< Job 23 >

1 Then Job replied again,
А Јов одговори и рече:
2 “Today I am again complaining bitterly/strongly [to God]; I [continue] groaning, but he [SYN] [continues to] (punish me/cause me to suffer).
Још је тужњава моја одмет? А невоља је моја тежа од уздаха мојих.
3 I (wish that I knew/want to know) where I could meet/talk with him, so that I could go to the place where he lives.
О, кад бих знао како бих нашао Бога! Да отидем до престола Његовог,
4 If I could do that, I would tell him why [I know that] I am innocent; I would tell [MTY] to him all my (arguments/evidence [to show that I have not done what is evil]).
Да разложим пред Њим парбу своју, и уста своја напуним разлога,
5 Then I would find out what he would reply to me [DOU].
Да знам шта би ми одговорио, и разумем шта би ми рекао.
6 Would he use his great power to argue with me? No, he would listen to me carefully.
Би ли се према великој својој сили прео са мном? Не; него би ми помогао.
7 I am (an honest/a righteous) man; so I would be able to discuss things with him [fairly], and then he would declare that I am innocent, [and that decision would endure] forever.
Онде би се праведан човек могао правдати с Њим, и ослободио бих се за свагда од свог судије.
8 “But, I have gone to the east, and he is not there; I have gone to the west, but I have not found him there.
Гле, ако пођем напред, нема Га; ако ли натраг, не находим Га;
9 I have gone north and I have gone south, but I have not seen him anywhere.
Ако на лево ради, не видим Га; ако на десно, заклонио се, не могу Га видети.
10 But he knows how I have conducted my life; and when he has finished testing me, [he] will [see that] I [am] as pure as [SIM] gold [whose impurities have all been burned out].
Али Он зна пут мој; кад ме окуша, изаћи ћу као злато.
11 I [SYN] have faithfully walked on the path that he showed me; I have not stopped [obeying] him.
По стопама је Његовим ступала нога моја; пута Његова држао сам се, и не зађох.
12 I have always obeyed what he [SYN] commanded; I have treasured the words that he has spoken.
Од заповести уста Његових нисам одступао; чувао сам речи уста Његових више него свој ужитак.
13 “He never changes. There is no one who can [RHQ] stop him [from doing what he desires]. Whatever he wants to do, he does.
Али кад Он шта науми, ко ће Га одвратити? Шта душа Његова зажели, оно чини.
14 And he will finish doing for me the things that he has planned for me; [and I am sure that] he has thought about doing many things for me.
И извршиће шта је наумио за ме; и тога има у Њега много.
15 So I am terrified in his presence; when I think [about what he can do], I am very afraid [DOU].
Зато сам се уплашио од Њега; и кад то мислим, страх ме је од Њега.
16 Almighty God has caused me [SYN] to feel terrified [DOU].
Бог је растопио срце моје, Свемогући ме је уплашио.
17 [It is as though] there is only thick darkness in front of me, but it is God that I am afraid of, not the darkness.”
Што не погибох пре мрака? И што не сакри мрак испред мене?

< Job 23 >