< Philippians 1 >

1 [I], Paul, and Timothy, [who is with me, are] men who serve Christ Jesus. I [am writing this letter] to all [of you who are] pastors and deacons in Philippi [city] and to the rest of God’s people [there who have a close relationship] with Christ Jesus.
Paulu àti Timotiu, àwọn ìránṣẹ́ Jesu Kristi, Sí gbogbo àwọn ènìyàn mímọ́ nínú Kristi Jesu tí ó wà ní Filipi, pẹ̀lú àwọn alábojútó àti àwọn díákónì:
2 [We both] (OR, [I]) [pray that] God, [who is] our Father, and Jesus Christ, [who is our] Lord, [will continue to] be kind to you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
Oore-ọ̀fẹ́ sí yín, àti àlàáfíà láti ọ̀dọ̀ Ọlọ́run Baba wa, àti Olúwa wa Jesu Kristi.
3 I thank my God whenever I think about you.
Mo ń dúpẹ́ lọ́wọ́ Ọlọ́run mi ní gbogbo ìgbà tí mo bá rántí yín.
4 Every time [DOU] I pray [for you], I joyfully pray [DOU] for all of you.
Nínú gbogbo àdúrà mi fún un yín, èmi ń fi ayọ̀ gbàdúrà,
5 I [thank God and rejoice] because you have been [working] together with me in order to [make known] the good message about Christ. [You started doing that] when you first [MTY] [believed it, and you have continued doing it] until now.
nítorí ìdàpọ̀ yín nínú ìyìnrere láti ọjọ́ kìn-ín-ní wá títí di ìsinsin yìí.
6 I am completely confident that [God], who has begun to do in you what is good, (OR, that since [God] has begun to do in you what is good, he) will continue to do that until he finishes doing it on the day Christ Jesus [MTY] [returns].
Ohun kan yìí sá à dá mi lójú pé, ẹni tí ó ti bẹ̀rẹ̀ iṣẹ́ rere nínú yín, yóò ṣe àṣepé rẹ̀ títí di ọjọ́ náà tí Jesu Kristi yóò dé.
7 During this time that I have been a prisoner [MTY] and during the times I was previously able to defend the good message about Christ and proved/confirmed [to others] that it is true, all of you have been sharing with me (OR, have helped me) in this work [that God] kindly gave [to me to do. So] indeed it is right that I feel joyful about you all, because you are very dear [IDM] to me.
Gẹ́gẹ́ bí ó ti tọ́ fún mi láti ro èyí nípa gbogbo yín, nítorí tí mo fi yín sọ́kàn, bí mo tilẹ̀ wà nínú ìdè tàbí ìdáhùn ẹjọ́, àti ìfẹsẹ̀múlẹ̀ ìyìnrere, gbogbo yín jẹ́ alábápín oore-ọ̀fẹ́ Ọlọ́run pẹ̀lú mi.
8 God [can] verify that Christ Jesus causes me to [love and] long for all of you very much, [just like] Christ loves [you].
Nítorí Ọlọ́run ni ẹlẹ́rìí mi, bí mo ti ń ṣàfẹ́rí yín gidigidi nínú ìfẹ́ Jesu Kristi.
9 And what I pray [for you] is that [God will enable] you to truly know and learn how to love [one another] more and more in every situation.
Èyí sì ni àdúrà mi: pé kí ìfẹ́ yín lè máa pọ̀ síwájú àti síwájú sí i nínú ìfẹ́ àti ìmọ̀ ìjìnlẹ̀,
10 [And I pray that he will enable] you to completely understand [how you should believe and act]. I [pray this] in order that you might be [spiritually] pure and faultless (OR, completely faultless [DOU]) on the day that Christ [returns] [MTY],
kí ẹ̀yin kí ó lè ní òye ohun tí ó dára jùlọ; kí ó sì jásí òdodo àti aláìjẹ́ ohun ìkọ̀sẹ̀ títí di ọjọ́ dídé Jesu Kristi,
11 [and in order that] you might conduct your lives [IDM] completely righteously as a result of Jesus Christ [enabling you to do so], in order that [people will] honor God and praise him (OR, [people will] praise God very much [DOU]).
lẹ́yìn ìgbà ti ẹ ti kún fún àwọn ìwà òdodo láti ọ̀dọ̀ Jesu Kristi, fún ògo àti ìyìn Ọlọ́run.
12 My fellow believers, I want you to know that the [troubles] I have experienced [have not prevented me from proclaiming the good message to people. Instead], [these things that I have experienced] have enabled even more people to hear the good message [about Christ].
Ǹjẹ́ èmi fẹ́ kí ẹ̀yin kí ó mọ̀, ará, pé ohun tí ó ṣẹlẹ̀ sí mi jásí àtẹ̀gùn sí ìlọsíwájú ìyìnrere.
13 [Specifically], all the military guards who are stationed [here in Rome] and many other [HYP] [people in this city] [HYP] now know that I am a prisoner [MTY] because I [proclaim the good news] about Christ.
Nítorí ìdí èyí, ó ti hàn gbangba sí gbogbo àwọn ẹ̀ṣọ́ ààfin àti sí àwọn ẹlòmíràn wí pé mo wà nínú ìdè fún Kristi.
14 Also, most of the believers [here now] proclaim the message from God more courageously and fearlessly [because] they trust the Lord [more firmly to help them. They trust the Lord more] because [they have seen how the Lord has helped me] while I have been a prisoner [MTY] [here].
Nítorí ìdè mi, ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ àwọn ará nínú Olúwa ni a ti mú lọ́kàn le láti sọ̀rọ̀ Ọlọ́run sí i pẹ̀lú ìgboyà àti láìbẹ̀rù.
15 Some people proclaim [the message about Christ as I do] because they are happy [with my work]. They proclaim [the message about] Christ because they love [me and because] they know that [God] has placed me [here] to defend the message about Christ [CHI].
Òtítọ́ ni pé àwọn ẹlòmíràn tilẹ̀ ń fi ìjà àti ìlara wàásù Kristi, ṣùgbọ́n àwọn ẹlòmíràn sì ń fi inú rere ṣe é.
Àwọn kan ń fi ìjà wàásù Kristi, kì í ṣe pẹ̀lú òtítọ́ inú, wọ́n ń gbèrò láti fi ìpọ́njú kún ìdè mi.
17 Others proclaim [the message about] Christ because they envy [me] and oppose [me]. They proclaim the message about Christ because they have wrong motives. They [wrongly] assume [that because they are causing many people to follow them, I will be jealous, and as a result], I will feel more miserable while I am a prisoner [MTY] [here].
Àwọn kan ẹ̀wẹ̀ si ń fi ìfẹ́ ṣe é, nítorí tí wọ́n mọ̀ pé a gbé mi dìde láti dá ààbò bo iṣẹ́ ìyìnrere.
18 But it does not matter whether [people proclaim the message about Christ] because they have wrong motives, or whether [people proclaim the message about Christ] because they have right motives. The important thing in either case is that [the message about] Christ is being proclaimed {people are proclaiming [the message about] Christ}. And because of that I rejoice! Philippians 1:18b-26 Furthermore, I will continue to rejoice,
Kí ló tún kù? Kìkì í pé níbi gbogbo, ìbá à ní ìfẹ̀tànṣe tàbí ni ti òtítọ́ a sá à n wàásù Kristi, èmi sì ń yọ̀ nítorí èyí. Nítòótọ́, èmi ó sì máa yọ̀,
19 because when I experience troubles, I know that some day God will say that he approves [of what I have done] (OR, that [the Roman authorities] will set me free). [This will happen] as a result of your praying for me, and [as a result] of [God’s] Spirit, whom Jesus Christ gave me, helping me.
nítorí tí mo mọ̀ pé èyí ni yóò yọrí sí ìgbàlà fún mi láti inú àdúrà yín wá, àti ìfikún ẹ̀mí Jesu Kristi.
20 I [know that this will happen] because I very confidently expect [DOU] that I will faithfully honor Christ. I expect that like I always [have done], Christ will be greatly honored {I will continue now also to very boldly honor Christ} by means of all that I do [SYN, MTY], whether by [the way I] live or [by the way I] die.
Gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìfẹ́ ọkàn àti ìrètí mi pé kí ojú kí ó má ṣe ti mi ní ohunkóhun, ṣùgbọ́n kí èmi kí ó le máa ni ìgboyà ní ìgbà gbogbo àti nísinsin yìí, kí a lè ti ipasẹ̀ mi gbé Kristi ga lára mi, ìbá à ṣe pé mo wà láààyè, tàbí mo kú.
21 As for me, I live [in order to honor] Christ. But if I die, it will be better [for me than if I continue to live, because then I will be with him].
Nítorí, ní ti èmi, láti wa láààyè jẹ́ Kristi, láti kú pẹ̀lú sì jẹ́ èrè fún mi.
22 On the other hand, if I continue to live, that will enable me to continue to serve [Christ] effectively. As a result, I do not know which to choose.
Ṣùgbọ́n bí èmi bá le è ṣe iṣẹ́ ti ó ni àpẹẹrẹ nípa wíwà láààyè nínú ara, ṣùgbọ́n ohun ti èmi ó yàn, èmi kò mọ̀.
23 That is, I am not sure which of those two I [prefer]. I long to leave [this world] and [go to] be with Christ, because that will be very much better [for me].
Ṣùgbọ́n èmi n ṣiyèméjì, nítorí ti èmi fẹ́ láti lọ kúrò nínú ayé yìí, láti wà lọ́dọ̀ Kristi; nítorí ó dára púpọ̀ jù:
24 Nevertheless, it is more important that I remain alive [than that I go to be with Christ because] you still need [me to help you].
síbẹ̀ láti wà láààyè jẹ́ àǹfààní nítorí tiyín.
25 Since I am convinced of this, I know that I will remain [alive] and that I will [go/come to] be with you all. [As a result], you will believe [in Christ] more firmly, and [as a result of that], you will rejoice.
Bí èyí sì ti dá mi lójú, mo mọ̀ pé èmi ó dúró, èmi ó sì máa wà pẹ̀lú yín fún ìtẹ̀síwájú àti ayọ̀ yín nínú ìgbàgbọ́,
26 [That is], you will be able to rejoice very greatly because of Christ Jesus [bringing] me [to be with you again].
kí ìṣògo yín kí ó lè di púpọ̀ gidigidi nínú Jesu Kristi, àti nínú mi nípa ìpadà wá mi sọ́dọ̀ yín.
27 Most importantly, as fellow [believers in Christ], conduct yourselves just like [you learned you should do when you heard] the message about Christ. Do that in order that whether I come and see you, or whether [I am away from you and] people tell me about you, [what I hear or see will make me happy]. They will tell me that you are unitedly and cooperatively resisting [those who oppose the message about Christ] (OR, [oppose you]). I [will know] that you are not allowing others to influence you to believe a message that is different from the gospel [about Christ].
Ohun yówù kó ṣẹlẹ̀, ẹ jẹ́ kí ìgbé ayé yín ri gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìyìnrere Kristi: pé yálà bi mo tilẹ̀ wá wò yín, tàbí bí èmi kò wá, kí èmi kí ó lè máa gbúròó bí ẹ ti ń ṣe, pé ẹ̀yin dúró ṣinṣin nínú Ẹ̀mí kan, ẹ̀yin jùmọ̀ jìjàkadì nítorí ìgbàgbọ́ ìyìnrere, pẹ̀lú ọkàn kan.
28 And I [will know] that you are not at all frightened by {afraid of} the people who oppose you. This will show/prove to those people that [God] will destroy them, but this will show/prove to you that [God] will save you eternally. It is God who is doing [all] this.
Kí ẹ má sì jẹ́ ki àwọn ọ̀tá dẹ́rùbà yin ni ohunkóhun: èyí tí í ṣe àmì tí ó dájú pé a ó pa wọ́n run, ṣùgbọ́n Ọlọ́run tìkára rẹ̀ ni yóò gbà yin là.
29 Remember that he has not only kindly enabled you to believe in Christ, [he] has also kindly allowed you to suffer for the sake of Christ.
Nítorí tí a ti fún yin ni àǹfààní, kì í ṣe láti gba Kristi gbọ́ nìkan, ṣùgbọ́n láti jìyà nítorí rẹ̀ pẹ̀lú.
30 [As a result], you are [having to] resist [those who oppose the good message], just like you saw that I [had to] resist [such people there in Philippi], and just like you hear that I [still have to resist such people here] now.
Ẹ sì máa ja ìjà kan náà, èyí ti ẹ̀yin ti ri, ti ẹ sì ti gbọ́ pé èmi n jà pẹ̀lú.

< Philippians 1 >