< 2 Chronicles 17 >

1 Asa’s son Jehoshaphat became the king [of Judah], and he enabled his army to become very strong, with the result that they could resist attacks from [the army of] Israel.
Et Josaphat, son fils, devint roi en sa place,
2 He put soldiers in all the cities in Judah around which they had built walls, and he put soldiers in other places in Judah and in the towns in the area belonging to the tribe of Ephraim that [soldiers of] his father Asa had captured.
et il se fortifia contre Israël. Et il mit des troupes dans toutes les villes de Juda, qui étaient places fortes, et mit des garnisons dans le pays de Juda et dans les villes d'Ephraïm conquises par Asa, son père.
3 Yahweh helped Jehoshaphat because when he started [to rule Judah], he did the things that pleased Yahweh like his ancestor [King] David had done. He did not worship the idols of Baal.
Et l'Éternel fut avec Josaphat, car il marcha sur les premiers errements de David, son père, et ne chercha pas les Baals,
4 Instead, he sought advice from the God whom his father [had worshiped], and he obeyed God’s commands, and did not do the [evil things that the kings of] Israel continually did.
mais ce fut le Dieu de son père qu'il chercha et dont il suivit les commandements et non point l'exemple d'Israël.
5 Yahweh enabled him to completely control his kingdom. All [the people of] Judah brought gifts to him, with the result that he became very rich and was greatly honored.
Et l'Éternel affermit la royauté dans sa main, et tout Juda faisait des présents à Josaphat, et il eut richesse et gloire en abondance.
6 He was completely devoted to doing what pleased Yahweh. His workers got rid of the shrines on the hilltops and the poles for [worshiping the goddess] Asherah throughout Judah.
Et son courage s'éleva comme il suivait les voies de l'Éternel, et de plus il fit disparaître de Juda les tertres et les Aschères.
7 When he had been ruling [Judah] for almost three years, he sent some of his officials—Ben-Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah—to teach the people in various towns in Judah.
Et la troisième année de son règne il délégua ses Chefs Ben-Haïl et Obadia et Zacharie et Nethaneël et Michée pour enseigner dans les villes de Juda,
8 With them he sent several descendants of Levi—Shemaiah, Nethaniah, Zebadiah, Asahel, Shemiramoth, Jehonathan, Adonijah, Tobijah, and Tob-Adonijah—and two priests, Elishama and Jehoram.
et avec eux les Lévites Semaïa et Nethania et Zebadia et Asahel et Semiramoth et Jonathan et Adonia et Tobie et Tob-Adonia, Lévites, et avec eux Elisama et Joram, Prêtres.
9 They took with them a scroll on which were written the laws of Yahweh and taught them to the people in all the towns throughout Judah,
Et ils enseignèrent en Juda, munis du Livre de la Loi de l'Éternel, et ils firent le tour de toutes les villes de Juda et enseignèrent parmi le peuple.
10 The people in all the kingdoms surrounding Judah became very afraid of [what Yahweh might do to punish them if they fought against Judah], so they did not start wars with Jehoshaphat’s army.
Et la terreur de l'Éternel pesa sur tous les royaumes des pays environnant Juda, de telle sorte qu'ils ne s'attaquèrent point à Josaphat.
11 Some people from Philistia brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, and they also brought to him the silver that he demanded that they pay to him. Some Arabs brought to him 7,700 rams and 7,700 goats.
Et il y eut des Philistins qui apportaient à Josaphat des présents et de l'argent en masse; les Arabes aussi lui amenèrent du menu bétail, sept mille sept cents béliers et sept mille sept cents boucs.
12 Jehoshaphat continued to become more powerful/influential. His workers built forts and places to store supplies in various towns in Judah.
Et Josaphat allait grandissant jusqu'au plus haut point, et il construisit en Juda des châteaux et des villes avec magasins,
13 Then they put large amounts of supplies in those storehouses. Jehoshaphat also placed in Jerusalem soldiers who were experienced.
et il faisait faire des travaux considérables dans les villes de Juda, et il avait des gens de guerre, vaillants soldats, à Jérusalem.
14 The leaders and numbers from each tribe were as follows: From the tribe of Judah, Adnah was the leader of the soldiers, and he commanded 300,000 soldiers.
Et voici leur rôle selon leurs maisons patriarcales. En Juda étaient chefs de milliers Adna, le chef, ayant avec lui trois cent mille vaillants soldats,
15 His assistant was Jehohanan, who commanded 280,000 soldiers.
et à côté de lui Jochanan, le chef avec ses deux cent quatre-vingt mille hommes,
16 Next was Zicri’s son Amasiah, who volunteered to serve Yahweh in this way; he commanded 200,000 soldiers.
et à côté de lui Amasia, fils de Zichri, volontaire de l'Éternel, avec ses deux cent mille vaillants soldats.
17 From the tribe of Benjamin, Eliada, who was a brave soldier, was the leader of the soldiers; he commanded 200,000 men who had bows [and arrows] and shields.
Et de Benjamin: le vaillant Eliada et avec lui deux cent mille hommes armés de l'arc et du bouclier,
18 Next was Jehozabad, who commanded 180,000 men who had weapons for fighting battles.
et à côté de lui Jozabad, et avec lui cent quatre-vingt mille hommes équipés pour le combat.
19 Those were the soldiers who served the king [in Jerusalem], in addition to the men whom the king had placed in the other cities in Judah that had walls around them.
Tels étaient ceux qui étaient au service du roi, non compris ceux que le roi avait placés dans les villes fortes dans tout Juda.

< 2 Chronicles 17 >