< Mark 16 >

1 [On Saturday evening] when (the Sabbath/the Jewish day of rest) had ended, Mary [from] Magdala, Mary the mother of the [younger] James, and Salome bought fragrant ointment. [The Jews had a custom of] anointing bodies [before they buried them, and the women wanted to follow this custom].
И пошто прође субота, Марија Магдалина и Марија Јаковљева и Соломија купише мириса да дођу и да помажу Исуса.
2 So very early on Sunday, [just after] the sun rose, they [took the fragrant ointment] and started toward the tomb.
И врло рано у први дан недеље дођоше на гроб око сунчаног рођаја.
3 [While they were going there], they were saying to each other, “Who will roll away for us the stone [that blocks] the entrance of the tomb?”
И говораху међу собом: Ко ће нам одвалити камен од врата гробних?
4 [After they arrived], they looked up and saw that the stone had [already] been rolled away {that someone had [already] rolled away the stone}. [They were surprised because it] would have been difficult to move such a huge stone.
И погледавши видеше да камен беше одваљен: јер беше врло велики.
5 They entered the tomb and saw [an angel who looked like] a young man. He was sitting at the right side [of the cave]. He was wearing a [shining] white robe. As a result, they were astonished.
И ушавши у гроб видеше младића обученог у белу хаљину где седи с десне стране; и уплашише се.
6 The young man said to them, “Do not be astonished! I [know that] you are looking for Jesus, the man from Nazareth, who was nailed to a cross {whom they nailed to a cross}. But he has become alive again! He is not here! Look! [Here is] the place where they placed his [body].
А он им рече: Не плашите се, Исуса тражите Назарећанина распетог; уста, није овде, ево место где Га метнуше.
7 But, instead [of remaining here], go and tell his disciples. Particularly [be sure] that you tell Peter. Tell them, ‘[Jesus] is going ahead of you to Galilee [district], and you will see him there, just like he told you [previously’]!”
Него идите кажите ученицима Његовим и Петру да пред вама оде у Галилеју: тамо ћете Га видети, као што вам рече.
8 The women went outside and ran from the tomb. They were trembling [because they were afraid], and they were astonished. But they did not say anything to anyone [about this] while they were going, because they were afraid.
И изашавши побегоше од гроба; јер их ухвати дрхат и страх; и ником ништа не казаше, јер се бојаху.
9 (note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) [When Jesus became alive [again] early on Sunday morning, he appeared first to Mary [from] Magdala [town]. She was the woman from whom he had [previously] expelled seven evil spirits.
(note: The most reliable and earliest manuscripts do not include Mark 16:9-20.) А Исус уставши рано у први дан недеље јави се најпре Марији Магдалини, из које је истерао седам ђавола.
10 She went to those who had been with [Jesus], while they were mourning and crying. She told them [what she had seen].
А она оде те јави онима што су били с Њим, који плакаху и ридаху.
11 But when she told them that Jesus was alive again and that she had seen him, they refused to believe it.
И они чувши да је жив и да Га је она видела не вероваше.
12 Later [that day], Jesus appeared to two of [his disciples] while they were walking [from Jerusalem to their homes in] the [surrounding] area. [But they did not recognize him quickly because] he looked very different.
А потом јави се на путу двојици од њих у другом обличју, кад су ишли у село.
13 [After they recognized him], those two went back [to Jerusalem. They told his other followers what had happened], but they did not believe it.
И они отишавши јавише осталима; и ни њима не вероваше.
14 Later he appeared to the eleven [apostles] while they were eating. He rebuked them because they had stubbornly refused to believe [the reports of] those who saw him after he had become alive again.
А најпосле, јави се кад њих једанаесторица беху за трпезом, и прекори их за њихово неверје и тврђу срца што не вероваше онима који су Га видели да је устао;
15 [Later] he said to them, “Go into the whole world and preach the good message to everyone!
И рече им: Идите по свему свету и проповедите јеванђеље сваком створењу.
16 Everyone who believes [your message] and who is baptized will be saved {[God] will save}. But everyone who does not believe it will be condemned {[God] will condemn}.
Који узверује и покрсти се, спашће се; а ко не верује осудиће се.
17 Those who believe [my good message] will perform miracles. Specifically, by my power they will expel evil spirits. They will speak in languages that they have not learned.
А знаци онима који верују биће ови: именом мојим изгониће ђаволе; говориће новим језицима;
18 If they pick up snakes [accidentally] or if they drink any poisonous [liquid accidentally], they will not be hurt. [Whenever] they put their hands on sick [people in order that God will heal them], those sick people will become well.”
Узимаће змије у руке, ако и смртно шта попију, неће им наудити; на болеснике метаће руке, и оздрављаће.
19 After the Lord Jesus had said this to [the disciples, he was taken] {[God] took him} up into heaven. Then he sat down on his throne beside God [to rule with him].
А Господ, пошто им изговори, узе се на небо, и седе Богу с десне стране.
20 [As for the disciples], they went out [from Jerusalem, and then they preached everywhere. Wherever they went], the Lord enabled them to perform miracles. [By doing that], he showed people that God’s message is true.
А они изађоше и проповедаше свуда, и Господ их потпомага, и реч потврђива знацима који су се потом показивали. Амин.

< Mark 16 >