< Romans 13 >

1 Every [believer] must be subject to the authorities. [Remember that] God is the only one [who gives officials their] authority. Furthermore, those officials that exist are ones who have been appointed by God {God has appointed}.
Jedermann sei untertan der Obrigkeit, die Gewalt über ihn hat. Denn es ist keine Obrigkeit ohne von Gott; wo aber Obrigkeit ist, die ist von Gott verordnet.
2 So whoever resists the officials is resisting what God has established. Furthermore, those who resist officials will bring on themselves [from the officials] the punishment [that God considers fitting].
Wer sich nun wider die Obrigkeit setzet, der widerstrebet Gottes Ordnung; die aber widerstreben, werden über sich ein Urteil empfangen.
3 What rulers [do] is not [to cause people who] do good deeds to be afraid. Instead, [what they do is to cause people who do] evil to be afraid. So, if any of you [RHQ] wants to be unafraid of officials, do what is good! [If you(sg) do good], they will commend you [instead of punishing you!]
Denn die Gewaltigen sind nicht den guten Werken, sondern den bösen zu fürchten. Willst du dich aber nicht fürchten vor der Obrigkeit, so tue Gutes, so wirst du Lob von derselbigen haben;
4 It is in order to serve God [by doing their work that every official exists], in order that they may benefit each of you. If any of you does what is evil, you [(sg) will rightfully have reason to] be afraid, because the authority that they have to punish people [MTY] is very real [LIT]! The officials exist to serve God. That is, they act as God’s agents as they punish those who do evil.
denn sie ist Gottes Dienerin dir zu gut. Tust du aber Böses, so fürchte dich; denn sie trägt das Schwert nicht umsonst; sie ist Gottes Dienerin, eine Rächerin zur Strafe über den, der Böses tut.
5 So, it is necessary for you [(pl)] to be subject [to officials], not only because they will punish you [MTY] [if you disobey them], but also because you know [that you should be subject to them]
So seid nun aus Not untertan, nicht allein um der Strafe willen, sondern auch um des Gewissens willen.
6 It is for this reason that you also pay taxes, because the officials are ones who serve God as they continually do their work.
Derhalben müsset ihr auch Schoß geben; denn sie sind Gottes Diener, die solchen Schutz sollen handhaben.
7 Give to all [the officials] what you are supposed to give to them! Pay taxes to [those who require that you pay taxes]. Pay duties [on goods to those who require that you pay those] duties. Respect [those who ought to] be respected. Honor [those who ought to] be honored.
So gebet nun jedermann, was ihr schuldig seid: Schoße dem der Schoß gebührt; Zoll, dem der Zoll gebührt; Furcht dem die Furcht gebührt; Ehre, dem die Ehre gebührt.
8 Pay all of your debts [when you are supposed to pay them]. The only thing [that is like] a debt that [you] should never stop paying is to love one another. Whoever loves others has fulfilled all that [God requires in] his laws.
Seid niemand nichts schuldig, denn daß ihr euch untereinander liebet; denn wer den andern liebet, der hat das Gesetz erfüllet.
9 [There are many things that God] commanded [in his laws, such as] do not commit adultery, do not murder [anyone], do not steal, and do not desire anything that belongs to someone else. But the command by which they are all summed up {that includes them all} is this: Each of you must love the people with whom you come in contact, just like you [(sg)] love yourself.
Denn das da gesagt ist: Du sollst nicht ehebrechen; du sollst nicht töten; du sollst nicht stehlen; du sollst nicht falsch Zeugnis geben; dich soll nichts gelüsten, und so ein ander Gebot mehr ist, das wird in diesem Wort verfasset: Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst:
10 If you love people with whom you come in contact [PRS], you will not do any evil to them [LIT]. So, whoever loves [others] fulfills all that [God’s] laws [require].
Die Liebe tut dem Nächsten nichts Böses. So ist nun die Liebe des Gesetzes Erfüllung.
11 [Do] what I have just told you, especially since you know [the significance of] the time [in which we are living. You know that it is] time for you to be [fully alert and active] [MET], [like people who have] awakened from sleeping [MET], because [the time when Christ will finally] deliver us [from this world’s pain/sin and sorrow] is near. That time (is closer than/was not so close) when we first believed [in Christ].
Und weil wir solches wissen, nämlich die Zeit, daß die Stunde da ist, aufzustehen vom Schlaf, sintemal unser Heil jetzt näher ist, denn da wir's glaubten,
12 [Our time to live in this world] [MTY] [is almost ended] [MET], [like] a night that is nearly ended. The time [when Christ will return] [MTY] is near. So we must quit doing wicked deeds [MET] [such as people do] in the darkness, and [we must be doing the things that will help us resist Satan/evil] [MET], [as soldiers who] put on their armor in the daytime [get ready to resist their enemies].
die Nacht ist vergangen, der Tag aber herbeikommen: so lasset uns ablegen die Werke der Finsternis und anlegen die Waffen des Lichtes.
13 We must behave properly, as though the time [when Christ will return] [MTY] [were already here]. We must not participate in drunken carousing [HEN]. We must not commit any kind of sexual immorality [MTY, DOU]. We must not quarrel. We must not be jealous [of other people].
Lasset uns ehrbarlich wandeln, als am Tage, nicht in Fressen und Saufen, nicht in Kammern und Unzucht, nicht in Hader und Neid.
14 On the contrary, you/we should [be like] the Lord Jesus Christ [so that others will see that we belong to him], just as [people] put on [special clothes so that others will see what group they belong to] [MET]. You/We should stop thinking about [doing the things that your/our] self-directed nature desires.
sondern ziehet an den HERRN Jesum Christum und wartet des Leibes, doch also, daß er nicht geil werde.

< Romans 13 >