< 1 Chronicles 24 >

1 These are the groups of the descendants of Aaron [the first Supreme Priest]: Aaron’s four sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
А међу синовима Ароновим ово су редови: синови Аронови беху Надав и Авијуд, Елеазар и Итамар.
2 But Nadab and Abihu died before their father died, and they had no children. So their [younger] brothers Eleazar and Ithamar became the priests.
Али Надав и Авијуд умреше пре оца свог и немаху деце; зато бише свештеници Елеазар и Итамар.
3 Zadok, who was a descendant of Eleazar, and Ahimelech, who was a descendant of Ithamar, helped David to separate his descendants into two groups. Each group had certain duties.
И раздели их Давид: Садока, који беше од синова Елеазарових, и Ахимелеха, који беше од синова Итамарових, по реду њиховом у служби њиховој.
4 There were more leaders among the descendants of Eleazar than there were among the descendants of Ithamar. So they appointed 16 leaders from Eleazar’s descendants and eight leaders from Ithamar’s descendants.
И нађе се синова Елеазарових више поглавица него синова Итамарових, кад их разделише: од синова Елеазарових беше поглавица по домовима отачким шеснаест, а од синова Итамарових осам по домовима отачким.
5 There were temple officials and priests, including descendants of both Eleazar and Ithamar, to make sure that the work was divided fairly. So they decided what work each person would do by (casting lots/throwing marked stones).
И бише раздељени жребом и један и други; јер поглавари у светињи и поглавари пред Богом беху и од синова Елеазарових и од синова Итамарових.
6 Shemaiah, the son of Nethanel, who was a descendant of Levi, wrote down the names [of the leaders of each group] while David and his officials were watching. Zadok, the [Supreme] Priest, and Ahimelech [his assistant], and the leaders of the families of the priests and of the families of the other descendants of Levi also watched.
И пописа их Семаја, син Натанаилов писар од племена Левијевог пред царем и кнезовима и Садоком свештеником и Ахимелехом сином Авијатаровим и пред поглаварима породица отачких међу свештеницима и Левитима, један дом отачки узевши за Елеазара, а један за Итамара.
7 Jehoiarib was the first one whose name was selected [by casting lots/throwing marked stones]. Next Jedaiah was selected.
И паде први жреб на Јојарива, други на Једају,
8 Next, Harim was selected. Next, Seorim was selected.
Трећи на Харима, четврти на Сеорима,
9 Next, Malkijah was selected. Next, Mijamin was selected.
Пети на Малхију, шести на Мејамина,
10 Next, Hakkoz was selected. Next, Abijah was selected.
Седми на Акоса, осми на Авију,
11 Next, Jeshua was selected. Next, Shecaniah was selected.
Девети на Исуја, десети на Сеханију,
12 Next, Eliashib was selected. Next, Jakim was selected.
Једанаести на Елијасива, дванаести на Јакима,
13 Next, Huppah was selected. Next, Jeshebeab was selected.
Тринаести на Уфу, четрнаести на Јесевава,
14 Next, Bilgah was selected. Next, Immer was selected.
Петнаести на Вилгу, шеснаести на Имира,
15 Next, Hezir was selected. Next, Happizzez was selected.
Седамнаести на Езира, осамнаести на Афисиса,
16 Next, Pethahiah was selected. Next, Jehezkel was selected.
Деветнаести на Петају, двадесети на Језекила,
17 Next, Jakin was selected. Next, Gamul was selected.
Двадесет први на Јахина, двадесет други на Гамула,
18 Next, Delaiah was selected. Next, Maaziah was selected.
Двадесет трећи на Делају, двадесет четврти на Мазију.
19 Those were the men who were chosen to be the leaders of the groups that would serve in the temple, obeying the regulations that were set down by Aaron, regulations which Yahweh, the God to whom the Israeli people belonged, had given to him.
То је ред њихов за службу њихову којом иду у дом Господњи на посао свој по наредби Арона, оца свог, како му беше заповедио Господ Бог Израиљев.
20 [This is a list of some of] the other descendants of Levi: Amram was the ancestor of Shubael and Jehdeiah.
А од осталих синова Левијевих беше од синова Амрамових Суваило; од синова Суваилових Једаја,
21 Rehabiah was the ancestor of Isshiah, the oldest son in his family.
Од Реавије, од синова Реавијиних поглавар Јесија;
22 Izhar was the father of Shelomoth and the grandfather of Jahath.
Од синова Исарових Селомит, од синова Селомитових Јат;
23 [Kohath’s son] Hebron had four sons: Jeriah and his [younger] brothers Amariah, Jahaziel, and Jekameam.
А од синова Јеријиних Амарија други, Јазило трећи, Јекамеам четврти;
24 Uzziel was the father of Micah and the grandfather of Shamir.
Од синова Узилових Миха; од синова Мишиних Самир;
25 Micah’s [younger] brother was the father of Zechariah.
Брат Мишин Јесија; од синова Јесинијих Захарија.
26 The sons of Merari were Mahli, Mushi, and Jaaziah.
Синови Мераријеви: Малије и Мусије; од синова Јазијиних Вено.
27 Jaaziah had four sons: Beno, Shoham, Zaccur, and Ibri.
Синови Мераријеви од Јазије: Вено и Соам и Захур и Иврије;
28 Mahli’s son Eleazar did not have any sons.
Од Малија Елеазар, који немаше синова;
29 From the descendants of [Mahli’s second son] there was Jerahmeel.
Од Киса, од синова Кисових: Јерамеило;
30 The sons of Mushi were Mahli, Eder, and Jerimoth. Those were descendants of Levi who were listed according to the leaders of their families.
И од синова Мусијевих Малије и Едер и Јеримот. То беху синови левитски по домовима отаца својих.
31 The jobs they would do were decided by (casting lots/throwing marked stones), like their fellow Israelis, the descendants of Aaron, did. They cast lots {The lots were cast} while King David, Zadok, Ahimelech, and the leaders of the families of the priests and the [other] descendants of Levi watched. They gave the same jobs to the families of each oldest brother and each youngest brother.
И они бацаше жреб према браћи својој, синовима Ароновим, пред Давидом и Садоком и Ахимелехом и поглаварима домова отачких међу свештеницима и Левитима, од домова отачких сваки поглавар према брату свом млађем.

< 1 Chronicles 24 >