< Song of Solomon 7 >

1 How! they are beautiful feet your in sandals O daughter of a noble [person] [the] curves of thighs your [are] like jewels [the] work of [the] hands of a master-craftsman. 2 Navel your [is] [the] bowl of roundness may not it lack mixed wine belly your [is] a heap of wheat fenced around with lilies. 3 [the] two Breasts your [are] like two fawns twins of a gazelle. 4 Neck your [is] like [the] tower of ivory eyes your [are] pools in Heshbon at [the] gate of Bath-Rabbim nose your [is] like [the] tower of Lebanon [which] watches [the] face of Damascus. 5 Head your on you [is] like Carmel and [the] hair of head your [is] like purple wool [the] king [is] bound by the tresses. 6 How! you are beautiful and how! you are lovely O love with delights. 7 This stature your it is like a palm tree and breasts your clusters. 8 I say I will climb up on [the] palm tree I will take hold on fruit-stalks its and may they be please breasts your like [the] clusters of vine (and [the] odor of *L(b)*) nose your like apples. 9 And mouth your like [the] wine of good [which] goes for lover my to smoothness [which] flows gently [the] lips of sleepers. 10 I [belong] to lover my and [is] towards me desire his. 11 Come! O lover my let us go the field let us pass [the] night in the villages. 12 Let us rise early to the vineyards let us see if it has budded the vine it has opened the blossom they have bloomed the pomegranates there I will give love my to you. 13 The mandrakes they have given forth an odor and [will be] over doorway our all choice things new also old O lover my [which] I have stored up for you.

< Song of Solomon 7 >