< Isaiah 44 >

1 But now, you people of Israel whom Yahweh has chosen to serve him, listen to me.
AHORA pues oye, Jacob, siervo mío, y [tú], Israel, á quien yo escogí.
2 Yahweh, the one who created you and helps you, says this: “You dear people of Israel whom I have chosen, you who serve me, do not be afraid.
Así dice Jehová, Hacedor tuyo, y el que te formó desde el vientre, el cual te ayudará: No temas, siervo mío Jacob, y tú, Jeshurun, á quien yo escogí.
3 I will pour water on your dry land and cause streams to flow. And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants and greatly bless them.
Porque yo derramaré aguas sobre el secadal, y ríos sobre la [tierra] árida: mi espíritu derramaré sobre tu generación, y mi bendición sobre tus renuevos:
4 They will grow up like [SIM] grass grows along the water, like [SIM] willow/poplar [trees] grow well along a riverbank.
Y brotarán entre hierba, como sauces junto á las riberas de las aguas.
5 Some of them will say, ‘I belong to Yahweh,’ and others will say, ‘We are descendants of Jacob,’ and others will write on their hands, ‘We belong to Yahweh,’ and others will say, ‘We are Israelis.’”
Este dirá: Yo soy de Jehová; el otro se llamará del nombre de Jacob; y otro escribirá con su mano, A Jehová, y se apellidará con el nombre de Israel.
6 Yahweh, the King of Israel, the one who saves us, the Commander of the armies of angels, says this: “I am the one who begins everything and who ends everything; there is no other God.
Así dice Jehová, Rey de Israel, y su Redentor, Jehová de los ejércitos: Yo el primero, y yo el postrero, y fuera de mí no hay Dios.
7 If there is anyone like me [RHQ], he should proclaim it! He should speak and tell me [now]! He should tell what has happened since I caused my people [of Israel] to become a nation long ago, and he should also tell what things will happen; he should predict what will happen in the future.
¿Y quién llamará como yo, y denunciará esto, y lo ordenará por mí, desde que hice el pueblo antiguo? Anúncienles lo que viene, y lo que está por venir.
8 [My people], do not be afraid. Long ago I told you things that would happen [RHQ]; I predicted them, and you can testify that I did that. There certainly is not [RHQ] any other God. There is no other God who is able to protect you [MET]; I know that there is no other God!”
No temáis, ni os amedrentéis: ¿no te lo hice oir desde antiguo, y te lo dije? Luego vosotros sois mis testigos. No hay Dios sino yo. No hay Fuerte: no conozco ninguno.
9 All those who make idols are foolish, and the idols that they (think highly of/greatly respect) are worthless. And the people who worship those idols— [it is as though] they are blind, and they will be ashamed [for having worshiped those idols].
Los formadores de imágenes de talla, todos ellos son vanidad, y lo más precioso de ellos para nada es útil; y ellos mismos para su confusión son testigos, que ellos ni ven ni entienden.
10 Only [foolish people] [RHQ] would make idols in a mold, idols that would never help them at all.
¿Quién formó un dios, ó quién fundó una estatua que para nada es de provecho?
11 Those who make idols and those who worship them will be ashamed. Those who make idols are only human beings, [but they claim that they are making gods]! They should stand in front of God in a court, and [when they hear what he says], they will be terrified, and they will all be disgraced.
He aquí que todos sus compañeros serán avergonzados; porque los mismos artífices son de los hombres. Todos ellos se juntarán, estarán, se asombrarán, y serán avergonzados á una.
12 Metalworkers stand in front of hot coals in order to make idols. They pound them strongly with hammers, and shape them. Because they work very hard, they become hungry and weak; they become very thirsty and feel exhausted.
El herrero [tomará] la tenaza, obrará en las ascuas, darále forma con los martillos, y trabajará en ella con la fuerza de su brazo: tiene luego hambre, y le faltan las fuerzas; no beberá agua, y se desmaya.
13 Then a woodcarver takes a big block/piece of wood and he measures it; then he marks it to show where he will cut it. He uses a chisel and other tools to carve it to resemble a human. He causes it to become a very beautiful [idol], and then he puts it in a shrine.
El carpintero tiende la regla, señala aquélla con almagre, lábrala con los cepillos, dale figura con el compás, hácela en forma de varón, á semejanza de hombre hermoso, para estar en casa.
14 [Before he carves an idol from that block of wood], he has cut down a cedar tree, or he has selected a cypress tree or an oak tree and allowed it to grow tall in the forest. Or, he has planted a pine/evergreen tree and the rain has watered it [and caused it to grow tall].
Cortaráse cedros, y tomará encina y alcornoque, y entre los árboles del bosque se esforzará; plantará pino, que se críe con la lluvia.
15 [And after he uses part of the tree to make an idol], he uses the other part of the tree to make a fire, either to warm himself or to bake bread. But he uses [part of the same tree] to make for himself an idol to worship! He makes an idol and then he bows down to worship it.
De él se servirá luego el hombre para quemar, y tomará de ellos para calentarse; encenderá también [el horno], y cocerá panes: hará además un dios, y lo adorará; fabricará un ídolo, y arrodillaráse delante de él.
16 He burns part of the wood of the tree to cook his meat and eats the meat and his stomach becomes full, and he burns part of the wood to warm his body, and he says, “I feel warm while I am watching the flames in the fire.”
Parte del [leño] quemará en el fuego; con parte de él comerá carne, aderezará asado, y se saciará; después se calentará, y dirá: ¡Oh! heme calentado, he visto el fuego;
17 Then he takes the rest of the wood and makes an idol which is his god. He bows down to it and worships it, and prays to it and says, “You are my god, so save me!”
Y torna su sobrante en un dios, en su escultura; humíllase delante de ella, adórala, y ruégale diciendo: Líbrame, que mi dios eres tú.
18 Those people are very stupid and ignorant [SAR]. [It is as though] they are blind and cannot see, and their minds are closed and they cannot think well.
No supieron ni entendieron: porque encostrados están sus ojos para no ver, y su corazón para no entender.
19 They do not think about what they are doing, that they are taking a block of wood and burning half of it to warm themselves and using some of the rest to bake bread and roast some meat! [They do not say to themselves], “It is stupid [RHQ] to take the rest of the wood to make a detestable idol! It does not make sense to bow down to a block of wood!”
No discurre para consigo, no tiene sentido ni entendimiento para decir: Parte de esto quemé en el fuego, y sobre sus brasas cocí pan, asé carne, y comíla; ¿he de tornar en una abominación lo restante de ello? ¿delante de un tronco de árbol tengo de humillarme?
20 They are very stupid to [worship something that if you burn it, it becomes] ashes! They trust in something that cannot save them; they do not admit, “In my hand I hold something that is not really a god! [RHQ]”
De ceniza se apacienta; su corazón engañado le desvía, para que no libre su alma, ni diga: ¿No hay una mentira á mi mano derecha?
21 [Yahweh says, “You descendants of] [MTY] Jacob, you people of Israel who should be serving me, I created you, and I will not forget you.
Acuérdate de estas cosas, oh Jacob, é Israel, pues que tú mi siervo eres: Yo te formé; siervo mío eres tú: Israel, no me olvides.
22 I have gotten rid of your sins like [SIM] [the wind blows away] a cloud. [It is as though] your transgressions were a morning mist [SIM] that I have blown away. Return to me because I have rescued you.”
Yo deshice como á nube tus rebeliones, y como á niebla tus pecados: tórnate á mí, porque yo te redimí.
23 [The sun and moon and stars] in the sky should sing, and all the things that are beneath the ground should shout joyfully! All the mountains and forests, and all you trees, should sing loudly, because Yahweh has rescued [the descendants of] [MTY] Jacob; [the people of] Israel will praise/honor him.
Cantad loores, oh cielos, porque Jehová lo hizo; gritad con júbilo, lugares bajos de la tierra; prorrumpid, montes, en alabanza; bosque, y todo árbol que en él está: porque Jehová redimió á Jacob, y en Israel será glorificado.
24 Yahweh, who saved you and created you, says this: “I am Yahweh, the one who created everything. I am the only one who stretched out the sky. There was [RHQ] no one who (was with/helped) me when I created the earth.
Así dice Jehová, tu Redentor, y formador tuyo desde el vientre: Yo Jehová, que lo hago todo, que extiendo solo los cielos, que extiendo la tierra por mí mismo;
25 I show that the false prophets are liars, and I show that those who perform rituals to predict the future are fools. Some people who [falsely think that they] are [IRO] wise [say that they] know a lot, but I show that they are foolish.
Que deshago las señales de los adivinos, y enloquezco á los agoreros; que hago tornar atrás los sabios, y desvanezco su sabiduría;
26 But I always cause to happen what my prophets predict [DOU]. [I tell them to] say to [the people of] [MTY] Jerusalem, ‘[Some day] people will live here again.’ [And I tell them to] say to [the people in other] towns in Judah [that Yahweh says], ‘Your towns will be rebuilt; I will cause the places that are only ruins to be rebuilt.’
Que despierta la palabra de su siervo, y cumple el consejo de sus mensajeros; que dice á Jerusalem: Serás habitada; y á las ciudades de Judá: Reedificadas serán, y sus ruinas levantaré;
27 When I say to the rivers, ‘Dry up!’, they will become dry.
Que dice al profundo: Sécate, y tus ríos haré secar;
28 When I say about King Cyrus, ‘He will [take care of my people like] [MET] a shepherd [takes care of his sheep], he will do what I want him to do,’ he will say about Jerusalem, ‘We must rebuild it!’, and he will also say, ‘We must rebuild the temple!’”
Que dice de Ciro: [Es] mi pastor, y cumplirá todo lo que yo quiero, en diciendo á Jerusalem, Serás edificada; y al templo: Serás fundado.

< Isaiah 44 >