< Song of Solomon 6 >

1 Where? has he gone lover your O beautiful [one] among women where? has he turned lover your so we may seek him with you. 2 Lover my he has gone down to garden his to [the] beds of spice to graze in the gardens and to gather lilies. 3 I [belong] to lover my and lover my [belongs] to me who [is] grazing (among the lilies. *L(abh)*) 4 [are] beautiful You O friend my like Tirzah lovely like Jerusalem majestic like hosts with banners. 5 Turn eyes your from before me that they they have confused me hair your [is] like [the] flock of she-goats that they have descended from Gilead. 6 Teeth your [are] like [the] flock of ewes that have come up from the washing that all of them [are] bearing twins and [is one] deprived of offspring not among them. 7 [is] like [the] slice of Pomegranate temple your from behind to veil your. 8 [are] sixty They queens and eighty concubines and young women there not [is] a number. 9 [is] one She dove my perfect [one] my [is] one [daughter] she of mother her [is] a pure [daughter] she of [the] [one who] bore her they saw her daughters and they called blessed her queens and concubines and they praised her. 10 Who? this [is] the [one who] looks down like [the] dawn beautiful like the full moon pure like the sun majestic like hosts with banners. 11 To a garden of nut[s] I went down to look on [the] green shoots of the wadi to see ¿ had it budded the vine had they bloomed? the pomegranates. 12 Not I knew desire my it set me [the] chariots of (people of prince. *L(a+V)*) 13 Return return O Shulammite [woman] return return so we may look on you why? will you look on the Shulammite [woman] like [the] dance of the two groups.

< Song of Solomon 6 >