< Psalms 64 >

1 To the choirmaster a psalm of David. Hear O God voice my in complaint my from dread of an enemy you will preserve life my.
Èuj, Bože, glas moj u jadu mom; od strašnoga neprijatelja saèuvaj život moj.
2 You will hide me from [the] secret counsel of evil-doers from [the] unrest of [those who] do wickedness.
Sakrij me od gomile bezakonika, od èete zloèinaca,
3 Who they sharpen like sword tongue their they bend arrow their a word bitter.
Koji naoštriše jezik svoj kao maè, strijeljaju rijeèima, koje zadaju rane,
4 To shoot in secret places [the] blameless suddenly they shoot at him and not they are afraid.
Da bi iz potaje ubili pravoga. Iznenada udaraju na nj i ne boje se;
5 They strengthen for themselves - a matter evil they speak to hide snares they say who? will he see them.
Utvrðuju sebe u zlijem namjerama, dogovaraju se kako æe zamke sakriti, vele: ko æe ih vidjeti?
6 They plot injustice we have finished a plot plotted and [the] inner being of a person and [the] heart [is] deep.
Izmišljaju zloèinstva i govore: svršeno je! šta æe se raditi, smišljeno je! A što je unutra i srce u èovjeka duboko je.
7 And he shot at them God an arrow suddenly they will be wounds their.
Ali æe ih Bog poraziti; udariæe ih strijela iznenada.
8 And they caused to stumble him [is] on them tongue their they will shudder every [one who] looks on them.
Oboriæe jedan drugoga jezikom svojim. Ko ih god vidi, bježaæe od njih.
9 And they were afraid all humankind and they declared [the] deed[s] of God and work his they will consider.
Svi æe se ljudi bojati i kazivaæe èudo Božije, i poznaæe u tome djelo njegovo.
10 Let him rejoice [the] righteous in Yahweh and he will take refuge in him and let them boast all [people] upright of heart.
A pravednik æe se veseliti o Gospodu i uzdaæe se u njega, i hvaliæe se svi koji su prava srca.

< Psalms 64 >