< Matthew 19 >

1 At the conclusion of this teaching, Jesus withdrew from Galilee, and went into that district of Judea which is on the other side of the Jordan.
In pripetilo se je, ko je Jezus zaključil te govore, da je odšel iz Galileje in prišel v judejske kraje onstran Jordana;
2 Great crowds followed him, and he cured them there.
in sledile so mu velike množice in jih je tam ozdravil.
3 Presently some Pharisees came up to him, and, to test him, said, “Has a man the right to divorce his wife for every cause?”
Prav tako so k njemu prišli farizeji, ki so ga skušali in mu rekli: »Ali je za moža zakonito, da zaradi kateregakoli vzroka odslovi svojo ženo?«
4 “Haven’t you read,” replied Jesus, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’
In odgovoril je ter jim rekel: »Mar niste brali, da je tisti, ki ju je ustvaril na začetku, ustvaril moškega in žensko
5 and said – ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother, and be united to his wife, and the man and his wife will become one’?
ter rekel: ›Zaradi tega razloga bo mož zapustil očeta in mater in se bo trdno pridružil k svoji ženi, in oba skupaj bosta eno meso?‹
6 So that they are no longer two, but one. What God himself, then, has yoked together people must not separate.”
Zatorej nista več dva, temveč eno meso. Kar je torej Bog združil skupaj, naj človek ne daje narazen.«
7 “Why, then,” they said, “did Moses direct that a man should serve his wife with a notice of separation and divorce her?”
Rekli so mu: »Zakaj je potem Mojzes zapovedal dati pismo o ločitvi in jo odsloviti?«
8 “Moses, owing to the hardness of your hearts,” answered Jesus, “permitted you to divorce your wives, but that was not so at the beginning.
Reče jim: »Mojzes vam je zaradi trdote vaših src dovolil odsloviti vaše žene, toda od začetka to ni bilo tako.
9 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of some serious sexual sin, and marries another woman, is guilty of adultery.”
In pravim vam: ›Kdorkoli bo odslovil svojo ženo, razen če je to zaradi prešuštva in poročil drugo, zagreši zakonolomstvo; in kdorkoli poroči tisto, ki je odslovljena, zagreši zakonolomstvo.‹«
10 “If that,” said the disciples, “is the position of a man with regard to his wife, it is better not to marry.”
Njegovi učenci so mu rekli: »Če je zadeva moža z njegovo ženo takšna, se ni dobro poročiti.«
11 “It is not everyone,” replied Jesus, “who can accept this teaching, but only those who have been enabled to do so.
Toda rekel jim je: »Vsi ljudje ne morejo sprejeti tega govorjenja, razen teh, ki jim je to dano.
12 Some men are incapable of marriage because they were born that way, or have been made so by other people, while there are others who stay single for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Accept this if you can.”
Kajti nekaj evnuhov je, ki so bili takšni rojeni iz maternice svoje matere, in nekaj evnuhov je, ki so jih ljudje naredili za evnuhe, in so evnuhi, ki so sami sebe naredili evnuhe zavoljo nebeškega kraljestva. Kdor je zmožen to sprejeti, naj to sprejme.«
13 Then some little children were brought to Jesus, for him to place his hands on them, and pray; but the disciples found fault with those who had brought them.
Tedaj so k njemu privedli majhne otroke, da bi nanje položil svoji roki in molil, učenci pa so jih ošteli.
14 Jesus, however, said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for it is to the childlike that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
Toda Jezus je rekel: »Dovolite majhnim otrokom in ne prepovejte jim priti k meni, kajti takšnih je nebeško kraljestvo.«
15 So he placed his hands on them, and then went on his way.
In nanje je položil svoji roki in odšel od tam.
16 A man came up to Jesus, and said, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to obtain eternal life?” (aiōnios g166)
In glej, nekdo je prišel ter mu rekel: »Dobri Učitelj, katero dobro stvar naj storim, da bom lahko imel večno življenje?« (aiōnios g166)
17 “Why ask me about goodness?” answered Jesus. “There is but One who is good. If you want to enter the life, keep the commandments.”
Rekel mu je: »Zakaj me imenuješ dober? Nihče ni dober razen enega, to je Boga; toda če želiš vstopiti v življenje, se drži zapovedi.«
18 “What commandments?” asked the man. “These,” answered Jesus, – “‘You must not kill. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not say what is false about others.
Reče mu: »Katerih?« Jezus je odgovoril: »Ne stôri umora. Ne zagreši zakonolomstva. Ne kradi. Ne pričaj po krivem.
19 Honor your father and your mother.’ And ‘You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.’”
Spoštuj svojega očeta in svojo mater. In ljubi svojega bližnjega kakor samega sebe.«
20 “I have observed all these,” said the young man. “What is still wanting in me?”
Mladenič mu reče: »Vseh teh stvari sem se držal od svoje mladosti dalje. Kaj mi še manjka?«
21 “If you wish to be perfect,” answered Jesus, “go and sell your property, and give to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven; then come and follow me.”
Jezus mu je rekel: »Če želiš biti popoln, pojdi in prodaj, kar imaš ter daj revnim in imel boš zaklad v nebesih, in pridi ter mi sledi.«
22 On hearing these words, the young man went away distressed, for he had great possessions.
Toda ko je mladenič slišal to govorjenje, je žalosten odšel proč, kajti imel je veliko posesti.
23 At this, Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you that a rich person will find it hard to enter the kingdom of heaven!
Potem je Jezus rekel svojim učencem: »Resnično, povem vam: ›Da bo bogataš komajda vstopil v nebeško kraljestvo.‹
24 I say again, it is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven!”
In ponovno vam pravim: ›Lažje je za kamelo iti skozi šivankino oko, kakor za bogataša vstopit v Božje kraljestvo.‹«
25 On hearing this, the disciples exclaimed in great astonishment, “Who then can possibly be saved?”
Ko so njegovi učenci to slišali, so bili silno osupli, rekoč: »Kdo je potem lahko rešen?«
26 But Jesus looked at them, and said, “With people this is impossible, but with God everything is possible.” Then Peter turned and said to Jesus,
Toda Jezus jih je pogledal in jim rekel: »Pri ljudeh je to nemogoče, toda z Bogom so vse stvari mogoče.«
27 “But we – we left everything, and followed you; what, then, will we have?”
Tedaj je Peter odgovoril in mu rekel: »Glej, vse smo zapustili in ti sledili. Kaj bomo torej prejeli?«
28 “I tell you,” answered Jesus, “that at the new creation, when the Son of Man takes his seat on his throne of glory, you who followed me will be seated on twelve thrones, as judges of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Jezus jim je rekel: »Resnično, povem vam: ›Da boste vi, ki ste mi sledili, v obnovi, ko se bo Sin človekov usedel na prestol svoje slave, tudi vi sedeli na dvanajstih prestolih in sodili dvanajstere Izraelove rodove.‹
29 Everyone who has left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or land, for my sake, will receive many times as much, and will gain eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
In vsak, kdor je zaradi mojega imena zapustil hiše ali brate ali sestre ali očeta ali mater ali ženo ali otroke ali zemljišča, bo prejel stokratno in bo podedoval večno življenje. (aiōnios g166)
30 But many who are first now will then be last, and those who are last will be first.
Toda mnogi, ki so prvi, bodo zadnji; in zadnji bodo prvi.«

< Matthew 19 >