< Hebrews 9 >

1 [To continue]: In the first [covenant, God] regulated how people [should perform] rituals, and [he told them to make] [MTY] a sanctuary.
Тако и први завет имаше правду богомољства и светињу земаљску.
2 [That sanctuary] was a tent that [the Israelites] set up. In its outer room there was the lampstand and the table [on which they put] the bread that [the priests] presented [to God. That room] was called ‘the holy place’.
Јер скинија беше начињена прва, у којој беше свећњак и трпеза и постављени хлебови, што се зове светиња.
3 Behind the curtain inside [the holy place] there was [another] room. That was called ‘the very holy place’.
А за другим завесом беше скинија, која се зове светиња над светињама,
4 It had an altar, [made from] gold, [for burning] incense. [It also had the chest which they called] the chest of the covenant. All its sides were covered with gold. In it was the golden pot which contained [pieces of the food they called] manna. [That was the food with which God miraculously fed the people before they entered the promised land]. In the chest there was also Aaron’s walking stick that budded [to prove that he was God’s true priest]. In the chest were also the stone tablets [on which God had written] the Ten Commandments.
Која имаше златну кадионицу, и ковчег завета окован свуда златом, у коме беше златан суд с маном, и палица Аронова, која се беше омладила, и плоче завета.
5 On top of [the chest] were [figures of] winged creatures [that symbolized God’s] glory. Their [wings] overshadowed the chest’s lid where [the high priest sprinkled the blood] (to [atone for/to forgive]) [those who had sinned. I] do not [need] to write about these things in detail now.
А више њега беху херувими славе, који осењаваху олтар; о чему се не може сад говорити редом.
6 After all those things were prepared {After they had prepared all those things like that} [in the two rooms of the tent], the [Jewish] priests habitually went into the outer [room of the] tent to perform their rituals.
А кад ово беше тако уређено, улажаху свештеници свагда у прву скинију и савршиваху службу Божију.
7 But into the inner room, only the Supreme Priest [went], once a year. He always took [LIT] the blood [of animals that they had slaughtered]. He offered them [to God] for his own [sins] and for the sins that other people had committed. They included sins that they did not realize [were sinful].
А у другу улажаше једном у години сам поглавар свештенички, не без крви, коју приноси за себе и за народна незнања.
8 By those things the Holy Spirit indicated that [just like God] did not reveal the way [for ordinary people] to enter into the inner room while the outer room still existed [MET], [similarly he did not reveal the way for ordinary people to enter the presence of God while the Jewish system of offering sacrifices was in effect].
Овим показиваше Дух Свети да се још није отворио пут светих, докле прва скинија стоји;
9 [The things that the priests did inside the outer room] [MTY] symbolized [what was true] during the time [when the first covenant was in effect]. According to [the first covenant] (OR, [In that outer room]), [priests] offered gifts and other sacrifices to God. But [by offering them], the people who brought them were unable to make themselves feel that they were no longer guilty for having sinned.
Која остаде прилика за садашње време, у које се приносе дари и жртве, и не могу да се сврше по савести оног који служи.
10 [They brought those gifts and made those sacrifices] according to [regulations concerning] things to eat and drink, and [according to rules that required people to] wash various things. [God] declared that those regulations about our bodies were to be in effect until [he put into effect the new covenant]; that was a better system.
Осим у јелима и пићима, и различном умивању и правдању тела, које је постављено до времена поправљења.
11 But when Christ came as our Supreme Priest, [he brought] the good things that are now available. When he appeared, [he went into God’s presence in heaven. That is like a] [MET] very great and perfect tent not made by humans {which no human made} [SYN]; that is, it is not part of the world [God] created. It was better [than the tent Moses set up here on earth].
Али дошавши Христос, поглавар свештенички добара која ће доћи, кроз бољу и савршенију скинију, која није руком грађена, то јест, није овог створења,
12 [When a Supreme Priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes] goats’ blood and calves’ blood [to offer as a sacrifice]. But Christ did not [do that. It was as though] he went into that very holy place only once, taking his own blood with him. By doing that, he eternally redeemed us. (aiōnios g166)
Ни с крвљу јарчијом, нити телећом, него кроз своју крв уђе једном у светињу, и нађе вечни откуп. (aiōnios g166)
13 The priests sprinkle on people goats’ blood and bulls’ blood and [the water that has been filtered through] the ashes of a [red] heifer that has been [completely burned. By performing that ritual, they can ritually] cleanse the bodies of those who are [ceremonially] unclean. Furthermore, performing those rituals enabled people to have fellowship with God again.
Јер ако крв јунчија и јарчија, и пепео јуничин, покропивши њом опогањене, освећује на телесну чистоту;
14 [So, because we know what] Christ [accomplished when] his blood flowed [when he died for us] [PRS, MTY], we will be very certain that we are not guilty [of having] done those things [that those who are spiritually] dead do. [As a result], we can serve God, who is all-powerful. [The priests always offer to God animals] with no defects. Similarly, when Christ offered himself [as a sacrifice] to God, he was sinless [MET]. He did that as a result of [God’s] eternal Spirit [helping him]. (aiōnios g166)
А камоли неће крв Христа, који Духом Светим себе принесе без кривице Богу, очистити савест нашу од мртвих дела, да служимо Богу Живом и Истинитом? (aiōnios g166)
15 [By] dying [for us], [Christ] ([redeemed/] free from the penalty for their sins) even those who disobeyed the [conditions of] (OR, [during the time of]) the first covenant. So, [because] no [one could be made perfect by obeying the old covenant], now Christ establishes [between God and people] a new covenant. He does that in order that those whom God has chosen may eternally have [the blessings that God] has promised them. (aiōnios g166)
И зато је новом завету посредник, да кроз смрт, која би за откуп од преступака у првом завету, обећање вечног наследства приме звани. (aiōnios g166)
16 A covenant [is like a will. In the case of a will], [in order to put its provisions into effect], someone must prove that the one who made it has died.
Јер где је завет ваља да буде и смрт оног који чини завет.
17 A will goes into effect [only when the one who makes the will] has died. It is not in effect when the one who made it is still alive.
Јер је завет по смрти потврђен: будући да нема никакве силе док је жив онај који га је начинио.
18 And so [God] put the first covenant into effect only [LIT] by means of [animals’] blood that was shed [when they were slaughtered].
Јер ни први није утврђен без крви.
19 After Moses had declared to all the Israelites everything that God commanded in the laws [that God gave him], he took calves’ and goats’ blood [mixed] with water. He [dipped into it] scarlet wool [that he tied around] a sprig of hyssop. Then he sprinkled [with some of the blood] the scroll itself containing God’s laws. Then he sprinkled [more of that blood on all the] people,
Јер кад Мојсије изговори све заповести по закону свом народу, онда узе крви јарчије и телеће, с водом и вуном црвеном и исопом, те покропи и књигу и сав народ.
20 saying to them, “This is the blood [which brings into effect] the covenant that God commanded that you [obey].”
Говорећи: Ово је крв завета који Бог начини с вама.
21 Likewise, he sprinkled with that blood the tent and every object that they used in performing rituals.
А тако и скинију и све судове службене покропи крвљу.
22 It was by [sprinkling] blood that they [ritually] cleansed almost everything. That was what [was stated in] God’s laws. If blood is not shed [when people offer a sacrifice, God] cannot forgive [the person who is making the sacrifice].
И готово све се крвљу чисти по закону, и без проливања крви не бива опроштење.
23 So, by rituals like that, it was necessary for [the priests] to cleanse the things that symbolized what Christ does [MTY] in heaven. But God has to [consecrate] the [people who will enter] [MTY] heaven [by means of] better sacrifices than those.
Тако је требало да се обличја небеских овима чисте, а сама небеска бољим жртвама од ових.
24 Christ did not enter a sanctuary that humans made. That one only represented the true [sanctuary]. Instead, he entered heaven itself, in order to now be in God’s presence [to plead with] God for us.
Јер Христос не уђе у рукотворену светињу, која је прилика праве, него у само небо, да се покаже сад пред лицем Божијим за нас;
25 The [Jewish] Supreme Priest enters the very holy place once every year, taking blood that is not his own, [to offer it as a sacrifice]. But when Christ entered heaven, it was not in order to offer himself repeatedly like that.
Нити да много пута приноси себе, као што поглавар свештенички улази у светињу сваке године с крвљу туђом:
26 [If that were so], he would have needed to suffer [and shed his blood] repeatedly since [the time when God] created the world. But instead, in this final age, [Christ] has appeared once in order that by sacrificing himself he could cause [that people] no longer will be [punished for their] sins. (aiōn g165)
Иначе би Он морао много пута страдати од постања света; а сад једном на свршетку века јави се да својом жртвом сатре грех. (aiōn g165)
27 All people must die once, and after that [God] will judge them [for their sins].
И као што је људима одређено једном умрети, а потом суд:
28 Likewise, when Christ [died], [God] offered him once to be a sacrifice, to punish him instead of the many [people who had] sinned. He will come [to earth] a second time, not [in order to sacrifice himself again for those who] have sinned, but in order to [complete] his saving those who expectantly wait for him.
Тако се и Христос једном принесе, да узме многих грехе; а другом ће се јавити без греха на спасење онима који Га чекају.

< Hebrews 9 >