< Titus 1 >

1 Paul a servant of God an apostle now of Jesus Christ according to [the] faith of [the] elect of God and knowledge of [the] truth which [is] according to godliness
Pauro, muranda waMwari, nemuapositori waJesu Kristu, zvichienderana nerutendo rwevasanangurwa vaMwari nekuziva chokwadi chiri pakunamata Mwari,
2 in [the] hope of life eternal, which promised who cannot lie God before time eternal. (aiōnios g166)
patariro yeupenyu husingaperi, uhwo Mwari asingagoni kureva nhema hwaakavimbisa nhambo dzenguva dzisati dzavapo, (aiōnios g166)
3 He revealed now [in] seasons [His] own in the word of Him in [the] proclamation with which was entrusted I myself according to [the] commandment of the Savior of us God;
asi panguva dzakafanira wakaratidza shoko rake nekuparidza kwakaiswa mumaoko angu zvichienderana nemurairo waMwari Muponesi wedu,
4 To Titus [my] true child according to [our] common faith: Grace (and *N(K)O*) peace from God [the] Father and (Lord *K*) Christ Jesus the Savior of us.
kuna Tito, mwana wangu chaiye zvichienderana nerutendo rwatinodyidzana: Nyasha, tsitsi, rugare zvinobva kuna Mwari Baba, naIshe Jesu Kristu Muponesi wedu.
5 of this Because (I left *N(k)(o)*) you in Crete, so that the [things] lacking you may set in order and may appoint in every town elders as I myself you directed;
Nekuda kwaizvozvi ndakakusiya paKrete, kuti ugadzirise zvakasara, uye ugadze vatariri muguta rega-rega, sezvandakakuraira ini;
6 if anyone is blameless, of one wife [the] husband, children having believing, not under accusation of debauchery or insubordinate.
kana aripo asina chaangapomerwa, murume wemukadzi umwe, ane vana vakatendeka, vasingapiwi mhosva yekusazvidzora, kana kusateerera.
7 It behooves for the overseer blameless to be as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick tempered, not given to wine, not a striker, not greedy of base gain,
Nokuti mutariri anofanira kuva asina chaangapomerwa, semuchengeti weimba waMwari; asina mukundo, asingakurumidzi kutsamwa, asiri muraradzi, asiri murwi, asingakariri fuma yakaipa,
8 but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, [and] disciplined,
asi anofarira kugamuchira vaenzi, anoda zvakanaka, anozvidzora, wakarurama, mutsvene, anozvibata,
9 holding according to the teaching of [the] faithful word, that able he may be both to encourage with teaching sound and those contradicting [it] to convict.
anobatisisa shoko rakatendeka sezvaakadzidziswa, kuti agone kukurudzira nedzidziso mhenyu, uye kupwisa vakakavari.
10 There are for many also insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers especially those of (the *no*) circumcision
Nokuti vazhinjiwo varipo vasingateereri, vanotaura zvisina maturo nevanyengeri, zvikuru avo vekudzingiswa,
11 whom it is necessary to silence; who whole households overthrow teaching things that [they] not ought of shameful gain because.
vanofanira kudzivira miromo yavo; vanopidigura misha yese, vachidzidzisa zvinhu zvavasingafaniri, nekuda kwefuma yakaipa.
12 Said one of them own of them a prophet; Cretans [are] always liars, evil beasts, gluttons lazy.
Umwe pakati pavo, anova muporofita wavo pachavo, wakati: VaKrete vagara vari varevi venhema, zvikara zvakaipa, simbe dzinokara.
13 testimony this is true; for which cause do rebuke them severely, so that they may be sound in the faith,
Uchapupu uhu ndehwechokwadi. Nekuda kwechikonzero ichi uvatsiure zvakasimba, kuti vagwinye parutendo,
14 not giving heed to Jewish myths and to [the] commandments of men turning away from the truth.
vasingateereri ngano dzeVaJudha nemirairo yevanhu vanofuratira chokwadi.
15 All things [are] (indeed *k*) pure to the pure; to those however defiled and unbelieving no [thing] [is] pure, Instead have been defiled of them both mind and conscience.
Kune vakachena zvinhu zvese zvakachena; asi kune vakasvibiswa nevasingatendi hakuna chakachena, asi kufunga kwavowo nehana zvakasvibiswa.
16 God they profess to know, however by [their] works they deny [Him] detestable being and disobedient and for any work good unfit.
Vanobvuma kuti vanoziva Mwari, asi pamabasa vanomuramba, vari vanyangadzi nevasingateereri uye vasingabatsiri pabasa rese rakanaka.

< Titus 1 >