< 1 Corinthians 9 >

1 Am I not an Apostle? am I not fre? have I not sene Iesus Christ oure lorde?
Ngaihding ak thlang na am ka awm nawh nu? Ceityih pynoet am kang ming na nawh nu? Ningmih a Bawipa Jesu ce am ka hu nawh nu? Nangmih ve Bawipa awh kai a bibinaak ak thaih khqi am nu?
2 Are not ye my worke in the lorde. Yf I be not an Apostle vnto other yet am I vnto you. For the seale of myne Apostleshippe are ye in the lorde.
Thlak chang a venawh ceityih na am awm mai nyng seiawm, nangmih a ven awhtaw awm nyng! Bawipa awh nangmih ve ceityihna ka awmnaak ak dang sakkung na awm uhyk ti.
3 Myne answer to them that axe me is this.
Kai awi anik deng khqi venawh ve ve kang hulqunaak na awm hy.
4 Have we not power to eate and to drynke?
Aawk thai ai thainaak ni ta uhy ka ti my?
5 Ether have we not power to leade about a sister to wyfe as wel as other Apostles and as the brethren of the lorde and Cephas?
Cangnaak ak ta ni zukhqi awm ceityih ak changkhqi ingkaw Bawipa a naakhqi ingkaw Cepha amyihna khawlawng ni ceh pyi thai lawt hy ka ti?
6 Ether only I and Barnabas have not power this to do?
Kai ingkaw Barnaba doeng ing nu phoen khuutnaak na bi ka ni bi hly?
7 who goeth a warfare eny tyme at his awne cost? who planteth a vynearde and eateth not of the frute? Who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke?
U ing nu amah a tangka ing qalkap bi a bi? U ing nu misur thing ling nawh ai kaana a awm? U ing nu vaitaw khoem nawh a suuktui aawk kaana a awm?
8 Saye I these thinges after the manner of men? Or sayth not the lawe the same also?
Thlanghqing a huhnaak mai awh nu ve ve kak kqawn? Anaa awi ingawm ce ni ak kqawn ka ti my?
9 For it ys written in the lawe of Moses. Thou shall not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for oxen?
Mosi a anaa awi awh vemyihna qee hy: “Caang ak leh vaaitaw ce a hui koeh pin pe,” ti nawh. Khawsa ing vaitaw ham doeng nu ak poek pek?
10 Ether sayth he it not all to gedder for oure sakes? For oure sakes no doute this is written: that he which eareth shuld eare in hope: and that he which thressheth in hope shuld be parttaker of his hope.
Ningnih a ham doeng na ak kqawn law am nu? Oeih, ningnih aham qeena awm hy: dek ak naawkkung ing dek naawk nawh caang ak lehkung ing caang a leh awh, caang ce ang ngaih-u lawt dawngawh cemyihna ce bibi lawt hy.
11 Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thynges: is it a greate thynge yf we reepe youre carnall thynges
Nangmih anglakawh myihla ben camci ce ka mi saw dawngawh, nangmih a ven awhkawng khawmdek ik-oeih ka mi ah ce doem aih nawh nu?
12 Yf other be parttakers of this power over you? wherfore are not we rather. Neverthelesse we have not vsed this power: but suffre all thinges lest we shuld hynder the gospell of Christ.
Thlak chang ing nangmih a venawh kawng bawmnaak ce ami huh awhtaw, kaimih ingtaw khawzah khqoet am ka mik hu hly nu? Cehlai vawhkaw anaa ve am haw na unyng. Khrih ak awithang leek kangna ama awmnaak a ham ikawm yh ngah ngah unyng.
13 Do ye not vnderstoder how that they which minister in the temple have their fyndynge of the temple? And they which wayte at the aulter are partakers with ye aultre?
Bawkim awh bi ak bikhqi ing bawkim awhkawng buh hu unawh, bawkthang awh bi ak bikhqi ingawm bawkthang awhkaw ami pek khqi ce bawn lawt uhy tice am nami sim nawh nu?
14 Even so also dyd ye lorde ordayne that they which preache ye gospell shuld live of the gospell.
Cemyih lawtna, awithang leek ak khypyikhqi ing awithang leek khypyinaak ak caming ak phoen khuut aham Bawipa ing taak pek khqi hy.
15 But I have vsed none of these thinges. Nether wrote I these thinges that it shuld be so done vnto me. For it were better for me to dye the yt eny man shnld take this reioysinge from me
Cehlai vemyih saithainaak ve pynoet awm am haw na nyng. Kak khanawh cemyihna nami sainaak a ham ve ak ca awm am qee law nyng. Vawhkaw kang oekqunaak ve thlang ing kawna a sui kaana a awmnaak anglakawhtaw ka thih leek hly bet hy.
16 In that I preache the gospell I have nothinge to reioyce of. For necessite is put vnto me. Wo is it vnto me yf I preache not the gospell.
Cehlai awithang leek kak khypyi awh, awithang leek khypyi qoe qoe aham ka awm dawngawh am kyih qu thai nyng. Awithang leek am kak khypyi awhtaw kai aham khaw na bin hy!
17 If I do it with a good will I have a rewarde. But yf I do it agaynst my will an office is committed vnto me.
Kamah ak thahlynaak ing awithang leek ve kak khypyi mantaw, kutdo hu kawng; thahlynaak ing am kak khypyi mantaw, ka venawh peek na ak awm ce kak khypyi mailai na awm hy.
18 What is my rewarde then? Verely that whe I preache the gospell I make the gospell of Christ fre yt I misvse not myne auctorite in ye gospel
Cemyih a awm mantaw kai aham ikaw kutdo a awm kaw? Ve mai ni: awithang leek kak khypyinaak ve a zoe na ni, cedawngawh ka saithainaak ce awithang leek khypyinaak awh am haw na nyng.
19 For though I be fre from all men yet have I made my silfe servaunt vnto all men that I myght wynne the moo.
U a tyihzawih na awm am awm nyng saw ngaihding na awm hlai nyng, thlang khawzah ka lawhnaak thai aham thlang boeih a tamnaa na sai qu nyng.
20 Vnto the Iewes I became as a Iewe to winne ye Iewes. To the that were vnder the lawe was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe to wynne the that were vnder the lawe.
Judakhqi venawh Judakhqi ka ka lawhnaak thai aham Juda na awm nyng. Anaa ak kaiawh ak awmkhqi venawh (kamah taw anaa ak kaiawh ak awmkhqi venawh anaa ak kaiawh am awm hlai nyng), anaa ak kaiawh ak awmkhqi ce ka lawhnaak thai aham, anaa ak kaiawh ak awm amyihna awm lawt nyng.
21 To them that were without lawe be ca I as though I had bene without lawe (whe I was not without lawe as perteyninge to god but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christ) to wynne the that were without lawe.
Anaa awi amak ta thlangkhqi venawh anaa awi amak ta myihna awm lawt nyng (Khawsa anaa awhkawng am loet nyng saw Khrih a anaa ak kaiawh awm nyng), cawh ni anaa awi amak ta thlangkhqi ce ka lawh hly thai.
22 To the weake became I as weake to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my silfe to all men to save at ye lest waye some.
Tha amak awm thlangkhqi venawh, tha amak awmkhqi ce ka lawhnaak thai aham, tha amak awm thlang na awm nyng. Ang coengnaak thai khuina thlang ka hulnaak thai aham, thlang boeih a venawh ami awm awm a myihna awm nyng.
23 And this I do for the gospels sake that I might have my parte therof.
Awithang leek zoseennaak awh ka paa thainaak aham, vemyihkhqi boeih ve sai nyng.
24 Perceave ye not how that they which runne in a course runne all yet but one receaveth the rewarde. So runne that ye maye obtayne.
Dawng taaqunaak awh dawng boeih hlai uhy, thlang pynoet doeng ing ni kutdo a huh hy tice am nami sim nawh nu? Kutdo nami huhnaak thai aham dawng lah uh.
25 Euery man yt proveth masteryes abstaineth from all thinges. And they do it to obtayne a corruptible croune: but we to obtayne an vncorruptible croune:
Taaqunaak awh ak paa ingtaw thalawhnaak ing amik tha lo ngah ngah uhy. Cekkhqi ing amak kyi poe hly kutdo huh aham cemyih tluk na amik tha lo uhy; cehlai ningnih ingtaw kumqui dyna ak cak boei lumyk ce huh aham bi ni bi uhy.
26 I therfore so runne not as at an vncertayne thinge. So fyght I not as one yt beateth the ayer:
Cedawngawh cainaak amak awm thlang amyihna haiben na am dawng nyng; zilh hqawng ak hyp amyihna am hyp nyng.
27 but I tame my body and bringe it into subieccio lest after that I have preached to other I my silfe shuld be a castawaye.
Cemyihna, thlang a venawh awithang leek kak khypyi coengawh kutdo huh ham amak kawihna am ka awmnaak ham kamah a pum ve vyk nyng saw noengnaak na ta nyng.

< 1 Corinthians 9 >