< 2 Peter 1 >

1 I, Simon Peter, [am writing this letter to you. I] serve Jesus Christ, and am an apostle [appointed by] him. [I am sending this letter to you] whom God has caused to believe [in Christ] just like he [caused us(exc) apostles to believe in Christ]. You and we have (equally been given the/both been given the same) privilege of believing in Jesus Christ. He [is] God, he is righteous, he is the one whom we [worship], and he is our Savior.
Simon Pedro, servo e apóstolo de Jesus Cristo, para aqueles que obtiveram conosco uma fé como preciosa na justiça de nosso Deus e Salvador, Jesus Cristo:
2 [I pray that God] will continue to act very kindly towards you, and give you (a deep/very much) [inner] peace, because you [truly] know God and Jesus, who is our Lord.
Graça a vós e paz sejam multiplicadas no conhecimento de Deus e de Jesus nosso Senhor,
3 [God] [PRS] has given us everything [that we need] in order that we might receive [eternal] life and in order that we might [live] (in a godly way/in a way that pleases him). He gives us that by the power that he has because he is God, and he has also given it to us as a result of our knowing him. He is the wonderful and perfect one who chose us [to be his people].
vendo que seu poder divino nos concedeu tudo o que diz respeito à vida e à piedade, através do conhecimento daquele que nos chamou por sua própria glória e virtude,
4 Being [glorious and perfect], he has promised us [that he will do] very great and (priceless/very precious) things [for us]. [He has also promised] you that by [believing what he has promised] you will be able to act [righteously], just like God acts [righteously], and that you will be free from being morally depraved/corrupted, and that you will not be [like] those who do not believe in Christ and are morally depraved because of their desire to do things that are evil.
pelo qual ele nos concedeu suas preciosas e extremamente grandes promessas; para que através delas vos torneis participantes da natureza divina, tendo escapado da corrupção que há no mundo pela luxúria.
5 Because God has done all that, by trying very hard, make sure that you not only believe [in Christ], but that you are also living morally good lives. And make sure that you are not only living morally good lives, but that you also know [what God desires] (OR, behave wisely).
Sim, e por esta mesma causa acrescentando de sua parte toda a diligência, em sua fé suprir excelência moral; e em excelência moral, conhecimento;
6 And make sure that you not only know [what God desires] (OR, behave wisely), but that you also control what you say and do. And make sure that you not only control what you say and do, but that you are also steadfast/patient. And make sure that you are not only (steadfast/patient when you suffer), but that you are also godly.
e em conhecimento, autocontrole; e em autocontrole, perseverança; e em perseverança, piedade;
7 And make sure that you not only (are godly/live in a way that pleases God), but that you also have a concern for your fellow believers, as brothers and sisters [ought to have] for each other. And make sure that you not only have a concern for your fellow believers, but that you also love [others].
e em piedade, afeto fraternal; e em afeto fraternal, amor.
8 If you do these [things], and if [you do them] more and more, that demonstrates that knowing our Lord Jesus Christ (is very effective/produces good results) [LIT] in your lives.
Pois se estas coisas são suas e abundam, elas fazem com que você não fique ocioso ou infrutífero no conhecimento de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
9 If these [qualities] are not present in people, it means they are not aware [that these things are important, just like a blind person is not aware of what is around him]. They [think only about earthly matters, just like] [MET] a shortsighted person [sees clearly only things that are near]. It seems that they have forgotten that God has forgiven them for their former sinful lives.
Pois quem não tem estas coisas é cego, vendo apenas o que está próximo, tendo esquecido a purificação de seus antigos pecados.
10 Instead of [acting like those people], try to confirm/prove by the way you conduct your lives that you are among those whom [God] has chosen [DOU] to be his people. If you do that, you will certainly never become separated from God,
Portanto, irmãos, sejam mais diligentes para que seu chamado e sua eleição sejam certos. Pois se vocês fizerem estas coisas, jamais tropeçarão.
11 and [God] will very wholeheartedly welcome you into the place where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will rule [his people] forever. (aiōnios g166)
Pois assim vocês serão ricamente abastecidos com a entrada no Reino eterno de nosso Senhor e Salvador, Jesus Cristo. (aiōnios g166)
12 I intend to keep on reminding you very frequently [HYP] about these [matters], even though you [already] know them and are firmly convinced that they are true.
Portanto, não serei negligente em lembrá-lo destas coisas, embora você as conheça e esteja estabelecido na verdade atual.
13 I consider it right that I should help you [to continually think about these matters] by reminding you [about them] as long as I am alive [EUP],
Acho correto, desde que eu esteja nesta tenda, agitá-lo lembrando-o,
14 because I know that I shall die [EUP] soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ clearly has revealed to me.
sabendo que o adiamento da minha tenda vem rapidamente, mesmo como nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo me deixou claro.
15 Moreover, I will (make every effort/try hard) [by writing these things down] to enable you to remember them at all times after I have died [EUP].
Sim, farei todo o esforço para que você possa sempre se lembrar destas coisas mesmo depois da minha partida.
16 We [apostles] told you that our Lord Jesus Christ [acts] powerfully and that he is coming back [some day]. We were not basing [what we told you] on stories that we had cleverly (invented/made up). Instead, we told you what we ourselves saw with our own eyes, that [the] Lord Jesus is supremely great.
Pois não seguimos fábulas engenhosamente inventadas quando lhe demos a conhecer o poder e a vinda de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, mas fomos testemunhas oculares de sua majestade.
17 God, our Father, greatly honored him when God’s great glory/brightness surrounded him, and God [MTY] said, “This is my Son, whom I love very much; I am very pleased with him.”
Pois ele recebeu de Deus Pai honra e glória quando a voz veio a ele da Glória Majestosa: “Este é meu Filho amado, em quem me comprazo muito”.
18 We [(exc)] ourselves heard [God] [MTY] [say] that from heaven, when we were with [Christ] on that holy/sacred mountain.
Ouvimos esta voz que saiu do céu quando estávamos com ele na montanha sagrada.
19 We also have [the Scriptures] that the prophets [wrote about Christ long ago], which are completely reliable/trustworthy. You should (pay attention to/think carefully about) [what they wrote], because [what they wrote enables you to know whether what is taught to you is true or whether it is false] [SIM], like a lamp that is shining in a dark place [enables people to see where they are going] [SIM]. [You should] ([pay attention to/think carefully about]) [what they wrote] until [our Lord Jesus Christ comes back and enables] you [SYN] [to know God fully, which will be like when] [MET] (a day dawns/daylight comes) and the morning star rises [and we can see it clearly].
Temos a palavra mais segura de profecia; e você faz bem em ouvi-la como uma lâmpada brilhando em um lugar escuro, até o amanhecer do dia e a estrela da manhã surgir em seus corações,
20 It is important that you realize that no one can interpret/explain by himself [the meaning of] what the prophets wrote [in the Scriptures] without [the help of God’s Spirit] (OR, no [part of the] Scriptures originated with the prophet himself),
sabendo disso primeiro, que nenhuma profecia da Escritura é de interpretação privada.
21 because no human beings decided [to make those prophecies]. On the contrary, those who spoke [messages from God] did that because it was the Holy Spirit who caused them to do [it, and therefore the Spirit must help us to interpret/understand their meaning].
Pois nenhuma profecia jamais veio pela vontade do homem, mas os homens santos de Deus falaram, sendo movidos pelo Espírito Santo.

< 2 Peter 1 >