< Psalms 10 >

1 Why? O Yahweh do you stand at a distance do you hide? to times of trouble.
Zašto, Gospode, stojiš daleko, kriješ se kad je nevolja?
2 In [the] pride of [the] wicked he hotly pursues [the] afflicted they are caught - by schemes which they have planned.
S oholosti bezbožnikove muèe se ubogi; hvataju se ubogi prijevarom koju izmišljaju bezbožnici.
3 For he boasts a wicked [person] on [the] desire of self his and [one] greedy for unjust gain he blesses he spurns - Yahweh.
Jer se bezbožnik dièi željom duše svoje, grabljivca pohvaljuje.
4 A wicked [person] according to [the] haughtiness of nose his not he seeks [are] there not [is] a god all thoughts his.
Bezbožnik u obijesti svojoj ne mari za Gospoda: “on ne vidi.” Nema Boga u mislima njegovijem.
5 They endure (ways his *Q(k)*) at every time [are] height judgments your from before him all opposers his he breathes out at them.
Svagda su putovi njegovi krivi; za sudove tvoje ne zna; na neprijatelje svoje neæe ni da gleda.
6 He says in heart his not I will be shaken to a generation and a generation who not in distress.
U srcu svojem veli: neæu posrnuti; zlo neæe doæi nigda.
7 A curse mouth his it is full and deceit and oppression [are] under tongue his mischief and wickedness.
Usta su mu puna nevaljalijeh rijeèi, prijevare i uvrede, pod jezikom je njegovijem muka i pogibao.
8 He sits - in an ambush of villages in hiding places he kills [the] innocent eyes his for an unfortunate person they lie hidden.
Sjedi u zasjedi iza kuæe; u potaji ubija pravoga; oèi njegove vrebaju ubogoga.
9 He lies in wait in hiding place - like a lion in lair its he lies in wait to seize [the] afflicted he seizes [the] afflicted when drags [him] away he in net his.
Sjedi u potaji kao lav u peæini; sjedi u zasjedi da uhvati ubogoga; hvata ubogoga uvukavši u mrežu svoju.
10 (He is crushed *Q(K)*) he is bowed down and he falls among mighty [ones] his (an army of disheartened [people]. *Q(K)*)
Pritaji se, prilegne, i ubogi padaju u jake nokte njegove.
11 He says in heart his he has forgotten God he has hidden face his not he sees to perpetuity.
Kaže u srcu svome: “Bog je zaboravio, okrenuo je lice svoje, neæe vidjeti nigda.”
12 Arise! O Yahweh O God lift up hand your may not you forget (humble [people]. *Q(K)*)
Ustani, Gospode! digni ruku svoju, ne zaboravi nevoljnijeh.
13 Concerning what? - has he spurned [the] wicked - God has he said? in heart his not you will seek.
Zašto bezbožnik da ne mari za Boga govoreæi u srcu svom da ti neæeš vidjeti?
14 You have seen that you - mischief and vexation - you pay attention to put in hand your on you he abandons an unfortunate person [the] fatherless you - you are a helper.
Ti vidiš; jer gledaš uvrede i muke i pišeš ih na ruci. Tebi predaje sebe ubogi; siroti ti si pomoænik.
15 Break [the] arm of [the] wicked and [the] evil you will seek wickedness his not you will find.
Satri mišicu bezbožnome i zlome, da se traži i ne naðe bezbožnost njegova.
16 Yahweh [is] king forever and ever they have perished [the] nations from land his.
Gospod je car svagda, dovijeka, nestaæe neznabožaca sa zemlje njegove.
17 [the] desire of Humble [people] you have heard O Yahweh you establish heart their you cause to pay attention ear your.
Gospode! ti èuješ želje ništih; utvrdi srce njihovo; otvori uho svoje,
18 To vindicate [the] fatherless and [the] oppressed not he will repeat again to terrify humankind from the earth.
Da daš sud siroti i nevoljniku, da prestanu goniti èovjeka sa zemlje.

< Psalms 10 >