< Matthew 27 >

1 Very early the next morning all the chief priests and Jewish elders decided how [to arrange for the Romans] to execute Jesus.
А кад би ујутру, учинише веће сви главари свештенички и старешине народне за Исуса да Га погубе.
2 They tied his hands and took him to Pilate, the [Roman] governor.
И свезавши Га одведоше, и предаше Га Понтију Пилату, судији.
3 When Judas, the one who had (betrayed/enabled Jesus’ enemies to seize) him, realized that they had decided to have Jesus executed, he was very sorry [about what he had done]. He took the 30 coins back to the chief priests and elders.
Тада видевши Јуда издајник Његов да Га осудише раскаја се, и врати тридесет сребрника главарима свештеничким и старешинама
4 He said, “I have sinned. I have (betrayed/enabled you to seize) a man who (is innocent/has not done anything wrong).” They replied, “(That means nothing to us!/What does that mean to us?) [RHQ] That is your problem!”
Говорећи: Ја сагреших што издадох крв праву. А они рекоше: Шта ми маримо за то? Ти ћеш видети.
5 So Judas [took] the money [and] threw it inside the Temple. Then he went away and hanged himself.
И бацивши сребрнике у цркви изиђе, и отиде те се обеси.
6 [Later] the high priests [found] the coins. They picked them up and said, “This is money that we paid [to have a man killed] [MTY], and our law does not allow [such money] to be put {us to put [such money]} into the [Temple treasury].”
А главари свештенички узевши сребрнике рекоше: Не ваља их метнути у црквену хазну, јер је узето за крв.
7 So they decided to use that money to buy the field where clay was dug for making pots {men dug ground for making pots}. [They made that field] a place where they buried strangers [who died in Jerusalem].
Него се договорише те купише за њих лончареву њиву за гробље гостима.
8 That is why that place is still called {why they still call that place} ‘The field of blood’.
Од тога се и прозва она њива крвна њива и до данас.
9 [By buying that field], they fulfilled these words that the prophet Jeremiah wrote [long ago]: They took the 30 silver coins; That was what the leaders of Israel decided [that he was worth];
Тада се изврши шта је казао пророк Јеремија говорећи: И узеше тридесет сребрника, цену цењенога кога су ценили синови Израиљеви;
10 and with that money they bought the field where clay was dug for potters. They did that as the Lord had commanded me.
И дадоше их за њиву лончареву, као што ми каза Господ.
11 Jesus stood in front of [Pilate], the governor. The governor asked Jesus, “Do you [claim to be] the king of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “[It is] as you have [just] said.”
А Исус стаде пред судијом, и запита Га судија говорећи: Ти ли си цар јудејски? А Исус рече му: Ти кажеш.
12 When he was accused by the chief priests and elders {When the chief priests and elders accused him} about various things, he did not answer.
И кад Га тужаху главари свештенички и старешине, ништа не одговори.
13 So Pilate said to him, “You hear how many things they are saying to accuse you; [are you not going to reply]?”
Тада рече ми Пилат: Чујеш ли шта на тебе сведоче?
14 But [even though he was not guilty], Jesus did not say anything. He did not reply to any of the things about which they were accusing him. As a result, the governor was very surprised.
И не одговори му ни једну реч тако да се судија дивљаше врло.
15 It was the governor’s custom [each year] during the [Passover] celebration to release [one person who was in prison]. [He released] whichever prisoner the people wanted.
А о сваком празнику пасхе беше обичај у судије да пусти народу по једног сужња кога они хоће.
16 At that time there was [in Jerusalem] a well-known prisoner whose name was Barabbas.
А тада имаху знатног сужња по имену Варава.
17 So when the crowd gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which [prisoner] would you like me to release for you: Barabbas, or Jesus, whom [some of you] claim to be the Messiah?”
И кад се сабраше, рече им Пилат: Кога хоћете да вам пустим? Вараву или Исуса прозваног Христа?
18 [He asked that question] because he realized that the chief priests [wanted to have Jesus executed]. They had brought Jesus to him [only] because they were jealous of Jesus. [And Pilate thought that the crowd would prefer that he release Jesus].
Јер знаше да су Га из зависти предали.
19 While Pilate was sitting on the platform [where he made] judicial [decisions], his wife sent him [this message]: “Early this morning I had a bad dream because of that man. So do not condemn that righteous man!”
А кад сеђаше у суду, поручи му жена његова говорећи: Немој се ти ништа мешати у суд тог праведника, јер сам данас у сну много пострадала њега ради.
20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the crowd to ask [Pilate to] release Barabbas, and to [order] that Jesus be executed {that [his soldiers] execute Jesus}.
А главари свештенички и старешине наговорише народ да ишту Вараву, а Исуса да погубе.
21 So when the governor asked them, “Which of the two men do you want me to release for you?” They replied, “Barabbas!”
А судија одговарајући рече им: Кога хоћете од ове двојице да вам пустим? А они рекоше: Вараву.
22 Pilate, [very astonished], asked, “So what shall I do with Jesus who [some of you] say is the Messiah?” They all answered, “[Command that] he be crucified! {[Command your soldiers] (to crucify him/to nail him to a cross)}!”
Рече им Пилат: А шта ћу чинити с Исусом прозваним Христом? Рекоше му сви: Да се разапне.
23 Pilate replied, “Why? What crime has he committed?” But they shouted even louder, “[Have] him crucified {[Command that your soldiers] crucify him}!”
Судија пак рече: А какво је зло учинио? А они гласно повикаше говорећи: Да се разапне.
24 Pilate realized that he was accomplishing nothing. He saw that instead, the people were starting to riot. So he took [a basin of] water and washed his hands as the crowd was watching. He said, “[By washing my hands I am showing you that] if this man dies [MTY], it is [your] fault, [not mine]!”
А кад виде Пилат да ништа не помаже него још већа буна бива, узе воду те уми руке пред народом говорећи: Ја нисам крив у крви овог праведника: ви ћете видети.
25 And all the people answered, “The guilt for causing him to die [MTY] will be on us, and it will be on our children, too!”
И одговарајући сав народ рече: Крв његова на нас и на децу нашу.
26 Then he [ordered the soldiers to] release Barabbas for them. But he [ordered that his soldiers] flog Jesus. And then he turned Jesus over to the soldiers for them (to nail Jesus to a cross/to crucify him).
Тада пусти им Вараву, а Исуса шибавши предаде да се разапне.
27 Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the government headquarters. The whole (cohort/group of soldiers) gathered around him.
Тада војници судијини узеше Исуса у судницу и скупише на Њ сву чету војника.
28 They pulled off [his clothes], and [pretending he was a king, they] put a purple robe on him.
И свукавши Га обукоше Му скерлетну кабаницу.
29 They [took some branches with] thorns and wove them to make a crown and put it on his head. They put in his right hand a reed [like a staff that a king would hold]. Then they knelt in front of him and made fun of him, saying, “Hooray for the king of the Jews [IRO]!”
И оплетавши венац од трња метнуше Му на главу, и дадоше Му трску у десницу; и клекнувши на колена пред Њим ругаху Му се говорећи: Здраво, царе јудејски!
30 They kept spitting on him. They took the staff and kept striking him on the head with it.
И пљунувши на Њ узеше трску и бише Га по глави.
31 When they had finished ridiculing him, they pulled off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to [the place where they] would nail him to a cross.
И кад Му се наругаше, свукоше с Њега кабаницу, и обукоше Га у хаљине Његове, и поведоше Га да Га разапну.
32 [After Jesus carried his cross] a short distance, [the soldiers] saw a man named Simon, [who was] from Cyrene [city]. They forced him to carry the cross for Jesus.
И излазећи нађоше човека из Кирине по имену Симона и натераше га да Му понесе крст.
33 They came to a place called Golgotha. That name means ‘the place [like] a skull’.
И дошавши на место које се зове Голгота, то јест костурница,
34 When [they got there], they mixed with wine something that tasted very bitter. They gave it to [Jesus] to drink [so that he would not feel so much pain when they nailed him on the cross]. But when he tasted it, he refused to drink it. [Some soldiers took his clothes].
Дадоше Му да пије сирће помешано са жучи, и окусивши не хте да пије.
35 Then they nailed him to the cross. Afterwards, they divided his clothes among themselves by gambling with something like dice [to decide which piece of clothing each one would get].
А кад Га разапеше, разделише хаљине Његове бацивши коцке;
36 Then the soldiers sat down there to guard him, [to prevent anyone from trying to rescue him].
И сеђаху онде те Га чуваху.
37 They fastened [to the cross] above Jesus’ head a [sign on which had been] {[they had]} written why [they] were nailing him to the cross. [But all] it said was, ‘This is Jesus, the King of the Jews’.
И метнуше Му више главе кривицу Његову написану: Ово је Исус цар јудејски.
38 Two bandits were also nailed {They also nailed two bandits} on crosses. One was nailed to a cross on the right side [of Jesus] and one to a cross on the left side.
Тада распеше с Њиме два хајдука, једног с десне а једног с леве стране.
39 The people who were passing by insulted him by shaking their heads [as if he were an evil man].
А који пролажаху хуљаху на Њ машући главама својим.
40 They said, “You [said you] would destroy the Temple, and then you would build it again within three days! [So if you could do that], you [should be able to] save yourself! If you are the man who is also God (OR, If you are the Son of God), come down from the cross!”
И говорећи: Ти који цркву разваљујеш и за три дана начињаш помози сам себи; ако си син Божји, сиђи с крста.
41 Similarly, the chief priests, the men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the elders made fun of him. [Various ones of them] said things like,
А тако и главари свештенички с књижевницима и старешинама подсмевајући се говораху:
42 “He [claims that he] saved others [IRO] [from their sicknesses], but he cannot help himself!” “He [says that he] is [IRO] the King of Israel. So he should come down from the cross. Then we would believe him!”
Другима поможе, а себи не може помоћи. Ако је цар Израиљев, нека сиђе сад с крста па ћемо га веровати.
43 “He [says that he] trusts in God, and that he is the man who is also God. So if God is pleased with him, God should rescue him now!”
Он се уздао у Бога: нека му помогне сад, ако му је по вољи, јер говораше: Ја сам син Божји.
44 And the [two] bandits who had been crucified with him also insulted him, saying similar things.
Тако исто и хајдуци разапети с Њим ругаху Му се.
45 At noon it became dark over the whole land. [It stayed dark] until three o’clock [in the afternoon].
А од шестог сата би тама по свој земљи до сата деветог.
46 At about three o’clock Jesus shouted loudly, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” That means, ‘My God, my God, why have you deserted me?’
А око деветог сата повика Исус гласно говорећи: Или! Или! Лама савахтани? То јест: Боже мој! Боже мој! Зашто си ме оставио?
47 When some of the people standing there heard [the word ‘Eli’, misunderstanding it], they said, “He is calling for [the prophet] Elijah!”
А неки од оних што стајаху онде чувши то говораху: Овај зове Илију.
48 Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He filled it with sour wine. Then he put the sponge on [the tip of] a reed and [held it up in order that Jesus] could suck out [the wine that was in it].
И одмах отрча један од њих те узе сунђер, и напуни оцта, па натаче на трску, те Га појаше.
49 But the other [people there] said, “Wait! Let’s see if Elijah comes to save him!”
А остали говораху: Стани да видимо хоће ли доћи Илија да му помогне.
50 Then after Jesus shouted out loudly again, he died, giving his spirit over [to God].
А Исус опет повика гласно и испусти душу.
51 At that moment the [heavy thick] curtain [that closed off the most holy place] in the Temple split into two pieces from top to bottom. [That signified that ordinary people could now go into the presence of God]. The earth shook, and [some large] rocks split open.
И гле, завеса црквена раздре се надвоје од горњег краја до доњег; и земља се потресе, и камење се распаде;
52 [Some] tombs opened up, and the bodies of many godly people who had died became alive again.
И гробови се отворише, и усташе многа тела светих који су помрли;
53 They came out of the tombs, and after Jesus became alive again, they went into Jerusalem and appeared to many people [there].
И изашавши из гробова, по васкрсењу Његовом, уђоше у свети град и показаше се многима.
54 The officer who supervised the soldiers [who nailed Jesus to the cross was standing nearby]. His soldiers who had been on guard [so that no one would rescue] Jesus [were also there]. When they [felt] the earthquake and saw all the [other] things that happened, they were terrified. They exclaimed, “Truly he was both man and God! (OR, a Son of God).”
А капетан и који с њим чуваху Исуса видевши да се земља тресе и шта би, поплашише се врло говорећи: Заиста овај беше Син Божји.
55 Many women were there, watching from a distance. They were women who had accompanied Jesus from Galilee [district] in order to provide the things he needed.
И онде беху и гледаху издалека многе жене које су ишле за Исусом из Галилеје и служиле Му.
56 Among these women were Mary from Magdala [town], [another] Mary who was the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of James and John.
Међу којима беше Марија Магдалина и Марија мати Јаковљева и Јосијина и мати синова Зеведејевих.
57 When it was [almost] evening, a rich man named Joseph came [there]. He was from Arimathea [town]. He also was a disciple of Jesus.
А кад би увече, дође човек богат из Ариматеје, по имену Јосиф, који је такође био ученик Исусов.
58 He then went to Pilate and asked Pilate to [allow him to take] the body of Jesus [and bury it]. Pilate ordered that [he] be allowed to {[his soldiers] let [Joseph]} take [the body].
Овај приступивши к Пилату замоли га за тело Исусово. Тада Пилат заповеди да му даду тело.
59 So Joseph [and others] took the body and wrapped it in a clean white cloth.
И узевши Јосиф тело зави Га у платно чисто;
60 Then they placed it in Joseph’s own new tomb that had been dug out of the rock [cliff]. They rolled a huge [circular flat] stone in front of the entrance to the tomb. Then they left.
И метну Га у нови свој гроб што је био исекао у камену; и наваливши велики камен на врата од гроба отиде.
61 Mary from Magdala and the other Mary were sitting there opposite the tomb, [watching].
А онде беше Марија Магдалина и друга Марија, и сеђаху према гробу.
62 The next day was Saturday, the Jewish day of rest. The chief priests and [some of] the Pharisees went to Pilate.
Сутрадан пак по петку сабраше се главари свештенички и фарисеји код Пилата,
63 They said, “Sir, we remember that while that deceiver was still alive, he said, ‘Three days after I [die I] will become alive again.’
И рекоше: Господару! Ми се опоменусмо да овај лажа каза још за живота: После три дана устаћу.
64 So we ask you to order that the tomb be guarded {that [soldiers] guard the tomb} for three days. If you do not do that, his disciples may come and steal the body. Then they will tell people that he has risen from the dead. If they deceive [people by saying that], it will be worse than the way he deceived people before [by saying that he was the Messiah].”
Зато заповеди да се утврди гроб до трећег дана да не дођу како ученици његови ноћу и да га не украду и не кажу народу: Уста из мртвих; и биће последња превара гора од прве.
65 Pilate replied, “You [can] take some soldiers. Go to the tomb and make it as secure as you know how.”
Рече им Пилат: Ево вам страже, па идите те утврдите како знате.
66 So they went and made the tomb secure by [fastening a cord from] the stone [that was in front of the entrance to the rock cliff on each side] and sealing it. They also [left some soldiers there to] guard [the tomb].
А они отишавши са стражом утврдише гроб, и запечатише камен.

< Matthew 27 >