< Psalms 137 >

1 When we [had been taken to] Babylonia, [far from Jerusalem], we sat down by the rivers there, and we cried when we thought about [the temple on] Zion [Hill in Jerusalem].
Apud la riveroj de Babel Ni sidis kaj ploris, Rememorante Cionon.
2 On the willow trees [alongside the rivers] we hung our harps [because we did not want to play them any more because we were very sad].
Sur la salikoj tie Ni pendigis niajn harpojn.
3 The [soldiers] who had captured us [and taken us to Babylonia] told us to sing [for them]; they told us to (entertain them/make them happy), saying, “Sing for us one of the songs [that you previously sang in] Jerusalem!”
Ĉar tie niaj kaptintoj postulis de ni kantojn, Kaj niaj mokantoj ĝojon, dirante: Kantu al ni el la kantoj de Cion.
4 But [we thought], “We [are sad because we have been punished by Yahweh and brought to this] foreign land, so we cannot [RHQ] sing songs about Yahweh while we are here!”
Kiel ni kantos sur fremda tero La kanton de la Eternulo?
5 If I forget about Jerusalem [APO], Iet my right hand wither [with the result that I will be unable to play my harp]
Se mi forgesos vin, ho Jerusalem, Tiam forgesiĝu mia dekstra mano;
6 Do not allow me to sing again [MTY], if I forget about Jerusalem, if I do not consider that Jerusalem causes me to be more joyful than anything else does.
Algluiĝu mia lango al mia palato, Se mi vin ne memoros, Se mi ne levos Jerusalemon en la supron de miaj ĝojoj.
7 Yahweh, [punish] the people of the Edom people-group for what they did on the day that the army of Babylon captured Jerusalem. Do not forget that they said, “Tear down all the buildings! Destroy them completely! Leave only the foundations!”
Rememorigu, ho Eternulo, al la filoj de Edom La tagon de Jerusalem, kiam ili diris: Detruu, detruu ĝis ĝia fundamento.
8 And you people of Babylon, you will certainly be destroyed! Those who punish you in return for what you did to us will be happy;
Ho ruinigema filino de Babel! Bone estos al tiu, Kiu repagos al vi por la faro, kiun vi faris al ni.
9 they will take your babies and completely smash them on the rocks.
Bone estos al tiu, Kiu prenos kaj frakasos viajn infanetojn sur ŝtono.

< Psalms 137 >