< Acts 18 >

1 After that, Paul left Athens [city] and went to Corinth [city].
Danach schied Paulus von Athen und kam gen Korinth
2 There he met a Jew whose name was Aquila, who grew up in Pontus [province]. Aquila and his wife Priscilla had recently come from [Rome, in] Italy. [They had previously left Rome] because Claudius, [the Roman Emperor], had ordered that all the Jews must leave Rome. Paul later went to see Aquila and Priscilla.
und fand einen Juden mit Namen Aquila, der Geburt aus Pontus, welcher war neulich aus Welschland kommen, samt seinem Weibe Priscilla, darum daß der Kaiser Claudius geboten hatte allen Juden, zu weichen aus Rom.
3 Those two made tents [to earn] ([money/a living]). Paul also made tents, so he stayed with them, and they all worked together.
Zu denselbigen ging er ein; und dieweil er gleiches Handwerks war, blieb er bei ihnen und arbeitete; sie waren aber des Handwerks Teppichmacher.
4 Every Sabbath, Paul [went] to the Jewish meeting place, where he spoke forcefully to both Jews and non-Jews. He repeatedly tried to persuade them [that Jesus is the Messiah].
Und er lehrete in der Schule an allen Sabbaten und beredete beide, Juden und Griechen.
5 Then Silas and Timothy arrived there from Macedonia province. After they arrived, Paul [did not make tents any more. He] used all his time preaching [the message about Jesus in the Jewish meeting place]. He continued to tell the Jews [that] the Messiah they had been waiting for was Jesus.
Da aber Silas und Timotheus aus Mazedonien kamen, drang Paulus der Geist, zu bezeugen den Juden Jesum, daß er der Christus sei.
6 But the Jews began to oppose Paul and to say evil things about him. So he shook [the dust from] his clothes [to show them that they were displeasing God. Then] he said to them, “If God punishes you, it will be your [SYN] own fault [MTY], not mine! From now on I will go [and preach] to non-Jewish people!”
Da sie aber widerstrebten und lästerten, schüttelte er die Kleider aus und sprach zu ihnen: Euer Blut sei über euer Haupt! Ich gehe von nun an rein zu den Heiden.
7 So Paul left [the Jewish meeting place] and went into a house that was next to it, [and preached there]. Titius Justus, the owner of the house, was a non-Jewish man who had accepted what the Jews believe.
Und machte sich von dannen und kam in ein Haus eines mit Namen Just, der gottesfürchtig war, und desselbigen Haus war zunächst an der Schule.
8 [After that], the ruler of the Jewish meeting place, [whose name was] Crispus, and all of his family [MTY] believed in the Lord [Jesus]. Many other people in Corinth who listened [to Paul] also believed [in Jesus]. Then they were baptized. [But there were people who still opposed Paul and his preaching].
Crispus aber, der Oberste der Schule, glaubte an den HERRN mit seinem ganzen Hause; und viel Korinther, die zuhöreten, wurden gläubig und ließen sich taufen.
9 One night Paul had a vision in which the Lord [Jesus] said to him, “Do not be afraid [of those who oppose you]. Instead, you should continue speaking [to people about me]. Do not stop,
Es sprach aber der HERR durch ein Gesicht in der Nacht zu Paulus: Fürchte dich nicht, sondern rede und schweige nicht!
10 because I [will help] you, and no one will be able to harm you [(sg) here. Keep telling people about me], because there are many in this city who will [believe in] me.”
Denn ich bin mit dir und niemand soll sich unterstehen, dir zu schaden; denn ich habe ein groß Volk in dieser Stadt.
11 So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching people the message from God [about Jesus].
Er saß aber daselbst ein Jahr und sechs Monden und lehrete sie das Wort Gottes.
12 When Gallio was the [Roman] governor of Achaia [province], the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] there got together and seized Paul. They took him before Gallio [and accused him],
Da aber Gallion Landvogt war in Achaja, empörten sich die Juden einmütiglich wider Paulus und führeten ihn vor den Richterstuhl
13 saying, “This man is teaching people [a false religion, leading them] to worship God in ways that are contrary to our [Jewish] laws.”
und sprachen: Dieser überredet die Leute, Gott zu dienen, dem Gesetze zuwider.
14 When Paul was about to speak [MTY] [to defend himself], Gallio said to the Jews, “If this man had acted deceitfully or disobeyed [any of our Roman] laws, I would listen [patiently] to what you Jews [want to tell me].
Da aber Paulus wollte den Mund auftun, sprach Gallion zu den Juden: Wenn es ein Frevel oder Schalkheit wäre, liebe Juden, so hörete ich euch billig;
15 However, you are merely arguing about words and names and your own [Jewish] laws, so you yourselves need to resolve this. I refuse to judge these things!”
weil es aber eine Frage ist von der Lehre und von den Worten und von dem Gesetze unter euch, so sehet ihr selber zu; ich gedenke darüber nicht Richter zu sein.
16 After Gallio [had said that], he [commanded some soldiers/guards] that [they] expel those [Jewish leaders] from the courtroom.
Und trieb sie von dem Richterstuhl.
17 Then [the mob outside] grabbed the leader of the Jewish meeting place, Sosthenes [because they considered that he was responsible for those accusations against Paul]. They beat him, right there in front of the courthouse. But Gallio did nothing about it.
Da ergriffen alle Griechen Sostenes, den Obersten der Schule, und schlugen ihn vor dem Richterstuhl; und Gallion nahm sich's nicht an.
18 Paul stayed on with the believers in Corinth for (many days/some time). Then he left the believers there, and went with Priscilla and [her husband] Aquila. They went down to Cenchrea, [a port city]. There Paul had his head shaved {[someone] shave his head} in order to partially complete a vow that he had taken. Then they got on a ship and sailed for Syria [province].
Paulus aber blieb noch lange daselbst. Danach machte er seinen Abschied mit den Brüdern und wollte nach Syrien schiffen und mit ihm Priscilla und Aquila. Und er beschor sein Haupt zu Kenchrea; denn er hatte ein Gelübde.
19 They arrived at Ephesus [city], and Priscilla and Aquila stayed there. [Before Paul left Ephesus], he entered the Jewish meeting place and lectured to the Jews.
Und kam hinab gen Ephesus und ließ sie daselbst. Er aber ging in die Schule und redete mit den Juden.
20 They asked him to stay longer, but he refused.
Sie baten ihn aber, daß er längere Zeit bei ihnen bliebe. Und er willigte nicht ein,
21 But, as he left, he told them, “I will come back, if God wills/desires [me to do that].” Then, [because he wanted to be in Jerusalem to finish completing his vow], he got on [a ship that] sailed from Ephesus.
sondern machte seinen Abschied mit ihnen und sprach: Ich muß allerdinge das künftige Fest zu Jerusalem halten; will's Gott, so will ich wieder zu euch kommen. Und fuhr weg von Ephesus.
22 When the ship arrived at Caesarea, Paul [got off. He] went up [to Jerusalem] and greeted the believers there. Then he went back down to Antioch [city in Syria province].
Und kam gen Cäsarea und ging hinauf und grüßte die Gemeinde und zog hinab gen Antiochien.
23 Paul spent some time [with the believers] there. Then he left Antioch and traveled to several towns [that he had visited previously] in Galatia and Phrygia [provinces]. He taught all of the believers more [of the message from God about Jesus].
Und verzog etliche Zeit und reisete aus und durchwandelte nacheinander das galatische Land und Phrygien und stärkte alle Jünger.
24 [While Paul was traveling in Galatia and Phrygia], a Jewish man whose name was Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria [city]. He [spoke eloquently] and he knew the Scriptures thoroughly.
Es kam aber gen Ephesus ein Jude mit Namen Apollos, der Geburt von Alexandrien, ein beredter Mann und mächtig in der Schrift.
25 [Other believers] had taught him [some things] about how the Lord [Jesus desires that people] should conduct themselves, and he taught those things very enthusiastically [to people. He had heard about] some of the things that Jesus did and said, and he taught those facts accurately [to people. However, he was teaching incompletely about Jesus, because] he knew only what John [the Baptizer had taught people whom he] baptized.
Dieser war unterweiset den Weg des HERRN und redete mit brünstigem Geist und lehrete mit Fleiß von dem HERRN und wußte allein von der Taufe des Johannes.
26 Apollos went to the Jewish meeting place, and he told the people there very confidently the things that he had learned. When Priscilla and Aquila heard what Apollos taught, they invited him [to their home]. There they explained more accurately to him the way [that] God [gives people eternal life].
Dieser fing an, frei zu predigen in der Schule. Da ihn aber Aquila und Priscilla höreten, nahmen sie ihn zu sich und legten ihm den Weg Gottes noch fleißiger aus.
27 When Apollos decided that he would like to go to Achaia [province], the believers in Ephesus told him that it would be good for him to do that. So they wrote a letter to the believers [in Achaia saying that they] should welcome Apollos. [So Apollos got on a ship to go to Corinth]. After he arrived, he greatly helped those whom [God] had kindly enabled to believe [in Jesus].
Da er aber wollte nach Achaja reisen, schrieben die Brüder und vermahneten die Jünger, daß sie ihn aufnähmen. Und als er dahinkommen war, half er viel denen, die gläubig waren worden durch die Gnade.
28 Apollos was vigorously arguing publicly with [the leaders of] the Jews while many other people listened. [By quoting] from the Scriptures, he proved to people that Jesus was the Messiah.
Denn er überwand die Juden beständiglich und erweisete öffentlich durch die Schrift, daß Jesus der Christus sei.

< Acts 18 >