< Psalms 68 >

1 God, arise and scatter your enemies, and cause those who hate you to run away from you.
Veisuunjohtajalle; Daavidin virsi, laulu. Jumala nousee, hänen vihollisensa hajaantuvat, hänen vihamiehensä pakenevat hänen kasvojensa edestä.
2 Like [wind] blows smoke away, chase your enemies away. Like wax melts when it is near a fire, cause wicked people to (disappear/be destroyed).
Sinä hajotat heidät, niinkuin savu hajoaa; niinkuin vaha sulaa tulen hohteessa, niin jumalattomat häviävät Jumalan kasvojen edessä.
3 But righteous people should be joyful; they should rejoice when they are in God’s presence; they should be happy, and be very joyful.
Mutta vanhurskaat iloitsevat ja riemuitsevat Jumalan kasvojen edessä, he ihastuvat ilosta.
4 Sing to God; sing to praise him; sing a song (OR, make a road) for him who rides on the clouds; his name is Yahweh; be glad when you are in his presence.
Laulakaa Jumalalle, veisatkaa hänen nimensä kiitosta. Tehkää tie hänelle, joka kiitää halki arojen. Hänen nimensä on Herra, riemuitkaa hänen kasvojensa edessä.
5 God, who lives in his sacred temple, is [like] [MET] a father to [those who are] orphans, and he is the one who protects widows.
Hän on orpojen isä ja leskien puolustaja, Jumala pyhässä asunnossansa,
6 For those who have no one to live with, he provides families [to live with]. He frees prisoners and enables them to be successful, but those who rebel [against him] will be forced to live in a very hot and dry land.
Jumala, joka antaa hyljätyille kodin ja johtaa vangitut onneen. Vain niskoittelijat asuvat kuivassa maassa.
7 God, you led your people out [of Egypt], and then you marched with them through the desert.
Jumala, kun sinä kävit kansasi edellä, kun sinä kuljit erämaassa, (Sela)
8 After you did that, because when you, the God [worshiped by us] Israeli people, appeared to us at Sinai [Mountain], the earth shook, and rain poured down from the sky.
niin maa vapisi ja taivaat tiukkuivat Jumalan kasvojen edessä, Siinai vapisi Jumalan, Israelin Jumalan, kasvojen edessä.
9 You caused plenty of rain to fall [on your land], [and so] you enabled good crops to grow again on the land that you gave [to us Israelis].
Runsaalla sateella sinä, Jumala, kostutit perintömaasi; ja kun se oli näännyksissä, niin sinä virvoitit sen.
10 Your people built homes there; and because you were good to them, you provided [food] for those who were poor.
Sinun laumasi asettui siihen; hyvyydessäsi, Jumala, sinä sen kurjille valmistit.
11 The Lord gave a message, and many women took that message to other places.
Herra antaa sanoman, suuri on voitonsanoman saattajatarten joukko:
12 [They proclaimed], “Many kings and their armies are running away [from our army]!” [When our army brought back to their homes] the things that they captured, the women who were at home divided up those things [among themselves and among their families].
"Sotajoukkojen kuninkaat pakenevat, he pakenevat, ja perheen emäntä jakaa saaliin.
13 Even those women who were in the pens [taking care of] the sheep [received some of those things]; they got statues of doves whose wings were covered with silver and whose feathers were covered with pure yellow gold.
Jäättekö makailemaan karjatarhojen vaiheille? Kyyhkysen siivet ovat hopealla silatut, sen sulat keltaisella kullalla!
14 When Almighty [God] scattered the [enemy] kings [and their armies], [the number of weapons that they abandoned there] seemed like there had been a snowstorm on Zalmon (OR, a black) [Mountain].
Kun Kaikkivaltias siellä hajotti kuninkaat, satoi lunta Salmonilla."
15 There is a very high mountain in the Bashan [region], a mountain which has many peaks.
Baasanin vuori on Jumalan vuori, Baasanin vuori on monihuippuinen vuori.
16 But the [people who live near] that mountain should not [RHQ] envy those who live near [Zion], the mountain on which God chose to live! Yahweh will live there forever!
Miksi te, monihuippuiset vuoret, karsaasti katsotte vuorta, jolla Jumala on mielistynyt asumaan? Totisesti, Herra asuu siellä iankaikkisesti.
17 [After we defeated all our enemies], [it was as though] the Lord, surrounded by many thousands of strong chariots, descended from Sinai [Mountain] and came into the sacred temple [in Jerusalem].
Jumalan sotavaunuja on kymmenet tuhannet, on tuhannen kertaa tuhannet; Herra on niiden keskellä, pyhyydessään niinkuin Siinai.
18 He ascended the sacred mountain [where his temple is], and took with him many people who had been captured [in battles]; and received gifts from the enemies [whom he had defeated]. He received gifts even from those who had rebelled against him, and Yahweh our God will live there [in his sacred temple] forever.
Sinä astuit ylös korkeuteen, otit vankeja saaliiksesi, sait ihmisiä lahjaksesi: niskoittelijatkin joutuvat asumaan Herran Jumalan tykönä.
19 Praise the Lord, who [helps us] carry our heavy loads every day; he is the one who saves/rescues us.
Kiitetty olkoon Herra joka päivä. Meitä kantaa Jumala, meidän apumme. (Sela)
20 Our God is the God who saves us; He is Yahweh, our Lord, the one who (allows us to escape/prevents us) from being killed [in battles].
Meillä on Jumala, Jumala, joka auttaa, ja Herra, Herra, joka kuolemasta vapahtaa.
21 But God will smash the heads of his enemies, the skulls of those who continue to behave sinfully.
Mutta Jumala murskaa vihollistensa pään, niiden karvaisen päälaen, jotka synneissänsä vaeltavat.
22 The Lord said, “I will bring back the [corpses of those who were killed in] Bashan, and I will bring back those who sank deep in the ocean [and drowned].
Herra sanoo: "Baasanista minä heidät palautan, palautan meren syvyyksistä,
23 I will do that in order that you may wash your feet in their blood, and your dogs can [also] lap up some of your enemies’ blood.”
että sinä polkisit jalkasi vereen, että sinun koiriesi kieli saisi osansa vihollisista".
24 God, many people see you march triumphantly into your sacred temple, [celebrating that you have defeated your enemies]. You [march like] a king does, and a large crowd walks with you.
Julkinähtävät ovat sinun juhlasaattosi, Jumala, minun Jumalani, kuninkaani juhlasaatot pyhäkössä.
25 The singers are in front, and the people who play stringed instruments are at the rear, and young women who are beating their tambourines are between them.
Laulajat käyvät edellä, kanteleensoittajat jäljessä, keskellä nuoret naiset vaskirumpuja lyöden.
26 [They are all singing], “You Israeli people, praise God when you gather together; praise Yahweh, all you who are descendants of Jacob!”
Kiittäkää Jumalaa seurakunnan kokouksissa, kiittäkää Herraa te, jotka olette Israelin lähteestä.
27 First come [the people of the tribe of] Benjamin, the smallest [tribe], and following them come the leaders of [the tribe of] Judah and their group, and following them come the leaders of [the tribes of] Zebulun and Naphtali.
Tuolla on Benjamin, nuorin, heitä johtaen, Juudan ruhtinaat joukkoinensa, Sebulonin ruhtinaat, Naftalin ruhtinaat.
28 God, show people that you are very powerful; show people the power with which you have helped us previously.
Sinun Jumalasi on säätänyt sinulle vallan. Vahvista, Jumala, minkä olet hyväksemme tehnyt.
29 Show that power from your temple in Jerusalem, where kings bring gifts to you.
Sinun temppelisi tähden, joka kohoaa Jerusalemissa, kuninkaat tuovat sinulle lahjoja.
30 Rebuke [your enemies, such as those in Egypt who are like] wild hippopotamuses/animals that live in the reeds; and [powerful nations that are like] bulls that are among their calves [MET]; rebuke/trample them until they bow down and give you gifts of silver. Scatter the people who enjoy making wars.
Käske ankarasti ruovikon petoa, härkien laumaa ynnä vasikoita, kansoja, lankeamaan maahan hopeaharkkoinensa. Hän hajottaa kansat, jotka sotia rakastavat.
31 Then people will bring gifts of bronze (OR, of cloth) to you from Egypt; the people in Ethiopia will lift up their hands [to praise you].
Mahtavat saapuvat Egyptistä, Etiopia kiiruhtaa ojentamaan käsiänsä Jumalan puoleen.
32 [You people who are citizens of] kingdoms/countries all over the world, sing to God! Sing praises to the Lord!
Te maan valtakunnat, laulakaa Jumalalle, veisatkaa Herran kiitosta, (Sela)
33 Sing to the God, the one who rides across the sky, the sky that [he created] long ago. Listen as he shouts with a very powerful voice.
hänen, joka kiitää ikuisten taivasten taivaissa! Katso, hän antaa äänellänsä väkevän jylinän.
34 Proclaim that God is very powerful; he is the king that rules over Israel, and in the skies [he also shows that] he is powerful.
Antakaa väkevyys Jumalalle! Hänen herrautensa on Israelin yllä ja hänen voimansa pilvien tasalla.
35 God is awesome as he comes out of his sacred temple; he is the God whom [we] Israeli people [worship]. He makes [DOU] his people very powerful. Praise God!
Peljättävä on Jumala, joka ilmestyy sinun pyhäköstäsi, Israelin Jumala. Hän antaa kansallensa voiman ja väkevyyden. Kiitetty olkoon Jumala.

< Psalms 68 >