa amesimama kando ya ziwa Genesareti, na watu wengi walikuwa wamemzunguka wakisongana wanalisikiliza neno la Mungu.
2 and sawe two shippes stonde by the lake syde but the fisshermen were gone out of the and were wasshynge their nettes.
Akaona mashua mbili ukingoni mwa ziwa; wavuvi wenyewe walikuwa wametoka, wanaosha nyavu zao.
3 And he entred in to one of the shippes which perteyned to Simon and prayed him that he wolde thrust out a litell from the londe. And he sate doune and taught the people out of the ship.
Baada ya Yesu kuingia katika mashua moja, iliyokuwa ya Simoni, alimtaka Simoni aisogeze majini, mbali kidogo na ukingo wa ziwa. Akaketi, akafundisha umati wa watu akiwa ndani ya mashua.
4 When he had leeft speakynge he sayde vnto Simon: Launche out in to the depe and let slippe youre nettes to make a draught
Alipomaliza kufundisha, akamwambia Simoni, “Peleka mashua mpaka kilindini, mkatupe nyavu zenu mpate kuvua samaki.”
5 And Simon answered and sayde to him: Master we have labored all nyght and have taken nothinge. Neverthelater at thy worde I will loose forthe the net.
Simoni akamjibu, “Bwana, tumejitahidi kuvua samaki usiku kucha bila kupata kitu, lakini kwa kuwa umesema, nitatupa nyavu.”
6 And when they had so done they inclosed a greate multitude of fisshes. And their net brake:
Baada ya kufanya hivyo, wakavua samaki wengi, hata nyavu zao zikaanza kukatika.
7 but they made signes to their felowes which were in the other ship that they shuld come and helpe the And they came: and filled bothe the shippes that they soncke agayne.
Wakawaita wenzao waliokuwa katika mashua nyingine waje kuwasaidia. Wakaja, wakazijaza mashua zote mbili samaki, hata karibu zingezama.
8 When Simon Peter sawe that he fell doune at Iesus knees sayinge: Lorde goo
Simoni Petro alipoona hayo, akapiga magoti mbele ya Yesu akisema, “Ondoka mbele yangu, ee Bwana, kwa kuwa mimi ni mwenye dhambi!”
9 fro me for I am a synfull man. For he was vtterly astonyed and all that were wt him at ye draught of fisshe which they toke:
Simoni pamoja na wenzake wote walishangaa kwa kupata samaki wengi vile.
10 and so was also Iames and Iohn ye sonnes of zebede which were parteners wt Simon. And Iesus sayde vnto Simon: feare not fro hence forthe thou shalt catche men.
Hali kadhalika Yakobo na Yohane, wana wa Zebedayo, waliokuwa wavuvi wenzake Simoni. Yesu akamwambia Simoni, “Usiogope; tangu sasa utakuwa ukivua watu.”
11 And they brought the shippes to londe and forsoke all and folowed him.
Basi, baada ya kuzileta zile mashua ukingoni mwa ziwa, wakaacha yote, wakamfuata.
12 And it fortuned as he was in a certayne cite: beholde ther was a man full of leprosy: and when he had spied Iesus he fell on his face and besought him sayinge: Lorde yf thou wilt thou canst make me cleane.
Ikawa, Yesu alipokuwa katika mmojawapo wa miji ya huko, mtu mmoja mwenye ukoma mwili mzima akamwona. Basi, mtu huyo akaanguka kifudifudi akamwomba Yesu: “Mheshimiwa, ukitaka, waweza kunitakasa.”
13 And he strethed forth ye hond and touched him sayinge: I will be thou cleane. And immediatly the leprosy departed from him.
Yesu akaunyosha mkono wake, akamgusa na kusema, “Nataka, takasika!” Mara ule ukoma ukamwacha.
14 And he warned him that he shuld tell no man: but that he shuld goo and shewe him selfe to the Preste and offer for his clensynge accordinge as Moses commaundement was for a witnes vnto them.
Yesu akamwamuru: “Usimwambie mtu yeyote; bali nenda ukajionyeshe kwa kuhani, ukatoe sadaka kwa ajili ya kutakasika kwako kama inavyotakiwa na Sheria ya Mose, iwe uthibitisho kwao kwamba umepona.”
15 But so moche the moare went ther a fame abroade of him and moche people cam to geder to heare and to be healed of him of their infirmities.
Lakini habari za Yesu zilizidi kuenea kila mahali. Watu makundi mengi wakakusanyika ili kumsikiliza na kuponywa magonjwa yao.
16 And he kepte him silfe aparte in ye wildernesses and gave him silfe to prayer.
Lakini yeye alikwenda zake mahali pasipo na watu, akawa anasali huko.
17 And it happened on a certayne daye that he taught: and ther sate the pharises: and docturs of lawe which were come out of all ye tounes of Galile Iurie and Hierusalem. And the power of the Lorde was to heale the.
Siku moja Yesu alikuwa akifundisha. Mafarisayo na walimu wa Sheria kutoka katika kila kijiji cha Galilaya, Yudea na Yerusalemu, walikuwa wameketi hapo. Nguvu ya Bwana ilikuwa pamoja naye kwa ajili ya kuponyea wagonjwa.
18 And beholde me brought a man lyinge in his beed which was taken with a palsie: and sought meanes to brynge him in and to laye him before him.
Mara watu wakaja wamemchukua mtu mmoja aliyepooza maungo, amelala kitandani; wakajaribu kumwingiza ndani wamweke mbele ya Yesu.
19 And whe they coulde not finde by what waye they might bringe him in be cause of ye prease they wet vp on the toppe of ye housse and let him doune thorowe the tylinge beed and all in the middes before Iesus.
Lakini kwa sababu ya wingi wa watu, hawakuweza kuingia ndani. Basi, wakapanda juu ya dari, wakaondoa vigae, wakamshusha huyo aliyepooza pamoja na kitanda chake, wakamweka mbele ya Yesu.
20 When he sawe their fayth he sayde vnto him: man thy synnes are forgeven the.
Yesu alipoona jinsi walivyokuwa na imani kubwa, akamwambia huyo mtu, “Rafiki, umesamehewa dhambi zako.”
21 And the Scribes and the Parises begane to thinke sayinge: What felow is this which speaketh blasphemy? Who can forgeve synnes but God only?
Walimu wa Sheria na Mafarisayo wakaanza kujiuliza: “Nani huyu anayemkufuru Mungu kwa maneno yake? Hakuna mtu awezaye kusamehe dhambi ila Mungu peke yake!”
22 When Iesus perceaved their thoughtes he answered and sayde vnto them: What thinke ye in youre hertes?
Yesu alitambua mawazo yao, akawauliza, “Mnawaza nini mioyoni mwenu?
23 Whether is easyar to saye thy synnes are forgeve the or to saye: rise and walke?
Ni lipi lililo rahisi zaidi: kusema, Umesamehewa dhambi, au kusema, Simama utembee?
24 But that ye maye knowe that the sonne of ma hath power to forgeve synnes on erth he sayde vnto ye sicke of the palsie: I saye to the aryse take vp thy beed and go home to thy housse.
Basi, nataka mjue kwamba Mwana wa Mtu anao uwezo wa kusamehe dhambi duniani.” Hapo akamwambia huyo mtu aliyepooza, “Simama, chukua kitanda chako uende zako nyumbani.”
25 And immediatly he rose vp before them and toke vp his beed where on he laye and departed to his awne housse praysinge God.
Mara, huyo mtu aliyepooza akasimama mbele yao wote, akachukua kitanda chake akaenda zake nyumbani huku akimtukuza Mungu.
26 And they were all amased and they lauded God and were filled with feare sayinge: We have sene straunge thynges to daye.
Wote wakashangaa na kushikwa na hofu; wakamtukuza Mungu wakisema: “Tumeona maajabu leo.”
27 And after that he went forthe and sawe a Publican named Levi sittinge at the receyte of custome and sayde vnto him: folow me.
Baada ya hayo, Yesu akatoka nje, akamwona mtoza ushuru mmoja aitwaye Lawi, ameketi ofisini. Yesu akamwambia, “Nifuate!”
28 And he leeft all roose vp and folowed him.
Lawi akaacha yote, akamfuata.
29 And that same Levi made him a greate feaste at home in his awne housse. And ther was a greate copany of publicans and of other that sate at meate with him.
Kisha Lawi akamwandalia Yesu karamu kubwa nyumbani mwake; na kundi kubwa la watoza ushuru na watu wengine walikuwa wameketi pamoja nao.
30 And the Scribes and Pharises murmured agaynst his disciples sayinge: Why eate ye and drinke ye with publicas and synners?
Mafarisayo na walimu wa Sheria wakawanung'unikia wafuasi wake wakisema: “Mbona mnakula na kunywa pamoja na watoza ushuru na wenye dhambi?”
31 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: They yt are whole nede not of ye phisicion: but they yt are sicke.
Yesu akawajibu, “Wenye afya hawahitaji daktari, lakini wanaomhitaji ni wale walio wagonjwa.
32 I came not to call ye rightewes but synners to repentauce.
Sikuja kuwaita watu wema, bali wenye dhambi, ili wapate kutubu.”
33 Then they sayde vnto him: Why do the disciples of Iohn fast often and praye and the disciples of ye Pharises also: and thine eate and drinke?
Watu wengine wakamwambia Yesu, “Wafuasi wa Yohane mbatizaji hufunga mara nyingi na kusali; hata wafuasi wa Mafarisayo hufanya vivyo hivyo. Lakini wafuasi wako hula na kunywa.”
34 And he sayde vnto them: Can ye make ye chyldren of the weddinge fast as longe as ye brydgrome is present with the?
Yesu akawajibu, “Je, mnaweza kuwataka wale walioalikwa arusini wafunge hali bwana arusi yuko pamoja nao?
35 The dayes will come whe the brydgrome shalbe take awaye from them: then shall they fast in those dayes
Lakini wakati utafika ambapo bwana arusi ataondolewa kati yao, na wakati huo ndipo watakapofunga.”
36 Then he spake vnto them in a similitude: No ma putteth a pece of a newe garment in to an olde vesture: for yf he do: then breaketh he the newe and the pece that was taken out of the newe agreeth not wt the olde.
Yesu akawaambia mfano huu: “Hakuna mtu akataye kiraka cha nguo mpya na kukitia katika vazi kuukuu; kama akifanya hivyo, atakuwa amelikata hilo vazi jipya, na hicho kiraka hakitachukuana na hilo vazi kuukuu.
37 Also no ma poureth newe wyne into olde vessels. For yf he do the newe wyne breaketh the vessels and runneth out it silfe and the vessels perisshe:
Wala hakuna mtu atiaye divai mpya katika viriba vikuukuu; kwani hiyo divai mpya itavipasua hivyo viriba, divai itamwagika, na viriba vitaharibika.
38 But newe wyne must be poured into newe vessels and bothe are preserved.
Divai mpya hutiwa katika viriba vipya!
39 Also no man yt drinketh olde wine strayght waye can awaye with newe for he sayeth ye olde is plesauter.
Wala hakuna mtu ambaye hutamani kunywa divai mpya baada ya kunywa ya zamani, kwani husema: Ile ya zamani ni nzuri zaidi.”

< Luke 5 >