< Ephesians 5 >

1 (Imitate/Behave like) God, because he loves you who are [as though you were] [SIM] his children.
Nítorí náà, ẹ máa ṣe àfarawé Ọlọ́run bí àwọn olùfẹ́ ọmọ,
2 Do everything in a way that shows that you love [people], just like Christ loved us and willingly died for us. He offered himself [to God as a sacrifice] that was very pleasing to God, [just like Jewish priests offered] sweet-smelling [animal] sacrifices to God [MET].
ẹ sì máa rìn ní ìfẹ́, gẹ́gẹ́ bí Kristi pẹ̀lú ti fẹ́ wa, tí ó sì fi ara rẹ̀ fún wa ní ọrẹ àti ẹbọ fún Ọlọ́run fún òórùn dídùn.
3 Do not commit any kind of immoral act [DOU], and do not desire more things than you need. Do not [act in such a way that others could] even (spread rumors/talk) about your acting in such ways, because it is not appropriate/fitting for God’s people to do such things.
Ṣùgbọ́n àgbèrè àti gbogbo ìwà èérí, tàbí ojúkòkòrò, kí a má tilẹ̀ dárúkọ rẹ̀ láàrín yín mọ́, bí ó ti yẹ àwọn ènìyàn mímọ́.
4 Do not use obscene/shameful language when you talk to people. Do not talk foolishly. Do not use vulgar/indecent language, because it is not appropriate/fitting that God’s people should talk like that. Instead, tell people how much you thank [God for all he does for you].
Ìbá à ṣe ìwà ọ̀bùn, àti ìṣọ̀rọ̀ òmùgọ̀, tàbí ìṣẹ̀fẹ̀ àwọn ohun tí kò tọ́; ṣùgbọ́n ẹ kúkú máa dúpẹ́.
5 You can be sure of this: No person who is sexually immoral or who acts indecently/shamefully will be among those people whom God rules over [MET] [in heaven]. Neither will those who desire more things than they need. Such people worship their possessions [instead of worshipping God].
Nítorí ẹ̀yin mọ èyí dájú pé, kò sí panṣágà, tàbí aláìmọ́ ènìyàn, tàbí wọ̀bìà (tí í ṣé abọ̀rìṣà), tí yóò ni ìpín kan ni ìjọba Kristi àti Ọlọ́run.
6 Do not let anyone deceive you by suggesting that [God will really] not [punish people who commit such sins], because God certainly will punish [MTY] those who habitually disobey him [by doing such things].
Ẹ má ṣe jẹ́ kí ẹnikẹ́ni fi ọ̀rọ̀ asán tàn yín jẹ: nítorí nípasẹ̀ nǹkan wọ̀nyí ní ìbínú Ọlọ́run fi ń bọ̀ wá sórí àwọn ọmọ aláìgbọ́ràn.
7 So, do not commit the same kinds of deeds that such people do,
Nítorí náà ẹ má ṣe jẹ́ alájọpín pẹ̀lú wọn.
8 because formerly you [did not know God’s truth] [MET], [as those who] are in darkness [do not know what is around them]. But now [it is as though] you are in the light [MET] [because you know God’s truth] because of your relationship with the Lord [Jesus]. So do those things that those who know God’s truth [MET] should do.
Nítorí ẹ̀yin tí jẹ́ òkùnkùn lẹ́ẹ̀kan ṣùgbọ́n nísinsin yìí, ẹ̀yin dí ìmọ́lẹ̀, nípa tí Olúwa: ẹ máa rín gẹ́gẹ́ bí àwọn ọmọ ìmọ́lẹ̀
9 Keep in mind that [as] light [MET] causes [good things to grow], those who know God’s truth should do those things that are good, righteous, and honest.
(nítorí èso Ẹ̀mí ni ìṣoore, àti òdodo àti òtítọ́).
10 And as [you do that], try (to find out/to discover) what pleases the Lord.
Ẹ sì máa wádìí ohun tí í ṣe ìtẹ́wọ́gbà fún Olúwa.
11 Do not do the worthless deeds that the people (who are in [spiritual] darkness/who do not know God’s truth) [MET] do. Instead, let others know that those people’s deeds are worthless.
Ẹ má sì ṣe bá àwọn oníṣẹ́ òkùnkùn kẹ́gbẹ́ pọ̀, ṣùgbọ́n ẹ kúkú máa bá wọn wí.
12 It is shameful for God’s people to even talk [among themselves about] those evil deeds that evil people do secretly and habitually.
Nítorí ìtìjú tilẹ̀ ni láti máa sọ̀rọ̀ nǹkan wọ̀n-ọn-nì tí àwọn aláìgbọ́ràn ń ṣe ní ìkọ̀kọ̀.
13 But when [God’s people rebuke those evil people about their deeds, it will be clear/evident how evil their deeds really are, just like] everything exposed to the light becomes visible {as light [MET] reveals everything [that we cannot see in the darkness]}.
Ṣùgbọ́n ohun gbogbo tí a tú síta ni ìmọ́lẹ̀ ń fì hàn: nítorí ohunkóhun tí ó bá fi nǹkan hàn, ìmọ́lẹ̀ ni.
14 [Just like something on which a light shines reflects that light] [MET], [whoever has learned God’s truth reveals that truth to others]. That is why [we believers] say this: You who are not aware of your sins, become aware of them [MET]! It is as though you are sound asleep, so wake up! Be like dead people who are becoming alive again! Christ will cause you to know God’s truth, just like a light [MET] that shines causes people to know what is in the darkness.
Nítorí náà ni ó ṣe wí pé, “Jí, ìwọ̀ ẹni tí ó sun, sí jíǹde kúrò nínú òkú Kristi yóò sì fún ọ ní ìmọ́lẹ̀.”
15 So be very careful how you behave. Do not behave as foolish people do. Instead, behave as wise people do.
Nítorí náà ẹ kíyèsi láti máa rìn ní ìwà pípé, kì í ṣé bí àwọn òmùgọ̀, ṣùgbọ́n bí àwọn ọlọ́gbọ́n;
16 Use your time carefully, because these days [MTY] [people do] extremely evil [deeds].
ẹ máa ra ìgbà padà, nítorí búburú ní àwọn ọjọ́.
17 So do not be foolish. Instead, understand what the Lord [Jesus] wants you to do, [and do it]!
Nítorí náà, ẹ má ṣé jẹ aláìlóye, ṣùgbọ́n ẹ máa mòye ohun tí ìfẹ́ Olúwa jásí.
18 Do not become drunk by drinking alcoholic drinks, since people are unable to control their behavior when they are drunk. Instead, let [God’s] Spirit control your [behavior] at all times [MTY].
Ẹ má sí ṣe mú wáìnì ní àmupara, nínú èyí tí rúdurùdu wà; ṣùgbọ́n ẹ kún fún Ẹ̀mí Mímọ́.
19 Sing to each other (Psalms/songs [with words from the] Scriptures), sing [other] songs [that the congregation knows], and songs [that God’s] Spirit [gives you]. Sing these Psalms and other songs sincerely to [praise] the Lord [Jesus].
Ẹ sì máa bá ara yín sọ̀rọ̀ nínú Saamu, àti orin ìyìn, àti orin Ẹ̀mí, ẹ máa kọrin, kí ẹ sì máa kọrin dídùn ní ọkàn yín sí Olúwa.
20 At all times thank God, who is our [heavenly] Father, for everything, especially for what the Lord Jesus Christ [MTY] [has done for you].
Ẹ máa dúpẹ́ nígbà gbogbo fún ohun gbogbo lọ́wọ́ Ọlọ́run, àní Baba, ní orúkọ Jesu Kristi Olúwa wá.
21 [Humbly] submit yourselves to each other because you reverence Christ, [who is our example].
Ẹ máa tẹríba fún ara yín ní ìbẹ̀rù Ọlọ́run.
22 Because husbands have authority over [MET] their wives, just as all of us believers form one group [under the authority of] Christ, you women should submit yourselves to [the authority of your] husbands just as you submit yourselves to the Lord [Jesus]. He is the one who saves all his people [from the guilt of their sins].
Ẹ̀yin aya, ẹ máa tẹríba fún àwọn ọkọ yín, gẹ́gẹ́ bí fún Olúwa.
Nítorí pé ọkọ ni ó ń ṣe orí aya, gẹ́gẹ́ bí Kristi tí i ṣe orí ìjọ, tí òun si ń ṣe ara rẹ̀, Òun sì ni Olùgbàlà rẹ̀.
24 Just like all believers submit themselves to [the authority of] Christ, the women must submit themselves completely to the [authority of] their husbands.
Nítorí náà gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìjọ tí i tẹríba fún Kristi, bẹ́ẹ̀ sì ní kì àwọn aya máa ṣe sí ọkọ wọn ní ohun gbogbo.
25 Each of you husbands, love your wife as Christ loved all of [us who would become] believers, with the result that he willingly died for our sake,
Ẹ̀yin ọkọ, ẹ fẹ́ràn àwọn aya yín, gẹ́gẹ́ bí Kristi tí fẹ́ràn ìjọ, tí ó sì fi ara rẹ̀ fún un.
26 in order that he might (set us apart for himself/cause us to belong to him). That is, by [revealing his] message [to us], he wanted to [remove the guilt of our sin, just like people remove dirt from something] by washing it [MET].
Kí òun lè sọ ọ́ di mímọ́ lẹ́yìn tí ó tí fi ọ̀rọ̀ wẹ̀ ẹ́ nínú agbada omí.
27 [Christ did that] in order that he might cause all of us believers to be a glorious group of people that belong to him, people that do not have any moral flaws/imperfections, but instead might be completely pure [DOU] when he gathers us (to his presence/to himself).
Kí òun lé mú un wá sọ́dọ̀ ara rẹ̀ bí ìjọ tí ó ní ògo ní àìlábàwọ́n, tàbí àlébù kan, tàbí irú nǹkan bá-wọ̀n-ọn-nì: ṣùgbọ́n kí ó lè jẹ́ mímọ́ àti aláìlábùkù.
28 In the same way, each man should love his wife as he loves his own body. Men who love their wives, [it is as though] they love themselves.
Bẹ́ẹ̀ ní ó tọ́ kí àwọn ọkùnrin máa fẹ́ràn aya wọn gẹ́gẹ́ bí ara àwọn fúnra wọn.
29 This is shown by the fact that no one ever hated his own body. Instead, he feeds his own body and cares for it, just like Christ also cares for all us believers. We have become one group of believers that belongs to him [MET].
Nítorí kò sì ẹnìkan tí ó ti kórìíra ara rẹ̀; bí kò ṣe pé kí ó máa bọ́ ọ kí ó sì máa ṣìkẹ́ rẹ̀ gẹ́gẹ́ bí Kristi sì ti ń ṣe sí ìjọ.
Nítorí pé àwa ni ẹ̀yà ara rẹ̀, àti tí ẹran-ara rẹ̀, àti egungun ara rẹ̀.
31 [What someone has written in the Scriptures about people who marry is this], [When] a man and [a] woman [marry], they should ([permanently] leave/no longer live with) their fathers and mothers. They should be joined [as husband and] wife, and the two of them shall become [as though they were] one [MET] person.
Nítorí èyí ní ọkùnrin yóò fi baba àti ìyá rẹ̀ sílẹ̀, òun yóò sì dàpọ̀ mọ́ aya rẹ̀, àwọn méjèèjì yóò sì di ara kan.
32 It is very difficult to understand the meaning of these things that God has now revealed to me, but [I am telling you that] those words [also] refer to [the relationship between] Christ and all those who belong to him.
Àṣírí ńlá ní èyí: ṣùgbọ́n èmí ń sọ nípá ti Kristi àti tí ìjọ.
33 However, as for you(pl), each man must love his wife just as he loves himself, and each woman must respect her husband.
Ṣùgbọ́n kí olúkúlùkù yín fẹ́ràn aya rẹ̀, bẹ́ẹ̀ gẹ́gẹ́ bí òun fúnra rẹ̀; kí aya kí ó sì bọ̀wọ̀ fún ọkọ rẹ̀.

< Ephesians 5 >