< Luke 16 >

1 [Jesus] also said to his disciples, “Once there was a rich man who had a household manager. [One day] he was told {[someone] told him} that [the manager] was managing the rich man’s money badly.
Yesu walabambila beshikwiya bakendi eti, Kwalikuba muntu mubile walikukute kapitawo weshi kubona buboni. Bantu balamwamba muntu uyo eti lonongonga buboni bwa mwami wakendi.
2 So he summoned [his manager] and said to him, ‘(It is terrible what they are saying about you [(sg)]!/Is it true what they are saying about you [(sg)] [RHQ]?) Give me a written account of [the funds] you have been managing, because you can no longer be my [household] manager!’
Lino walakuwa kapitawo wabuboni nekumwipusheti, “Nomba nicani ncondanyufunga pali njobe? Mpandulwile sha bukapitawo bwakobe pakwinga nkowelela kuba kapitawo sobwe.”
3 Then the manager thought to himself, ‘My master is going to fire me, so (I do not know what to do./what shall I do [RHQ]?) I am not strong enough to [work by] digging ditches, and I am ashamed to beg [for money].’
Lino kapitawo walatatika kuyeya mumoyo mwakendi eti, “Ninjiseconi mwami wakame layandanga kumfunya incito? Ndiya ngofu shakulima kayi kusenga kukutekumpa insoni.
4 [Suddenly he had an idea]. ‘I know what I will do, so that people will take me into their houses [and provide for me] after I am dismissed {after my master dismisses me} from my work!’
Lino nceti njinse nici, kwambeti bantu bakantambule mumandabo, ndakafuma incito.”
5 So [one by one] he summoned the people who owed his master money. He asked the first one, ‘How much do you [(sg)] owe my master?’
Lino walatika kukuwa bonse balikukute nkongole ku mwami wakendi umo ne umo nekwipusha mutanshi eti, “Walakweleta shingaye kumwami wakame?”
6 The man replied, ‘Eight hundred gallons of olive oil.’ The manager said to him, ‘Take your bill and sit down and quickly change it to 400 [gallons]!’
Neye walakumbuleti, “Ndalakweleta mingomo mwanda ya mafuta”. Neco kapitawo uyo walamwambileti, “Manta lipepa apo palembwa nkongole yakobe, ufwambane wikale panshi ulembepo eti, mingomo yakwana makumi asanu.”
7 He said to another man, ‘How much do you owe?’ The man replied, ‘A thousand bushels of wheat.’ The manager said to him, ‘Take your bill and change it to 800 [bushels]!’ [He did similar things for the others who owed his master money].
Lino walepusha umbi eti, “Nomba obe walakweleta shingaye?” Walakumbuleti, “Ndalakweleta masaka ali mwanda a maila.” Lino neye walamwambileti, “Manta Lipepa palembwa nkongole yakobe, Ulembepo masaka makumi asanu ne atatu.”
8 When his master [heard what the manager had done], he admired the dishonest manager for the clever thing he had done. [The truth] is that the ungodly people in this world act more wisely toward other people than godly people [MET] act. (aiōn g165)
Mwami wakendi uyo walalumbaisha kapitawo wa buboni wabula kushomeka pakucenjela kwakendi. Pakwinga bantu ba mucishi ca panshi pano nibasongo pa kubamba makani abo kupita bantu bali mu mumuni wa Lesa. (aiōn g165)
9 [So] I tell you [(pl)] this: Use the money that you have [here] on earth to help others so that they will become your friends. Then when [you die and] you cannot [take] any money with you, [God and his angels] will welcome you into a home [in heaven] that will last forever. (aiōnios g166)
Yesu walapitilisha kubambileti, “Ndamwambilinga kamulicanina banenu babuboni bwa mucishi cino kwambeti, buboni bwakapwa nibakamutambule mumanda amuyayaya. (aiōnios g166)
10 People who faithfully manage small [matters] will also faithfully manage important [matters]. People who are dishonest in [the way they handle] small [matters] will be dishonest [in the way they handle] important [matters].
Muntu uliyense washomeka pabintu bing'ana, nakashomeke pa bintu bingi. Uyo wabula kushomeka pabintu bing'ana, nteshi akashomeke pabintu bingi.
11 So if you have not faithfully handled the money that [God has given you here] on earth, (he will certainly not allow you to possess the true [spiritual] riches [in heaven!]/would he allow you to possess the true [spiritual] riches [in heaven]?) [RHQ]
Lino na nkamwashomeka pabuboni bwa pacishi cino, nomba niyani eti akamushome nekumupani buboni bwancincine?
12 And if you have not faithfully managed things that belong to other people, ([God] will certainly not allow you to receive [treasures in heaven that] would belong to you!/would God allow you to receive [treasures in heaven that] would belong to you?) [RHQ]
Na kamulimwabula kushomeka pabuboni bwa bantu bambi, nomba niyani eti akamupeni buboni bwelela kuba bwenu?”
13 No servant is able to serve two [different] bosses [at the same time. If he tried to do that], he would prefer one of them more than the other one; he would be loyal to one of them and despise the other one. [Similarly], you cannot [devote your life] to worshipping God and [worshipping] money and material goods [at the same time].”
“Kuliya musebenshi wela kusebensela bami babili, pakwinga ukute kupatapo umbi nekusuna umbi, nambi kunyumfwila umbi nekusula umbi. Anu ekwambeti nkamwela kusebensela Lesa ne buboni.”
14 There were some Pharisees [there]. They loved [to acquire] money. When they heard Jesus say that, they ridiculed him.
Bafalisi mpolabanyumfwa makani aya balatatika kushibuluka Yesu pakwinga balo balikusunisha mali.
15 But he said to them, “You try to make other people think that you are righteous, but God knows your (inner beings/hearts). [So he will reject you. Keep in mind that many] things that people think are important, God thinks are detestable.
Nsombi Yesu walabambileti, “Amwe mukute kulibonesha kubantu eti mwalulama, necikabeco Lesa winshi myoyo yenu. Pakwinga bintu byonse bantu mbyobakute kwambeti byaina, nsombi kuli Lesa kuliya mobibelele.”
16 The laws that [God gave Moses] and what the prophets [MTY] [wrote] were ([in effect/what you needed to obey]) until John [the Baptizer] came. Since then [I] have been preaching about how God wants to [rule people’s lives in a new way], and many people are [accepting that message and] very eagerly asking God to control [their lives. But that does not mean that God has abolished the laws that he established previously].
Milawo Lesa njalapa Mose ne Maswi alalemba bashinshimi byali kusebensa cindi ca Yohane mubatishi. Kufuma pacindico Mulumbe Waina wa Bwami bwa Lesa ukute kukambaukwa, kayi ne bantu bangi baleleshenga ne ngofu kwambeti bengile mu Bwami ubu.
17 [All of God’s] laws, [even those that seem] insignificant, are more permanent than heaven and earth.
Nsombi capuba kwambeti kwilu necishi kupwa, kupita liswi limo lya Milawo kupwa ngofu.
18 [For example, because God considers that a marriage lasts until either the husband or the wife dies, he considers that] any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman is committing adultery. He also [considers that] any man who marries a woman who has been divorced by her husband {whose husband has divorced her} is [also] committing adultery.”
“Muntu uliyense laleke mukashendi nekweba mukashi naumbi, lenshi bupombo. Neye uyo lebe mutukashi ngwalaleka munendi lenshinga bupombo”.
19 [Jesus also said] [MET], “Once there was a rich man who wore [expensive] purple linen [garments]. He ate luxuriously every day.
Kwalikuba muntu mubile walikufwala byadula uyo walikulya cena lyonse.
20 And every day a poor man whose name was Lazarus was laid {[some people also] laid a poor man whose name was Lazarus} at the gate of the rich man’s [house]. Lazarus’ body was covered with sores.
Lino kwalikuba muntu wapenga lina lyakendi walikuba Lazalo. Walikukute bilonda mubili wonse, walikusuna kona pa cishinga ca ng'anda ya muntu mubile uyo.
21 He [was so hungry that he] wanted to eat the scraps [of food] that fell from the table where the rich man [ate]. Furthermore, [to make things worse], dogs came and licked his sores.
Lazalo walikaminina mate uto twakulya twalikulaka panshi pa tebulu ya muntu mubile uyo, naboyo bakabwa bali kabesa akumyanguta pabilonda byakendi.
22 [Eventually] the poor man died. Then he was taken by the angels {the angels took him} to [start feasting] next to his [ancestor] Abraham. The rich man also died, and his body was buried {[some people] buried his body}.
Muntu wapenga uyo walafwa, bangelo balamutwala kwilu mumakasa a Abulahamu. Muntu mubile uyo neye walafwa nekumufukila mumanda.
23 In the place where dead people wait [for God to judge them], he was suffering great pain. He looked up and saw Abraham far away, and he saw Lazarus sitting close to Abraham. (Hadēs g86)
Lino mubile uyo mpwalikupenga mumusena wa bafu, walalanga kwilu nekubona Lazalo kulubasu lwa Abulahamu nkali patali. (Hadēs g86)
24 So he shouted, ‘Father Abraham, I am suffering very much in this fire! So [please] pity me, and send Lazarus [here] so that he can dip his finger in water [and touch] my tongue to cool it!’
Lino walolobesha eti, “Ta Abulahamu kamunyumfwilako inkumbo. Kamutumani Lazalo kwambeti abike cikumo cakendi mumenshi kwambeti atontoshe lulemi lwakame pakwinga ndashupiki mumulilo muno.”
25 But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that while you [(sg)] were alive [on earth] you enjoyed [many] good things. But Lazarus was miserable. Now [it is fair that] he is happy here, and you are suffering.
Lino Abulahamu walambeti, “Mwaname kwanuka mpowalikuba muyumi walatambula bintu byonse byaina, neye Lazalo walatambula bintu byeshikubaba. Lino neye kuno wakondwa, obe uli mumapensho anene.
26 Besides that, there is a huge ravine between you [(sg)] and us. So those who want to go from here to where you [(sg)] are, are not able to. Furthermore, no one can cross from there to where we [(exc)] are.’
Kayi pakati petu nenjobe pali cisengu, cakwambeti kuliya muntu ulikuno wela kucikonsha kusabuka kwisa uko, nambi uli uko kwisa kuno.”
27 Then the rich man said, ‘If that is so, father [Abraham], I ask you [(sg)] to send [Lazarus] to my father’s house.
Kufumapo mubile uyo walambeti, “Anu ndasengenga Ta, mutume Lazalo kung'anda ya bata.
28 I have five brothers [who live there]. Tell him to warn them [to turn away from their sinful behavior so that] they do not also come to this place, where [we(exc)] suffer great pain!’
Pakwinga nkute bakwetu basanu. Enga abacenjeshe kwambeti naboyo batakesa kumusena wa mapensho kuno.”
29 But Abraham replied, ‘[No, I will not do that, because your brothers] are able to [go to the Jewish meeting places where the priests] read what Moses and the prophets [wrote]. They should listen to what Moses and the prophets [MTY] [wrote]!’
Nsombi Abulahamu walambeti, “abo bakute mabuku alalembwa ne Mose ne bashinshimi, kabanyumfwani byalembwamo.”
30 But the rich man replied, ‘No, father Abraham, [that will not be enough] But if someone from those who have died goes back to them [and warns them], they will turn from their sinful behavior.’
Nendi walakumbuleti, sobwe ta Abulahamu, na umbi ufuma kubafu nekuyako, mpobela kusanduka kubwipishi bwabo.
31 [Abraham] said to him, ‘No! If they do not listen to [what] [MTY] Moses and the prophets [MTY] [wrote], even if someone would become alive again [and go and warn them], they would not be convinced {he could not convince them} [that they should turn from their sinful behavior].’”
Abulahamu walamwambileti, “na nkabanyumfwilinga Mabala alalembwa ne Mose ne bashinshimi nteshi bakanyumfwepo nambi umbi akapunduke kubafu.”

< Luke 16 >