< Ezra 3 >

1 After the Israeli people [returned to Israel, and] had begun to live in their towns, (in the autumn of/after the hot season ended in) that year, they all gathered together in Jerusalem.
Memasuki bulan ketujuh, semua orang Israel berkumpul lagi di Yerusalem.
2 Then Jeshua, the son of Jehozadak, and his fellow priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his friends, all began to rebuild the altar of God, the one whom the Israeli people [worshiped]. They did that in order that they could sacrifice burned offerings on it, according to what the prophet Moses had written in the laws [that God gave to him].
Sebelum mereka memulai pembangunan rumah TUHAN, Yesua anak Yozadak dan Zerubabel anak Sealtiel serta para imam dan sahabat-sahabat Zerubabel membuat mezbah tempat membakar kurban-kurban persembahan kepada Allah, sesuai dengan yang tertulis dalam kitab Musa hamba Allah.
3 Even though they were afraid of the people who were already living in that area, they rebuilt the altar at the same place [where the previous altar had been]. Before they started to lay the foundation of Yahweh’s temple, [the priests] started to burn sacrifices to Yahweh [on the altar]. They offered sacrifices every morning and every evening. Fifteen days after [they started to offer these sacrifices], the people celebrated the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters, as [Moses] had commanded them to do in the laws [that God gave to him]. Each day the priests offered the sacrifices [that were required] for that day. In addition, they presented the regular burned offerings and the offerings [that were required] for the New Moon Festivals and the other festivals that they celebrated each year to [honor] Yahweh. They also brought other offerings only because they desired to bring them, [not because they were required to bring them].
Biarpun mereka takut diserang oleh orang dari bangsa-bangsa sekitar, mereka tetap membangun mezbah itu di tempat semula dan mulai mempersembahkan kurban-kurban yang dibakar habis untuk TUHAN. Mereka membakar kurban itu sesuai jadwal pada waktu pagi maupun sore.
Mereka juga merayakan Hari Raya Pondok Cabang-cabang Berdaun sesuai peraturan yang ada, dan setiap hari kurban yang dibakar habis terus dilakukan di mezbah menurut giliran yang sudah ditetapkan.
Sejak hari pertama bulan ketujuh itu, mereka sudah mulai mempersembahkan kurban secara rutin— baik kurban yang dibakar habis yang tetap, kurban yang dibakar habis pada bulan baru dan pada setiap hari raya TUHAN yang kudus, maupun persembahan sukarela dari setiap orang kepada TUHAN— meskipun pondasi rumah TUHAN belum mulai dibuat.
7 Then the Israelis hired masons and carpenters, and they bought [logs from] cedar trees from the people of Tyre and Sidon [cities], and they gave those people food and wine and olive oil for the logs. They brought the logs down from [the mountains in] Lebanon [to the Mediterranean seacoast and then floated them along the coast of the Sea, ] to Joppa. King Cyrus permitted them to do that. [Then the logs were brought from Joppa inland up to Jerusalem].
Sesudah itu rakyat menyumbang uang untuk membayar tukang batu dan tukang kayu. Mereka juga membeli kayu-kayu aras dari orang Tirus dan Sidon dengan bayaran berupa bahan makanan, minuman, dan minyak zaitun. Kayu itu diangkut dari wilayah Libanon ke Yopa melalui jalur laut. Semuanya itu dilakukan rakyat sesuai dengan perintah Kores, raja Persia.
8 The Israelis started to rebuild the temple in the (spring/time before the hot season) of the second year after they returned to Jerusalem. Zerubbabel and Jeshua and all the people who had returned to Jerusalem worked on the building. All the (Levites/men who did work in the temple) supervised this work.
Kemudian tibalah tahun kedua sesudah orang Israel berkumpul di rumah Allah di Yerusalem. Pada bulan kedua dalam tahun itu, mereka mulai membangun rumah TUHAN. Zerubabel anak Sealtiel dan Yesua anak Yozadak, bersama sahabat-sahabat mereka yaitu para imam dan orang-orang Lewi, juga seluruh rakyat yang sudah pulang dari Babel ke Yerusalem turut mengambil bagian dalam pembangunan itu. Orang-orang suku Lewi yang berusia dua puluh tahun ke atas ditugaskan untuk mengawasi pekerjaan pembangunan rumah TUHAN.
9 Jeshua and his sons and his other relatives, and Kadmiel and his sons, who were descendants of Hodaviah, also helped to supervise the work. The family of Henadad, who were also all Levites, joined with them in supervising this work.
Pekerjaan pembangunan ini dipimpin oleh Yesua dari suku Lewi, Kadmiel dari suku Yehuda, bersama semua anak dan saudara-saudara mereka, serta keturunan Henadad dari suku Lewi beserta saudara-saudara mereka.
10 When the builders finished laying the foundation of the temple, the priests put on their robes and stood in their places, blowing their trumpets. Then the Levites, who were descendants of Asaph, clashed/banged their cymbals to praise Yahweh, just as King David had [many years previously] told [Asaph and the other musicians] to do.
Pada waktu tukang bangunan mulai meletakkan pondasi rumah TUHAN, para imam mengenakan jubah khusus dan memegang terompet, lalu berdiri untuk memuji TUHAN. Orang-orang Lewi dari keturunan Asaf juga maju membawa alat musik ceracap. Puji-pujian itu dilakukan menurut cara yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Raja Daud.
11 They praised Yahweh and thanked him, and they sang this song about him: “He is very good [to us]! He faithfully loves us Israeli people, and he will love us forever.” Then all the people shouted loudly, praising Yahweh because they had finished laying the foundation of Yahweh’s temple.
Mereka bersyukur kepada TUHAN dan menyanyi bersahut-sahutan, “TUHAN itu baik! Sesungguhnya kasih dan kesetiaan-Nya tetap ada bagi kita sampai selama-lamanya!” Seluruh rakyat bersorak dengan nyaring karena bersukacita melihat pondasi rumah TUHAN sudah diletakkan.
12 Many of the [old] priests, Levites, and leaders of families remembered [what] the first temple [was like], and they cried aloud when they saw the foundation of this temple being laid [because they knew that the new temple would not be as beautiful as the first temple]. But the other people shouted joyfully.
Sebagian besar imam dan orang Lewi serta para kepala keluarga yang dahulu pernah melihat bangunan rumah TUHAN yang pertama menangis keras-keras waktu mereka menyaksikan peletakan pondasi rumah TUHAN yang baru ini, tetapi generasi baru yang tidak mengetahui bangunan yang dulu pun tetap bersorak-sorak dengan penuh sukacita.
13 The shouting and the crying was very loud; [even people] far away could hear it.
Saat itu, sulit membedakan antara suara teriakan sukacita atau suara tangisan, sebab bunyinya begitu nyaring. Suara mereka terdengar sampai jauh.

< Ezra 3 >