< Psalms 32 >

1 Those whom God has forgiven for rebelling against him, whose stains [MET] of sin have been wiped away, are truly blessed [by God]!
לדוד משכיל אשרי נשוי-פשע כסוי חטאה
2 Those whose record of their sins Yahweh has erased, those who no longer do deceitful things, are [truly] blessed [by God]!
אשרי אדם--לא יחשב יהוה לו עון ואין ברוחו רמיה
3 When I did not confess my sins, (my body/I) was very weak and sick, and I groaned (all day long/continually).
כי-החרשתי בלו עצמי-- בשאגתי כל-היום
4 Day and night, [Yahweh], you [SYN] punished me severely. My strength drained away like [water that] ([evaporates/dries up]) on a hot summer [day].
כי יומם ולילה-- תכבד עלי ידך נהפך לשדי-- בחרבני קיץ סלה
5 [Then/Finally] I admitted/confessed my sins to you; I stopped trying to hide them. (Think about that!) I said [to myself], “I will confess to Yahweh the wrong things that I have done.” And [when I confessed them], you forgave me, so now I (am no longer guilty/will no longer be punished) for my sins.
חטאתי אודיעך ועוני לא-כסיתי-- אמרתי אודה עלי פשעי ליהוה ואתה נשאת עון חטאתי סלה
6 Therefore, the people who are godly should pray to you [when they] (realize that they have sinned/have difficulties). If they pray to you, [difficulties] [MET] will not overwhelm them [like] a great flood.
על-זאת יתפלל כל-חסיד אליך-- לעת מצא רק לשטף מים רבים-- אליו לא יגיעו
7 You are [like] a place where I can hide [from my enemies] [MET], you protect me from troubles, and you (enable me/[put people around me who will enable me]) to shout, praising you for saving me [from my enemies].
אתה סתר לי-- מצר תצרני רני פלט תסובבני סלה
8 [Yahweh says], “I will teach you about how you should conduct your life. I will instruct you and watch over you.
אשכילך ואורך--בדרך-זו תלך איעצה עליך עיני
9 Do not be stupid like horses and mules that do not have understanding; they need (bits/pieces of metal put in their mouths) and (bridles/ropes fastened to their head) so they will go in the direction you want them to go.”
אל-תהיו כסוס כפרד-- אין הבין במתג-ורסן עדיו לבלום בל קרב אליך
10 Wicked people will have many [troubles that will make them] sad, but those who trust in Yahweh will experience him faithfully loving them all the time.
רבים מכאובים לרשע והבוטח ביהוה--חסד יסובבנו
11 [So, all] you righteous people, rejoice about what Yahweh [has done for you]; you whose (inner beings/lives) are pure, be glad and shout joyfully!
שמחו ביהוה וגילו צדיקים והרנינו כל-ישרי-לב

< Psalms 32 >