< Isaiah 3 >

1 For here! the lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to remove from Jerusalem and from Judah support and support every support of food and every support of water.
Jer gle, Gospod, Gospod nad vojskama uzeæe Jerusalimu i Judi potporu i pomoæ, svaku potporu u hljebu i svaku potporu u vodi,
2 Warrior and man of war judge and prophet and diviner and elder.
Junaka i vojnika, sudiju i proroka, i mudarca i starca,
3 Commander of fifty and [one] uplifted of face and counselor and skillful [one] of magic arts and understanding [one] of charming.
Pedesetnika i ugledna èovjeka, i savjetnika i vješta umjetnika i èovjeka rjeèita.
4 And I will make youths leaders their and wantonness they will rule over them.
I daæu im knezove mladiæe, i djeca æe im biti gospodari.
5 And it will oppress the people each a person and each neighbor his they will act insolently the youth[s] in the old [person] and the lightly esteemed in the honored.
I èiniæe silu u narodu jedan drugome i svaki bližnjemu svojemu; dijete æe ustajati na starca i nepošten èovjek na poštena.
6 For he will seize each brother his [the] house of father his a cloak [belongs] to you a ruler you will be of us and the heap of ruins this [will be] under hand your.
I èovjek æe uhvatiti brata svojega iz kuæe oca svojega govoreæi: imaš haljinu, budi nam knez, ovaj rasap neka je pod tvojom rukom.
7 He will lift up in the day that - saying not I will be a wrapper and in house my there not [is] food and there not [is] a cloak not you must appoint me a ruler of [the] people.
A on æe se zakleti u onaj dan govoreæi: neæu biti ljekar, niti imam kod kuæe hljeba ni haljine, ne postavljajte me knezom narodu.
8 For it has stumbled Jerusalem and Judah it has fallen for tongue their and deeds their [are] against Yahweh to rebel toward [the] eyes of glory his.
Jer se obori Jerusalim i Juda pade, jer se jezik njihov i djela njihova protive Gospodu da draže oèi slave njegove.
9 [the] expression of Faces their it has testified against them and sin their like Sodom they have declared not they have hidden [it] woe! to self their for they have done to themselves harm.
Što se vidi na licu njihovu svjedoèi na njih, razglašuju grijeh svoj kao Sodom, ne taje; teško duši njihovoj! jer sami sebi èine zlo.
10 Tell [the] righteous that good for [the] fruit of deeds their they will eat.
Recite pravedniku da æe mu dobro biti, jer æe jesti plod od djela svojih.
11 Woe! to [the] wicked it will be bad for [the] dealing of hands his it will be done to him.
Teško bezbožniku! zlo æe mu biti, jer æe mu se naplatiti ruke njegove.
12 People my oppressors its [is] acting like children and women they have ruled over it O people my guides your [are] misleading and [the] way of paths your they have confused.
Narodu mojemu èine silu djeca, i žene su im gospodari. Narode moj! koji te vode, zavode te, i kvare put hoda tvojega.
13 [is] taking his stand To conduct a case Yahweh and [is] standing to judge peoples.
Ustaje Gospod na parbu, stoji da sudi narodima.
14 Yahweh in judgment he will come with [the] elders of people his and leaders its and you you have consumed the vineyard [the] plunder of the poor [is] in houses your.
Gospod æe doæi na sud sa starješinama naroda svojega i s knezovima njegovijem, jer vi potrste vinograd, grabež od siromaha u vašim je kuæama.
15 (What [is] to you? *Q(K)*) you crush people my and [the] faces of poor [people] you grind [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh of hosts.
Zašto gazite narod moj i lice siromasima satirete? govori Gospod, Gospod nad vojskama.
16 And he said Yahweh because that they are haughty [the] daughters of Zion and they have walked (stretched out *Q(k)*) of neck and making seductive glances of eyes walking and mincing along they walk and on feet their they tinkle with anklets.
Još govori Gospod: što se poniješe kæeri Sionske i idu opružena vrata i namigujuæi oèima, sitno koraèaju i zvekeæu nogama,
17 And he will make scabby [the] Lord scalp of [the] daughters of Zion and Yahweh forehead their he will lay bare.
Zato æe Gospod uèiniti da oæelavi tjeme kæerima Sionskim, i otkriæe Gospod golotinju njihovu.
18 In the day that he will remove [the] Lord [the] splendor of the anklets and the amulets and the ornaments.
Tada æe Gospod skinuti nakit s obuæe i vezove i mjeseèiæe,
19 The pendants and the bracelets and the veils.
Nizove i lanèiæe i trepetljike,
20 The head-dresses and the ankle chains and the sashes and [the] houses of the breath and the amulets.
Ukosnike i podveze i pojase i stakalca mirisna i oboce,
21 The signet-rings and [the] rings of the nose.
Prstene i poèeonike,
22 The robes and the over-tunics and the cloaks and the purses.
Sveèane haljine i ogrtaèe i prijevjese i toboce,
23 And the mirrors and the linen garments and the headdresses and the shawls.
I ogledala i košuljice i oglavlja i pokrivala.
24 And it will be in place of perfume rottenness it will be and in place of a belt a rope and in place of a work well-set hair baldness and in place of a robe a girding of sackcloth branding in place of beauty.
I mjesto mirisa biæe smrad, i mjesto pojasa raspojasina, mjesto pletenica æela, mjesto širokih skuta pripasana vreæa, i mjesto ljepote ogorjelina.
25 Men your by the sword they will fall and strength your in battle.
Tvoji æe ljudi pasti od maèa i junaci tvoji u ratu.
26 And they will lament and they will mourn gates its and it will be emptied to the ground it will sit.
I tužiæe i plakaæe vrata njegova, a on æe pust ležati na zemlji.

< Isaiah 3 >