< Mark 14 >

1 It was only two days before the [people] ([celebrated/started to celebrate]) [for one week the] festival [which they called] Passover. During those days they also celebrated the festival of (Unleavened Bread/[eating] bread that had no yeast in it). The chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws were planning how they could seize Jesus secretly. [They wanted to accuse him in front of the Roman authorities] so that they would execute him.
«Ötüp kétish» héyti we «pétir nan héyti»gha ikki kün qalghanidi. Bash kahinlar we Tewrat ustazliri uni hiyle-neyreng bilen tutup öltürüshning charisini izdeytti.
2 But they were saying to one another, “We must not [do it] during the celebration, because, [if we do it then], the people will [be very angry with us and] riot!”
Chünki ular: — Bu ish héyt-ayem künliri qilinmisun. Bolmisa, xelq arisida malimanchiliq chiqishi mumkin, — déyishetti.
3 Jesus was at Bethany [town] in the house of Simon, whom [Jesus had healed from] leprosy. While they were eating, a woman came [to him]. [She was carrying] a stone jar that contained expensive [fragrant] perfume called nard. She opened the jar and then she poured the perfume on Jesus’ head.
Emdi u Beyt-Aniya yézisida, «Simon maxaw»ning öyide dastixanda olturghanda, aq qashtéshi shishide nahayiti qimmetlik sap sumbul etirni kötürüp kelgen bir ayal uning yénigha kirdi. Ayal aq qashtéshi shéshini chéqip, etirni Eysaning béshigha quydi.
4 One of the people [who were present] became angry and said to the others, “([It is terrible that she] wasted that perfume!/[Why did she] waste that perfume?) [RHQ]
Lékin beziler buninggha xapa bolushup, bir-birige: — Bu etir néme dep shundaq israp qilinidu?
5 It could have been sold {[We] could have sold it} for (a huge amount of money/an amount of money for which a person works for a year), and then [the money] could have been given {[we] could have given [the money]} to poor people!” So he rebuked her.
Chünki bu etirni üch yüz dinardin artuq pulgha satqili bolatti, puli kembeghellerge sediqe qilinsa bolmamti! — déyishti. Ular ayalgha shundaq tapa-tene qilghili turdi.
6 But Jesus said, “Stop [scolding] her! She has done to me what I [consider to be] very appropriate/delightful. So (you should not bother her!/why do you bother her?) [RHQ]
Lékin Eysa ulargha: — Uning ixtiyarigha qoyunglar, néme dep uning könglini aghritisiler? U méning üstümge yaxshi ish qildi.
7 You will always have poor people among you. So you can help them whenever you want to. But I will not [be here among] you much longer. [So it is good for her to show now that she appreciates me].
Chünki kembegheller daim aranglarda bolidu, xalighan waqitinglarda ulargha xeyr-saxawet körsiteleysiler; lékin méning aranglarda bolushum silerge daim nésip boliwermeydu!
8 [It is appropriate that] she has done what she was able to do. [It is as if she knew that I was going to die soon] and has anointed my body for their burying it.
Ayal chamining yétishiche qildi; u méning bedinimning depne qilinishigha aldin’ala teyyarliq qilip, uninggha etir-may quyup qoydi.
9 I will tell you this: Wherever the good message [about me] is preached {people preach the good message} throughout the world, what she has done will be told {people will tell others what she has done [to me]}, and as a result people will remember her.”
Men silerge berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, bu xush xewer pütkül dunyaning qeyéride jakarlansa, bu ayal eslinip, uning qilghan bu ishi teriplinidu, — dédi.
10 Then Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]) went to the chief priests in order to [talk to them about] helping them to seize Jesus. He did that [even though] he was one of the twelve [disciples]
Shu waqitta, on ikkiylendin biri bolghan Yehuda Ishqariyot uni ulargha tutup bérish meqsitide bash kahinlarning aldigha bardi.
11 When they heard [what he was willing to do for them], they were very happy. They promised that they would give him [a large amount of] money [for doing that. Judas agreed, so they gave him the money]. As a result, he [began] watching for an opportunity (to betray Jesus/to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).
Ular buni anglap xushal bolup ketti we uninggha pul bérishke wede qilishti. Yehuda uni tutup bérishke muwapiq purset izdep yüretti.
12 [Two days later], when they killed the lambs [for the] festival at the beginning of the week when [people ate] bread that had no yeast in it, Jesus’ disciples said to him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare the meal for the Passover [celebration] in order that you can eat it [with us]?”
Pétir nan héytining birinchi küni, yeni ötüp kétish héytining qurbanliq [qozisi] soyulidighan küni, muxlislar uningdin: — Ötüp kétish héytining [tamiqini] yéyishing üchün bizning qeyerge bérip teyyarlishimizni xalaysen? — dep soridi.
13 So he [chose] two of his disciples [to prepare everything]. He said to them, “Go into [Jerusalem] city. A man will meet you, who will be carrying a large jar full of water. Follow him.
U muxlisliridin ikkiylenni aldin mangghuzup ulargha: — Sheherge kiringlar, u yerde kozida su kötürüwalghan bir er kishi silerge uchraydu. Uning keynidin ménginglar.
14 When he enters [a house], say to the man who owns the house, ‘[Our] teacher wants us to prepare [the meal of] the Passover celebration so that he can eat it with us his disciples. (Please show us the room that he [arranged with you about]./Where is the room that he [arranged with you about]?) [RHQ]’
U adem nege kirse shu öyning igisige: «Ustaz: Muxlislirim bilen ötüp kétish héytining tamiqini yeydighan méhmanxana qeyerde?— dep sorawatidu» — denglar.
15 He will show you a large room that is on the upper floor [of the house]. It will be furnished and ready [for us to eat a meal in it]. Then prepare the meal there for us.”
U silerni bashlap üstünki qewettiki retlen’gen seremjanlashturulghan chong bir éghiz öyni körsitidu. Mana shu yerde bizge teyyarliq qilip turunglar, — dédi.
16 So the [two] disciples left. They went into the city and found [everything] to be just like he had told them. They prepared the [meal for] the Passover [celebration, and then returned to Jesus and the other disciples].
Muxlislar yolgha chiqip sheherge kirip, yoluqqan ishlarning hemmisi u éytqandek boldi. Shu yerde ular ötüp kétish héytining tamiqini teyyarlashti.
17 When it was evening, Jesus arrived [at that house] with the twelve [disciples].
Kech kirgende, u on ikkeylen bilen öyge keldi.
18 As they were all sitting there [and eating], Jesus said, “Listen carefully to this: One of you will enable my enemies to seize me. Specifically, it is one of you who [will do this in spite of the fact that he] is eating with me [right now]!”
Ular dastixanda olturup ghizalan’ghanda Eysa: — Men silerge berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, aranglardiki bireylen, men bilen bille ghizaliniwatqan birsi manga satqunluq qilidu, — dédi.
19 The disciples became very sad and they said to him one by one, “Surely (it is not I!/I am not the one, am I?) [RHQ]”
Ular [bu sözdin] qayghugha chömüp, bir-birlep uningdin: — Men emestimen? — dep soridi. Yene birsi: — Men emestimen? — dédi.
20 Then he said to them, “It is one of [you] twelve [disciples], the one who is dipping [bread] into the [sauce in the] dish along with me.
Lékin u ulargha: — [Shu kishi] on ikkeylenning biri, yeni qolidiki nanni men bilen teng tawaqqa tögürgüchi bolidu.
21 It is certain that [I], the one who came from heaven, will [die], because that is what has been {what [the prophets] have} written about me. But there will be terrible [punishment] for the man by whom I will be betrayed {who will (betray me/help my enemies to seize me)}! In fact, it would be better for that man if he had never been born!”
Insan’oghli derweqe özi toghrisida [muqeddes yazmilarda] pütülgendek alemdin kétidu; biraq Insan’oghlining tutup bérilishige wasitichi bolghan ademning haligha way! U adem tughulmighan bolsa uninggha yaxsi bolatti! — dédi.
22 While they were eating, he took [a flat loaf of] bread and thanked God for it. Then he broke it [into pieces] and gave it to them and said to them, “This [bread represents] [MET] my body. Take it [and eat it].”
Ular ghizaliniwatqanda, Eysa bir nanni qoligha élip teshekkür éytqandin kéyin, uni oshtup, muxlislirigha üleshtürüp berdi we: — Élinglar, bu méning ténim, — dédi.
23 Afterwards, he took a cup [that contained wine] and thanked [God for it]. Then he gave it to them, and then, as they all drank from it,
Andin u qoligha jamni élip [Xudagha] teshekkür éytqandin kéyin, uni muxlislirigha sundi. Ularning hemmisi uningdin ichishti.
24 he said to them, “This [wine represents] [MET] my blood, which is about to be shed {which is about to flow from my body} [when my enemies kill me]. With this blood I [will sign] the agreement [that God has made to forgive the sins of] many people.
U ulargha: — Bu méning qénim, nurghun ademler üchün tökülidighan, yéngi ehdini tüzidighan qénimdur.
25 I want you to know this: I will not drink any more wine in this way until the time when I drink it with a new [meaning] when I begin to rule as a king.”
Men silerge berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, Xudaning padishahliqida yéngidin sharabtin ichidighan kün’giche, üzüm télining sherbitini hergiz ichmeymen, — dédi.
26 After they sang a hymn, they went out toward Olive [Tree] Hill.
Ular bir medhiye küyini éytqandin kéyin talagha chiqip, Zeytun téghigha qarap kétishti.
27 [While they were on their way], Jesus said to them, “It has been {[The prophets] have} written [in the Scriptures that God said about me], ‘I will kill the shepherd and his sheep will scatter.’ [Those words will come true. When they are about to capture me], all of you will leave me and run away.
Andin Eysa ulargha: Siler hemminglar tandurulup putlishisiler, chünki [muqeddes yazmilarda]: «Men padichini uruwétimen, Qoylar patiparaq bolup tarqitiwétilidu» dep pütülgen.
28 But after I have been made {[God] has made me} alive again, I will go ahead of you to Galilee [district and meet you there].”
Lékin men tirilgendin kéyin Galiliyege silerdin burun barimen, — dédi.
29 Then Peter said to him, “Perhaps all the [other disciples] will leave you, but not I! I will not [leave you]!”
Lékin Pétrus uninggha: — Hemmeylen tandurulup putlashsimu, men hergiz putlashmaymen, dédi.
30 Then Jesus said to him, “The truth is that this very night, before the rooster crows a second time, you yourself will deny three times [that you know] me!”
Eysa uninggha: — Men sanga berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, bügün, yeni bügün kéche xoraz ikki qétim chillighuche, sen mendin üch qétim tanisen, — dédi.
31 But Peter replied strongly, “Even if they kill me [as I defend] you, I will never deny [that I know] you!” And all [the other disciples] said the same thing.
Lékin Pétrus téximu qet’iylik bilen uninggha: — Sen bilen bille ölidighan ish kérek bolsimu, sendin hergiz tanmaymen, — dédi. Qalghan hemmisimu shundaq déyishti.
32 [On the way], Jesus and the disciples came to the place that [people] call Gethsemane. Then he said to [some/eight of] his disciples, “Stay here while I pray!”
Andin ular Gétsimane dégen bir jaygha keldi. U muxlislargha: — Men dua-tilawet qilip kelgüche, mushu yerde olturup turunglar, dédi.
33 Then he took Peter, James, and John with him. He became extremely distressed, and he said to them,
U Pétrus, Yaqup we Yuhannani birge élip mangdi we sür bésip, roh-qelbide tolimu perishan bolushqa bashlidi.
34 “I [SYN] am very sorrowful. [It is as if] I were about to die. [You men] remain here and stay awake!”
U ulargha: — Jénim ölidighandek bekmu azablanmaqta. Siler bu yerde qélip, oyghaq turunglar, — dédi.
35 He went a bit further and threw himself on the ground. Then he prayed that if it were possible, he would not [have to suffer] [MTY].
U sel nériraq bérip, özini yerge étip düm yatti we mumkin bolsa, u deqiqining öz béshigha chüshmey ötüp kétishi üchün dua qilip:
36 He said, “O my Father, [because] you are able to do everything, rescue me so that I do not have to suffer [now] [MTY]! But do not [do] what I want. Instead, [do] what you want!”
— I Abba Ata, Sanga hemme ish mumkindur; bu qedehni mendin ötküzüwetkeysen! Lékin bu ish men xalighandek emes, sen xalighandek bolsun, — dédi.
37 Then he returned and found his [disciples] sleeping. He [woke them up and] said, “Simon! ([I am disappointed that] you fell asleep and that you were not able to stay awake for just a short time!/[Why is it that] you fell asleep and that you were not able to stay awake for just one hour?) [RHQ]”
U [ücheylenning] yénigha qaytip kelginide, ularning uxlap qalghanliqini körüp, Pétrusqa: — Ey Simon, uxlawatamsen?! Bir saetmu oyghaq turalmidingmu?!
38 [And he said to them], “You want [to do what I say], but you are not strong enough [MTY] [to actually do it]. So keep awake and pray in order that you can resist when [something like this] tempts you!”
Éziqturulushtin saqlinish üchün, oyghaq turup dua qilinglar. Roh pidakar bolsimu, lékin kishining etliri ajizdur, — dédi.
39 Then he went away again and prayed again what he prayed before.
Andin u yene bérip, oxshash sözler bilen qaytidin dua qildi.
40 When he returned, he found that they were sleeping again because they were [so] sleepy that they could not keep their eyes open. [Because they were ashamed], they did not know what to say to him [when he awakened them].
U ularning yénigha qaytip kelginide, ularning yene uxlap qalghanliqini kördi, chünki ularning közliri uyqugha ilin’ghanidi. Ular uninggha néme déyishini bilmey qaldi.
41 [Then he went and prayed again]. He returned a third time; [and he found them sleeping again]. He [woke] all of [them and] said to them, “([I am disappointed that you are] sleeping again!/[Why are you] sleeping again?) [RHQ] [You have slept] enough. The time [for me to suffer] is about to begin. Look! Someone is about to enable sinful men to seize me, the one who came from heaven.
U üchinchi qétim ularning yénigha qaytip ulargha: — Siler téxiche uxlawatamsiler, téxiche dem éliwatamsiler? Emdi boldi bes! Waqit-saiti keldi; mana, Insan’oghli gunahkarlarning qoligha tapshuruldi!
42 [So] get up! Let’s go [toward him] Look! Here comes the one who is enabling them to seize me!”
Qopunglar, kéteyli; mana, manga satqunluq qilidighan kishi yéqin keldi! — dédi.
43 While he was still speaking, Judas [arrived]. [Even though he was] one of [Jesus’] twelve [disciples], he came [to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him]. A crowd who carried swords and clubs was with him. The [leaders of] the Jewish Council had sent them.
We shu deqiqide, uning sözi téxi tügimeyla, mana, on ikkeylendin biri bolghan Yehuda keldi; uning yénida bash kahinlar, Tewrat ustazliri we aqsaqallar teripidin ewetilgen qilich-toqmaqlarni kötürgen zor bir top adem bar idi.
44 [Judas], who was (betraying Jesus/helping Jesus’ enemies to seize him), had [previously] told this crowd, “The man whom I kiss is the one [whom you want. When I kiss him], seize him and lead him away [while you guard him] carefully.”
Uninggha satqunluq qilghuchi ular bilen alliburun isharetni békitip: «Men kimni söysem, u del shudur. Siler uni tutup, yalap élip kétinglar» dep kélishkenidi.
45 So, when Judas arrived, he immediately went to Jesus and said, “My teacher!” Then he kissed Jesus [on his neck/cheek].
U kélip udul [Eysaning] aldigha bérip: — Ustaz, ustaz! — dep uni söyüp ketti.
46 Then [the crowd] seized Jesus.
Ular uninggha qol sélip, uni tutqun qildi.
47 But one of the [disciples] who was standing nearby drew his short sword. He struck the servant of the high priest with it [to kill him, but he only] cut off his ear.
We uning yénida turghanlardin bireylen qilichini sughurup, bash kahinning chakirigha uruwidi, uning quliqini shilip chüshürüwetti.
48 Jesus said to them, “([It is ridiculous that] you come [here to seize] me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit!/Have you come [here to seize] me with swords and clubs, as if I were a bandit [RHQ]?) Day after day I was with you in the Temple [courtyard] teaching [the people] Why did you not seize me then? [But this is happening] in order that [what the prophets have written in] the Scriptures [about me] may be fulfilled {may happen}.”
Eysa jawaben ulargha: — Bir qaraqchini tutidighandek qilich-toqmaqlarni kötürüp méni tutqili kepsilerghu?
Men her küni ibadetxana hoylilirida siler bilen bille bolup telim bérettim, lékin siler u chaghda méni tutmidinglar. Lékin bu ishlarning yüz bérishi muqeddes yazmilarda aldin pütülgenlerning emelge ashurulushi üchün boldi, — dédi.
50 All [the disciples at once] left him and ran away.
Bu chaghda, hemmeylen uni tashlap qéchip kétishti.
51 At that time, (a young man/I) was following Jesus. He/[I was] wearing only a linen cloth around his/my body. The crowd seized him/me.
Peqet uchisigha kanap rext yépinchaqliwalghan bir yigit uning keynidin egiship mangdi. Yash eskerler uni tutuwéliwidi,
52 But, [as he/I pulled away from them], he/I left behind the linen cloth [in their hands], and then he/I ran away naked.
lékin u kanap rexttin boshinip, yalingach péti ulardin qéchip ketti.
53 The men [who had seized] Jesus led him away to [the house where] the supreme priest [lived]. All of the Jewish Council were gathering [there].
Emdi ular Eysani bash kahinning aldigha élip bérishti. Bash kahinlar, barliq aqsaqallar bilen Tewrat ustazlirimu u yerge uning yénigha yighildi.
54 Peter followed Jesus at a distance. He went into the courtyard [of the house] where the supreme priest [lived], and sat there with the men who guarded [the house of the supreme priest]. He was warming himself beside a fire.
Pétrus uninggha taki bash kahinning sarayidiki hoylining ichigiche yiraqtin egiship keldi; u qarawullar bilen bille otning nurida otsinip olturdi.
55 The chief priests and all the rest of the Jewish council [had already] tried to find people who would tell lies about Jesus [in order that they could convince the Roman authorities] to execute him. But they did not succeed,
Bash kahinlar we pütün aliy kéngeshme ezaliri Eysani ölümge mehkum qilish üchün, guwah-ispat izdidi, emma tapalmidi.
56 because, although many people spoke lies about him, they contradicted each other.
Chünki nurghun kishiler uni erz qilip yalghan guwahchiliq bergen bolsimu, ularning guwahliqliri bir-birige udul kelmeytti.
57 [Finally], some stood up and accused him falsely by saying,
Bezi ademler ornidin turup, uning üstidin erz qilip yalghan guwahliq bérip:
58 “We heard him when he said, ‘I will destroy this Temple that was built by men, and then within three days I will build another temple (without help from anyone else/that human hands will not build).’”
— Biz uning: «Insan qoli bilen yasalghan bu ibadetxanini buzup tashlap, insan qoli bilen yasalmighan bashqa bir ibadetxanini üch kün ichide yasap chiqimen» dégenlikini angliduq, — dédi.
59 But, what [some of] these men said also did not agree with [what others of them said].
Hetta ularning bu heqtiki guwahliqlirimu bir-birige mas kelmidi.
60 Then the supreme priest [himself] stood up in front of them and said to Jesus, “Are you not going to reply? What [do you say about] all the things that they are saying in order to accuse you?”
Andin bash kahin hemmeylenning aldida ornidin turup, Eysadin: — Qéni, jawab bermemsen? Bular séning üstüngdin zadi qandaq guwahliqlarni bériwatidu? — dep soridi.
61 But Jesus was silent and did not reply [DOU]. Then the supreme priest [tried again]. He asked him, “Are you the Messiah? [Do you say that you are] (the Son of God/the man who is also God)?”
Lékin Eysa shük turup, héchqandaq jawab bermidi. Bash kahin uni qistap yene uningdin: — Sen Mubarek Bolghuchining Oghli Mesihmusen? — dep soridi.
62 Jesus said, “I am. Furthermore, you will see me, the one who came from heaven, [ruling] beside God, who is completely powerful. [You will also see me] coming down through the clouds in the sky!”
Shundaq, men özüm, — dédi Eysa, — we siler kéyin Insan’oghlining Qudret Igisining ong yénida olturidighanliqini we asmandiki bulutlar bilen kélidighanliqini körisiler.
63 [In response to Jesus’ words], the supreme priest tore his outer garment. [That was their custom to show that he was shocked that Jesus had said that he was equal to God]. Then he said, “We certainly do not [RHQ] need any [more] people who will testify [against this man],
Shuning bilen bash kahin tonlirini yirtip tashlap: — Emdi bashqa herqandaq guwahchining néme hajiti?
64 [because] you have heard what he said against God! [He claimed to be equal with God] Therefore, what have you decided?” They all said that Jesus was guilty and deserved (to be executed/that they should kill him).
Özünglar bu kupurluqni anglidinglar! Emdi buninggha néme deysiler? — dédi. Ularning hemmisi u ölüm jazasigha buyrulsun, dep höküm chiqirishti.
65 Then some of them began spitting on Jesus. They put a blindfold on him, and then they began striking him and saying to him, “[If you are] a prophet, tell us [who hit you]!” And those who were guarding Jesus struck him with their hands.
Andin beziliri uninggha tükürüshke bashlidi, yene uning közlirini téngip, mushtlap: «Qéni, [peyghemberchilik] [qilip] bésharet bére!» déyishti. Qarawullarmu uni shapilaq bilen kachatlidi.
66 While Peter was outside in the courtyard [of the supreme priest’s house], one of the girls who worked for the supreme priest came [near him].
Pétrus sarayning töwenki hoylisida turghanda, bash kahinning dédekliridin biri kélip,
67 When she saw Peter warming himself [beside the fire], she looked at him [closely]. Then she said, “You also were with Jesus, that man from Nazareth [town]!”
issinip olturghan Pétrusni körüp, uninggha tikilip qarap: — Senmu Nasaretlik Eysa bilen bille idingghu, — dédi.
68 But he denied it by saying, “I do not know or understand [DOU] what you are talking about!” Then he went away [from there] to the gate [of the courtyard].
Lékin u ténip: — Séning néme dewatqanliqingni bilmidim hem chüshenmidim, — dédi-de, tashqirigha, derwazining aywanigha chiqip turdi. Shu esnada xoraz bir chillidi.
69 [The] servant girl saw him there and said to the people who were standing nearby, “This man is one of [those who have been with that man they arrested].”
Uni yene körgen héliqi dédek yene u yerde turghanlargha: — Bu ulardin biri, — dégili turdi.
70 But he denied it again. After a little while, one of those who were standing there said to Peter again, “[The way you speak shows that] you also are from Galilee [district]. So it is certain that you are one of those [who accompanied Jesus!]”
[Pétrus] yene inkar qildi. Bir’azdin kéyin, u yerde turghanlar Pétrusqa yene: — Berheq, sen ularning birisen. Chünki senmu Galiliyelik ikensen’ghu?! — déyishti.
71 But he began to exclaim, “I do not know the man that you are talking about! Because God knows that I am speaking truthfully, may he punish me [if I am lying]!”
Lékin u qattiq qarghashlar bilen qesem qilip: — Siler dewatqan héliqi ademni tonumaymen! — dédi.
72 Immediately the rooster crowed a second time. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him [before], “Before the rooster crows a second time, you will deny three times [that you know me.” When he realized that he had denied it three times], he started crying.
Del shu chaghda xoraz ikkinchi qétim chillidi. Pétrus Eysaning özige: «Xoraz ikki qétim chillighuche, sen mendin üch qétim tanisen» dégen sözini ésige aldi; we bularni oylap yighlap ketti.

< Mark 14 >