< Isaiah 45 >

1 Cyrus is the one whom Yahweh has appointed [to be the emperor of Persia] and to whom he will give great power [IDM]; Yahweh will enable him to defeat other nations and to take away the power of their kings. He will cause gates of cities to be opened, and no one will ever be able to shut them.
ASÍ dice Jehová á su ungido, á Ciro, al cual tomé yo por su mano derecha, para sujetar gentes delante de él y desatar lomos de reyes; para abrir delante de él puertas, y las puertas no se cerrarán:
2 This is what Yahweh says to him: “Cyrus, I will go ahead of you and level the mountains. I will smash down bronze gates and cut through iron bars.
Yo iré delante de ti, y enderezaré las tortuosidades; quebrantaré puertas de bronce, y cerrojos de hierro haré pedazos;
3 I will give you treasures [that people have hidden] in dark secret places [DOU]. I will do that in order that you will know that I am Yahweh, the God to whom the Israelis belong, the God who calls you by your name.
Y te daré los tesoros escondidos, y los secretos muy guardados; para que sepas que yo soy Jehová, el Dios de Israel, que te pongo nombre.
4 I have summoned you, calling out your name, for the sake of [the people of] Israel [DOU] whom I have chosen, who serve me. Even though you do not know me, I will give you a title which has great honor.
Por amor de mi siervo Jacob, y de Israel mi escogido, te llamé por tu nombre; púsete sobrenombre, aunque no me conociste.
5 I am Yahweh, and there is no other God [DOU]. Even though you do not know me, I will give you power
Yo Jehová, y ninguno más hay: no hay Dios fuera de mí. Yo te ceñiré, aunque tú no me conociste;
6 in order that everyone in the world, from the east to the west, will know that there is no other [God]. I am Yahweh, and there is no other [God].
Para que se sepa desde el nacimiento del sol, y desde donde se pone, que no hay más que yo; yo Jehová, y ninguno más que yo:
7 I created the light and the darkness. I cause there to be peace and I cause there to be disasters. I, Yahweh, do all those things.”
Que formo la luz y crío las tinieblas, que hago la paz y crío el mal. Yo Jehová que hago todo esto.
8 [And Yahweh also says, “I want my] rescue [of my people] [MET] to fall from the sky like rain. Just like the earth opens wide to accept rain, I will rescue/save my people and cause them to be treated justly. I, Yahweh, am the one who will cause both of those things to happen.
Rociad, cielos, de arriba, y las nubes destilen la justicia; ábrase la tierra, y prodúzcanse la salud y la justicia; háganse brotar juntamente. Yo Jehová lo crié.
9 Terrible things will happen to those who argue with me, the one who created them. [They are like] [MET] a clay pot and [I am like] the one who made it; so they certainly cannot [RHQ] criticize me. A lump of clay certainly cannot [RHQ] argue with the one who shapes it [to form a pot], saying, ‘Why are you making me like this?’ The pot cannot say ‘[You have no skill, because] what you made has no handles!’
¡Ay del que pleitea con su Hacedor! ¡el tiesto con los tiestos de la tierra! ¿Dirá el barro al que lo labra: Qué haces; ó tu obra: No tiene manos?
10 And it would be terrible if an unborn baby would say to its father, ‘Why are you [RHQ] causing me to be born?’ or if it said to its mother, ‘The result of your labor pains will be useless?’”
¡Ay del que dice al padre: ¿Por qué engendraste? y á la mujer: ¿Por qué pariste?
11 Yahweh, the Holy One of the Israeli people, the one who created Israel, says this to them: “(Why do you ask questions about [what I do for you], my children?/You should not ask questions about [what I do for you], my children.) [RHQ] (Why do you tell me about the work that I should do?/You should not tell me about the work that I should do.) [RHQ]
Así dice Jehová, el Santo de Israel, y su Formador: Preguntadme de las cosas por venir; mandadme acerca de mis hijos, y acerca de la obra de mis manos.
12 I am the one who created the earth and created people to live on it. I stretched out the sky with my hands, and I put the stars in their places.
Yo hice la tierra, y crié sobre ella al hombre. Yo, mis manos, extendieron los cielos, y á todo su ejército mandé.
13 And I will appoint Cyrus to do things that are right/just, and I will enable him to do all those things easily [MET]. His [workers] will rebuild my city, and he will free my people who have been (exiled/forced to leave their country). And he will do it without my rewarding/paying him! [Those things will surely happen because] I, the Commander of the armies of angels, have said it.
Yo lo desperté en justicia, y enderezaré todos sus caminos; él edificará mi ciudad, y soltará mis cautivos, no por precio ni por dones, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
14 And this is [also] what [I], Yahweh, say [to you, my people]: ‘You will rule the people of Egypt and Ethiopia, and the tall people of Seba [in Arabia] will become your slaves. They will come to you bringing all the things that they sell, and it will all be yours. [As prisoners], they will have chains on their arms as they follow you. They will prostrate themselves in front of you and say, “God is with/helping you and he is the only God; there is no other God.” '”
Así dice Jehová: El trabajo de Egipto, las mercaderías de Etiopía, y los Sabeos hombres agigantados, se pasarán á ti, y serán tuyos; irán en pos de ti, pasarán con grillos: á ti harán reverencia, y á ti suplicarán, [diciendo]: Cierto, en ti está Dios, y no hay otro fuera de Dios.
15 God, although we cannot see you, you are the one to whom [we] Israeli people belong, the one who saves us.
Verdaderamente tú eres Dios que te encubres, Dios de Israel, que salvas.
16 All those who make idols will be humiliated. They will all be disgraced together.
Confusos y avergonzados serán todos ellos; irán con afrenta todos los fabricadores de imágenes.
17 But you, Yahweh, will rescue [us, your] Israeli people, and we will be free forever. Never again will we again be humiliated and disgraced.
Israel es salvo en Jehová con salud eterna; no os avergonzaréis, ni os afrentaréis, por todos los siglos.
18 Yahweh is God; he is the one who created the sky and created and formed the earth. He did not want it to remain with nothing living on it; he wanted people to live on it. [He says], “I am Yahweh; there is no other [God].
Porque así dijo Jehová, que crió los cielos; él es Dios, el que formó la tierra, el que la hizo y la compuso; no la crió en vano, para que fuese habitada la crió: Yo Jehová, y ninguno más que yo.
19 [What I proclaimed], I did not speak secretly or [hide what I was saying by speaking] in a dark place. When I spoke to the descendants of Jacob, I did not tell them ‘It will be useless for you to (seek for/pray to) me!’ I, Yahweh, speak [only] what is true and what is right.
No hablé en escondido, en lugar de tierra de tinieblas; no dije á la generación de Jacob: En vano me buscáis. Yo soy Jehová que hablo justicia, que anuncio rectitud.
20 You people who are still alive after experiencing great disasters, should come and gather together [and listen to this]: The people who carry around their wooden idols and pray to them are foolish, because those idols cannot rescue them!
Reuníos, y venid; allegaos, todos los escapados de las gentes: no saben aquellos que erigen el madero de su escultura, y los que ruegan al dios que no salva.
21 Talk among yourselves, and decide what you will say to prove that [your praying to idols is good]. [And when you do that, I will ask you], ‘Who predicted long ago [what has now happened]? Did any idol tell you [that those things would happen] [RHQ]?’ No, it was [RHQ] only I, Yahweh, who told you, because I am the only God; there is no other God. I am a God who acts righteously and saves people; there is no other one [who does these things].
Publicad, y haced llegar, y entren todos en consulta: ¿quién hizo oir esto desde el principio, y lo tiene dicho desde entonces, sino yo Jehová? Y no hay más Dios que yo; Dios justo y Salvador: ningún otro fuera de mí.
22 Everyone in the world should ask me to save them, because I am the only God who can do that; there is no other one.
Mirad á mí, y sed salvos, todos los términos de la tierra: porque yo soy Dios, y no hay más.
23 I have solemnly declared, using my own name; I [SYN] have spoken what is true, and I will never change what I have said: [Some day], everyone [SYN] will bow in front of me, and they will all solemnly promise to be loyal to me.
Por mí hice juramento, de mi boca salió palabra en justicia, y no será revocada: Que á mí se doblará toda rodilla, jurará toda lengua.
24 They will declare, ‘Yahweh is the one who enables us to live righteously and to be strong.’” And all those who have been angry at him will come to him, and they will be ashamed [for having been angry with him].
Y diráse de mí: Ciertamente en Jehová está la justicia y la fuerza: á él vendrán, y todos los que contra él se enardecen, serán avergonzados.
25 Yahweh is the only one who will enable [us] Israeli people in the future to defeat our enemies, [and then] we will boast about what he [has done for us].
En Jehová será justificada y se gloriará toda la generación de Israel.

< Isaiah 45 >