< Acts 19 >

1 While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul [left the places in Phrygia and Galatia] provinces where he had been visiting, and traveled through [Asia province] back to Ephesus. He met some people [who said that they] were believers.
Es geschah aber, da Apollos zu Korinth war, daß Paulus durchwandelte die obern Länder und kam gen Ephesus und fand etliche Jünger.
2 He asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed [God’s message]?” They answered, “No, we [(exc) did not]. We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
Zu denen sprach er: Habt ihr den Heiligen Geist empfangen, da ihr gläubig worden seid? Sie sprachen zu ihm: Wir haben auch nie gehört, ob ein Heiliger Geist sei.
3 So Paul asked, “So when you were baptized, what [were you showing]?” They replied, “[We were showing] that we [(exc)] believed what John [the Baptizer] taught.”
Und er sprach zu ihnen: Worauf seid ihr denn getauft? Sie sprachen: Auf die Taufe des Johannes.
4 Paul said, “John baptized people who turned away from their sinful behavior. He [also] told the people to believe in the one who would come after he [had come], and that was Jesus.”
Paulus aber sprach: Johannes hat getauft mit der Taufe der Buße und sagte dem Volk, daß sie sollten glauben an den, der nach ihm kommen sollte, das ist, an Jesum, daß der Christus sei.
5 So, when those men heard that, they were baptized [to affirm that they believed] [MTY] in the Lord Jesus.
Da sie das höreten, ließen sie sich taufen auf den Namen des HERRN Jesu.
6 After that, Paul placed his hands on their heads [one by one], and the [power of the] Holy Spirit came upon [each of] them. The [Holy Spirit] enabled them to speak in various languages [MTY] [that they had not learned], and they also spoke messages [that the Holy Spirit] revealed to them.
Und da Paulus die Hände auf sie legete, kam der Heilige Geist auf sie und redeten mit Zungen und weissageten.
7 There were about twelve men [whom Paul baptized and who received the power of the Holy Spirit].
Und aller der Männer waren bei zwölfen.
8 For three months after that, Paul entered the Jewish meeting place [in Ephesus on each] Sabbath/Jewish day of rest, and he spoke boldly. He convincingly taught [the people] about how God wanted to rule [MET] [their lives].
Er ging aber in die Schule und predigte frei drei Monden lang, lehrete und beredete sie von dem Reich Gottes.
9 [A few of the people in the meeting house believed the message about Jesus]. But some of the people would not believe that message and did not want to [continue to] hear it. While many people were listening, they said many bad things about the way [for people to receive eternal life about which Paul was preaching]. So Paul left them and took the believers with him [to meet in another place]. He taught every day in a lecture hall [that a man whose name was] Tyrannus [lectured in/owned].
Da aber etliche verstockt waren und nicht glaubten und übel redeten von dem Wege vor der Menge, wich er von ihnen und sonderte ab die Jünger und redete täglich in der Schule eines, der hieß Tyrannus.
10 For two years Paul continued to teach people in that building. In this way, most of [HYP] the Jews and non-Jews who lived in Asia [province] heard the message about the Lord [Jesus].
Und dasselbige geschah zwei Jahre lang, also daß alle, die in Asien wohneten, das Wort des HERRN Jesu höreten, beide, Juden und Griechen.
11 Also, God gave Paul the power [MTY] to do amazing miracles.
Und Gott wirkete nicht geringe Taten durch die Hände des Paulus,
12 [If those who were sick could not come to Paul, handkerchiefs or aprons that Paul had touched would be taken and] placed on the sick people {[others] would take [and place on] the sick people handkerchiefs or aprons that Paul had touched}. As a result, those sick people would become well, and evil spirits that troubled people would leave.
also daß sie auch von seiner Haut die Schweißtüchlein und Koller über die Kranken hielten, und die Seuchen von ihnen wichen, und die bösen Geister von ihnen ausfuhren.
13 There were also some Jews who traveled around [to] various places, [and] they commanded the evil spirits in those places to depart [from people. Certain ones of those Jews once] tried to command the evil spirits to come out of people by saying “I command you by the authority [MTY] of the Lord Jesus, the man about whom Paul preaches, to come out!”
Es unterwanden sich aber etliche der umlaufenden Juden, die da Beschwörer waren, den Namen des HERRN Jesu zu nennen über die da böse Geister hatten, und sprachen: Wir beschwören euch bei Jesu, den Paulus prediget.
14 There were seven men who were doing that. They were sons of a man named Sceva, a Jew, [who called himself] a chief priest.
Es waren ihrer aber sieben Söhne eines Juden, Skeva, des Hohenpriesters, die solches taten.
15 But [one day as they were doing that], the evil spirit [refused to come out of that person. Instead, he] said to them, “I know Jesus, and I know [that he has authorized] Paul [to expel demons]. (But no one has authorized you [to do anything to me!]/who authorized you [to do anything to me]?) [RHQ]”
Aber der böse Geist antwortete und sprach: Jesum kenne ich wohl, und Paulus weiß ich wohl; wer seid ihr aber?
16 [After saying that, suddenly] the man who was controlled by the evil spirit jumped on the seven Jewish men, [one after another], knocked all of them down, and beat each of them severely. He tore off their clothes and wounded them, causing them to bleed. So, [greatly frightened, they all] ran out of the house.
Und der Mensch, in dem der böse Geist war, sprang auf sie und ward ihrer mächtig und warf sie unter sich, also daß sie nackend und verwundet aus demselbigen Hause entflohen.
17 All the people who lived in Ephesus, both Jews and non-Jews, heard what had happened. So they were afraid [MTY]. They honored the Lord Jesus [MTY] [because they realized that he was very powerful].
Dasselbige aber ward kund allen, die zu Ephesus wohneten, beide, Juden und Griechen; und fiel eine Furcht über sie alle, und der Name des HERRN Jesu ward hochgelobet.
18 [At that time], while other believers were listening, many believers confessed the evil things that they had been doing.
Es kamen auch viel derer, die gläubig waren worden, und bekannten und verkündigten, was sie ausgerichtet hatten.
19 Several of those who had [previously] practiced sorcery gathered up their scrolls [that told how to work] magic and burned them in a public place. When people added up how much those scrolls had cost, they realized that altogether the amount was 50,000 valuable silver coins.
Viele aber, die da vorwitzige Kunst getrieben hatten, brachten die Bücher zusammen und verbrannten sie öffentlich und überrechneten, was sie wert waren, und fanden des Geldes fünfzigtausend Groschen.
20 As a result, many more people heard [MTY] the message about the Lord [Jesus], and the message powerfully [changed their lives].
Also mächtig wuchs das Wort des HERRN und nahm überhand.
21 After those things had happened, Paul decided that he wanted to go to Jerusalem, but he decided that [first] he would visit [the believers in] Macedonia and Achaia [provinces again]. Paul said, “After I have been to Jerusalem, I must also go to Rome.”
Da das ausgerichtet war, setzte sich Paulus vor im Geiste, durch Mazedonien und Achaja zu reisen und gen Jerusalem zu wandeln, und sprach: Nach dem, wenn ich daselbst gewesen bin, muß ich auch Rom sehen.
22 He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, ahead to Macedonia. But Paul stayed a little longer [in Ephesus city], in Asia [province].
Und sandte zwei, die ihm dieneten, Timotheus und Erastus, nach Mazedonien; er aber verzog eine Weile in Asien.
23 [Soon after that], some of the people there tried to make a lot of [LIT] trouble for the people who believed the way [God revealed for us(inc) to receive eternal life].
Es erhub sich aber um dieselbige Zeit eine nicht kleine Bewegung über diesem Wege.
24 There was a man there whose name was Demetrius who made little images out of silver. [They were models] of the temple of [a goddess whose name was] Artemis. Demetrius and the other men [who made those little images] earned a lot of [LIT] money [from selling those images].
Denn einer mit Namen Demetrius, ein Goldschmied, der machte der Diana silberne Tempel und wandte denen vom Handwerk nicht geringen Gewinst zu.
25 Demetrius called a meeting of his workmen and also of others who made the little silver images. He said to them, “Men, you know that we [(inc)] earn a lot of money doing our kind of work.
Dieselbigen versammelte er und die Beiarbeiter desselbigen Handwerks und sprach: Liebe Männer, ihr wisset, daß wir großen Zugang von diesem Handel haben.
26 Also, you know that [this fellow] Paul has persuaded many people who live in Ephesus [to no longer buy the images that we make. Now even the people from] many other towns in our province [no longer want to buy what we make]. This fellow tells people that the gods that we have made [and worship] are not gods [and that we should not worship them].
Und ihr sehet und höret, daß nicht allein zu Ephesus, sondern auch fast in ganz Asien dieser Paulus viel Volks abfällig macht, überredet und spricht: Es sind nicht Götter, welche von Händen gemacht sind.
27 [If people continue to listen to him], soon they will ruin our business. Besides, they will no longer think that they should [come to] the temple of Artemis [to worship her. People] all over our Asia [province] and everywhere [HYP] else worship [our great] goddess [Artemis. Soon people] may no longer consider that Artemis is great!”
Aber es will nicht allein unserm Handel dahin geraten, daß er nichts gelte, sondern auch der Tempel der großen Göttin Diana wird für nichts geachtet, und wird dazu ihre Majestät untergehen, welcher doch ganz Asien und der Weltkreis Gottesdienst erzeiget.
28 All the men there were very angry [at Paul] when they heard what Demetrius said. They began to shout, “The goddess Artemis of us Ephesians is very great!”
Als sie das höreten, wurden sie voll Zorns, schrieen und sprachen: Groß ist die Diana der Epheser!
29 Many of the other people in the city heard the shouting and went [and joined the crowd. They also became angry at Paul] and began shouting. [Several of] the people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, two men [from Macedonia] who had been traveling with Paul. [Then the whole crowd of people ran, dragging those men along with them], to the city stadium.
Und die ganze Stadt ward voll Getümmels. Sie stürmeten aber einmütiglich zu dem Schauplatz und ergriffen Gajus und Aristarchus aus Mazedonien, des Paulus Gefährten.
30 Paul also wanted to go [to the stadium and speak to] the people, but the other believers would not let him go there.
Da aber Paulus wollte unter das Volk gehen, ließen's ihm die Jünger nicht zu.
31 Also, some government officials of that province who were friends of Paul [heard what was happening]. So they sent someone to tell him [urgently] not to go into the stadium.
Auch etliche der Obersten in Asien, die des Paulus gute Freunde waren, sandten zu ihm und ermahneten ihn, daß er sich nicht begäbe auf den Schauplatz.
32 The crowd of people [in the stadium] continued shouting. Some shouted one thing, and some shouted something else. But most of them did not even know what the meeting was about!
Etliche schrieen so, etliche ein anderes, und war die Gemeinde irre, und die meisten wußten nicht, warum sie zusammenkommen waren.
33 One of the [Jews there was named Alexander. Some of] the Jews pushed him to the front of the stadium, [so that he could speak to the crowd of people]. So Alexander motioned with his hands to the crowd, [wanting them to be quiet]. He wanted to tell them that [the Jews] were not responsible [for the riot].
Etliche aber vom Volk zogen Alexander hervor, da ihn die Juden hervorstießen. Alexander aber winkete mit der Hand und wollte sich vor dem Volk verantworten.
34 But [many of the non-Jewish people] knew that Alexander was a Jew. [They also knew that the Jews did not worship the goddess Artemis. So the non-Jews there] unitedly [and] repeatedly shouted for about two hours, “Great is [the goddess] Artemis [whom we(inc)] Ephesians [worship]!”
Da sie aber innewurden, daß er ein Jude war, erhub sich eine Stimme von allen und schrieen bei zwo Stunden: Groß ist die Diana der Epheser!
35 Then the city secretary made the crowd stop shouting, and he said to them, “My fellow-citizens, everyone in the world knows [RHQ] that [we(inc) people who live in] Ephesus [city] guard the temple [where we worship] the great [goddess] Artemis. Also, [everyone knows that we(inc) watch over] the [sacred] image [of our goddess] that fell down from heaven!
Da aber der Kanzler das Volk gestillet hatte, sprach er: Ihr Männer von Ephesus, welcher Mensch ist, der nicht wisse, daß die Stadt Ephesus sei eine Pflegerin der großen Göttin Diana und des himmlischen Bildes?
36 Of course everyone knows that, and no one can say that these things are not true. So you should be quiet now. Do not suddenly do anything (foolish/that will cause us trouble).
Weil nun das unwidersprechlich ist, so sollt ihr ja stille sein und nichts Unbedächtiges handeln.
37 You [should not] have brought these [two] men [here, because they have not done anything evil]. They have not gone into our temples and taken things [from there]. And they have not spoken evil of our goddess.
Ihr habt diese Menschen hergeführet, die weder Kirchenräuber noch Lästerer eurer Göttin sind.
38 Therefore, if Demetrius and his fellow-workmen want to accuse anyone [about anything bad, they should do it in the right way]. There are courts [that you can go to when you want to accuse someone], and there are judges [there who have been appointed by the government] {[whom the government has appointed]}. You can accuse [anyone there].
Hat aber Demetrius, und die mit ihm sind vom Handwerk, an jemand einen Anspruch, so hält man Gericht, und sind Landvögte da; lasset sie sich untereinander verklagen.
39 But if you want to ask about something else, [you should ask] for [other officials to] resolve it when [those] officials legally assemble.
Wollet ihr aber etwas anderes handeln, so mag man es ausrichten in einer ordentlichen Gemeinde.
40 [And this is certainly not a legal meeting! Resolve this legally] because, if [we(inc) do] not, I am afraid [that the governor] will hear about all this noise [that you have made] and will say that we [(inc)] were trying to rebel [against the government]. If he would ask me what you were all shouting about, I would not be able to give him an answer.”
Denn wir stehen in der Gefahr, daß wir um diese heutige Empörung verklaget möchten werden, und doch keine Sache vorhanden ist, damit wir uns solches Aufruhrs entschuldigen möchten.
41 That is what the city secretary said [to the crowd]. Then he told them all to go [home. So they left].
Und da er solches gesagt, ließ er die Gemeinde gehen.

< Acts 19 >