< Hebrews 10 >

1 For the lawe which hath but the shadowe of good thynges to come and not the thynges in their awne fassion can never with ye sacryfises which they offer yere by yere continually make the comers thervnto parfayte.
Kwa vile sheria ni kivuli cha mambo mema yajayo, si yale yaliyo halisi. Sheria kamwe haiwezi kuwakamilisha wale ambao wanaomkaribia Mungu kwa njia ya dhabihu zilezile ambazo makuhani waliendelea kutoa mwaka baada ya mwaka.
2 For wolde not then those sacrifises have ceased to have bene offered because that the offerers once pourged shuld have had no moare conscieces of sinnes.
Au vinginevyo dhabihu hizo zisingeweza kukoma kutolewa? Kwa kigezo hicho waabuduo, wakiwa wamesafishwa mara moja, wasingelikuwa na utambuzi zaidi wa dhambi.
3 Neverthelesse in those sacrifises is ther mencion made of synnes every yeare.
Bali katika dhabihu hizo kuna ukumbusho wa dhambi zilizotendwa mwaka baada ya mwaka.
4 For it is vnpossible that the bloud of oxen and of gotes shuld take awaye synnes.
Kwa kuwa haiwezekani kwa damu ya mafahari na mbuzi kuziondoa dhambi.
5 Wherfore when he commeth into the worlde he sayth: Sacrifice and offeringe thou woldest not have: but a bodie hast thou ordeyned me.
Wakati Kristo alipokuja duniani, alisema, “Hamkutamani matoleo au dhabihu, badala yake, mliandaa mwili kwa ajili yangu.
6 In sacrifices and synne offerynges thou hast no lust.
Hamkuwa na thamani katika matoleo yote ya kuteketezwa au dhabihu kwa ajili ya dhambi.
7 Then I sayde: Lo I come in the chefest of the boke it is written of me that I shuld doo thy will o god.
Kisha nilisema, “Ona, hapa ninayafanya mapenzi yako, Mungu, kama ilivyoandikwa kunihusu mimi katika gombo”.
8 Above when he had sayed sacrifice and offerynge and burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou woldest not have nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the lawe)
Alisema kama ilivyo semwa hapo juu: “Hamkutamani dhabihu, matoleo, au sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya dhambi, wala hukuona furaha ndani yake” dhabihu ambazo zinatolewa kulingana na sheria.
9 and then sayde: Lo I come to do thy will o god: he taketh awaye the fyrst to stablisshe the latter.
Kisha alisema, “Ona, niko hapa kufanya mapenzi yako”. Ameweka pembeni taratibu zilizo za awali ili kuimarisha zile za pili.
10 By the which will we are sanctified by the offeringe of the body of Iesu Christe once for all.
Katika taratibu za pili, tumekwisha tengwa kwa Mungu kwa mapenzi yake kupitia kujitoa kwa mwili wa Yesu Kristo mara moja kwa nyakati zote.
11 And every prest is redy dayly ministrynge and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge which can never take awaye synnes.
Ni kweli, kila kuhani husimama kwa huduma siku kwa siku, akitoa dhabihu ile ile, ambayo, kwa vyovyote, kamwe isingeweza kuziondoa dhambi.
12 But this man after he had offered one sacrifyce for synnes sat him doune for ever on the right honde of god
Lakini baada ya Kristo kutoa dhabihu mara moja kwa dhambi milele yote, aliketi mkono wa kuume wa Mungu,
13 and from hence forth tarieth till his foes be made his fotestole.
akisubiri mpaka maadui zake watiwe chini na kufanywa kiti kwa ajili ya miguu yake.
14 For with one offerynge hath he made parfecte for ever them yt are sanctified.
Kwa kuwa kwa njia ya toleo moja amewakamilisha milele wale ambao wametengwa kwa Mungu.
15 And ye holy goost also beareth vs recorde of this even when he tolde before:
Na Roho Mtakatifu pia ashuhudia kwetu. Kwa kuwa kwanza alisema,
16 This is the testament that I will make vnto them after those dayes sayth the lorde. I will put my lawes in their hertes and in their mynde I will write them
“Hili ni agano nitakalofanya pamoja nao baada ya siku hizo; asema Bwana: nitaweka sheria zangu ndani ya mioyo yao, na nitaziandika katika akili zao”.
17 and their synnes and iniquyties will I remember no moare.
Kisha alisema, “Hawatazikumbuka tena dhambi na matendo yao mafu”.
18 And where remission of these thinges is there is no moare offerynge for synne.
Sasa mahali palipo na msamaha kwa hawa, hakuna tena dhabihu yoyote kwa ajili ya dhambi.
19 Seynge brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we maye be bolde to enter into that holy place
Kwa hiyo, ndugu, tunao ujasiri wa kuingia mahali patakatifu zaidi kwa damu ya Yesu.
20 by the newe and livynge waye which he hath prepared for vs through the vayle that is to saye by his flesshe.
Hiyo ni njia ambayo ameifungua kwa ajili yetu kwa njia ya mwili wake, mpya na hai inayopitia kwenye pazia.
21 And seynge also that we have an hye prest which is ruler over ye housse of god
Na kwa sababu tunaye kuhani mkuu juu ya nyumba ya Mungu,
22 let vs drawe nye with a true herte in a full fayth sprynckeled in oure hertes from an evyll conscience and wesshed in oure bodies with pure water
na tumkaribie na moyo wa kweli katika utimilifu wa uhakika wa imani tukiwa na mioyo iliyonyunyiziwa safi kutoka uovu wa dhamiri na kuwa na miili yetu iliyooshwa kwa maji safi.
23 and let vs kepe the profession of oure hope with oute waveringe (for he is faythfull that promysed)
Basi na tushikilie kwa uthabiti katika ungamo la ujasiri wa tumaini letu, bila ya kugeuka, kwa sababu Mungu aliyeahidi ni mwaminifu.
24 and let vs consyder one another to provoke vnto love and to good workes:
Na tuzidi kutafakari namna ya kumtia moyo kila mmoja kupenda na matendo mema.
25 and let vs not forsake the felishippe that we have amoge oure selves as the maner of some is: but let vs exhorte one another and that so moche the more because ye se that the daye draweth nye.
Na tusiache kukusanyika pamoja, kama wafanyavyo wengine. Badala yake, kutiana moyo kila mmoja zaidi na zaidi, kama muonavyo siku inakaribia.
26 For yf we synne willyngly after that we have receaved the knowledge of the trueth there remayneth no more sacrifice for synnes
Kama tukifanya makusudi kuendelea kutenda dhambi baada ya kuwa tumepokea elimu ya ukweli, Dhabihu nyingine ya dhambi haisalii tena.
27 but a fearfull lokynge for iudgement and violent fyre which shall devoure the adversaries
Badala yake, kuna tarajio pekee la hukumu ya kutisha, na ukali wa moto ambao utawateketeza maadui wa Mungu.
28 He that despiseth Moses lawe dyeth with out mercy vnder two or thre witnesses.
Yeyote ambaye ameikataa sheria ya Musa hufa bila rehema mbele ya ushuhuda wa mashahidi wawili au watatu.
29 Of how moche sorer punyshment suppose ye shall he be counted worthy which treadeth vnderfote the sonne of god: and counteth the bloude of the testament as an vnholy thynge wherwith he was sanctified and doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace.
kiwango gani zaidi cha adhabu unafikiri kinamstahiri kilammoja ambaye amemdharau mwana wa Mungu, yeyote aliyeitendea damu ya agano kama kitu kisicho kitakatifu, damu ambayo kwayo aliiweka wakfu kwa Mungu - yeyote ambaye amemtukana Roho wa neema?
30 For we knowe him that hath sayde vengeaunce belongeth vnto me I will recompence sayth the lorde. And agayne: the lorde shall iudge his people.
Kwakuwa tunajua mmoja ambaye aliyesema, “Kisasi ni changu, nitalipa”. Na tena, “Bwana atawahukumu watu wake”.
31 It is a fearfull thynge to faule into the hondes of the livynge God.
Ni jambo la kuogofya mtu kuangukia katika mikono ya Mungu aliye hai!
32 Call to remebraunce the dayes that are passed in the which after ye had receaved light ye endured a greate fyght in adversities
Lakini kumbuka siku zilizopita, baada ya kutiwa kwenu nuru, ni jinsi gani mliweza kuvumilia maumivu makali.
33 partly whill all men wondred and gased at you for the shame and trioulacion that was done vnto you and partly whill ye became companyons of the which so passed their tyme.
Mlikuwa mmewekwa wazi katika dhihaka ya matukano na mateso, na mlikuwa washiriki pamoja na wale waliopitia mateso kama hayo.
34 For ye suffered also with my bondes and toke a worth the spoylynge of youre goodes and that with gladnes knowynge in youre selves how that ye had in heven a better and an endurynge substaunce
Kwa kuwa mlikuwa na moyo wa huruma kwa hao waliokuwa wafungwa, na mlipokea kwa furaha adhabu ya urithi wenu, mkijua kwamba ninyi wenyewe mlikuwa na urithi bora na wa kudumu milele.
35 Cast not awaye therfore youre confidence which hath great rewarde to recopence.
Kwa hiyo msiutupe ujasiri wenu, ulio na zawadi kuu.
36 For ye have nede of paciece that after ye have done ye will of god ye myght receave the promes.
Kwa kuwa mnahitaji uvumilivu, ili kwamba mpate kupokea ambacho Mungu amekiahidi, baada ya kuwa mmekwisha yatenda mapenzi yake.
37 For yet a very lytell whyle and he that shall come will come and will not tary.
Kwa kuwa baada ya kitambo kidogo, mmoja anayekuja, atakuja hakika na hatakawia.
38 But the iust shall live by faith. And yf he withdrawe him silfe my soule shall have no pleasure in him.
Mwenye haki wangu ataishi kwa imani. Kama atarudi nyuma, sitapendezwa naye.”
39 We are not whiche withdrawe oure selves vnto dampnacio but partayne to fayth to the wynnynge of the soule.
Lakini sisi si kama wale warudio nyuma kwa kuangamia. Badala yake, sisi ni baadhi ya wale tulio na imani ya kuzilinda roho zetu.

< Hebrews 10 >