< John 19 >

1 After that, Pilate had Jesus scourged.
Tedaj je torej Pilat vzel Jezusa in ga prebičal.
2 The soldiers made a crown with some thorns and put it on his head and threw a purple robe around him.
In vojaki so iz trnja spletli krono in jo položili na njegovo glavo in nanj nadeli škrlatno svečano oblačilo
3 They kept coming up to him and saying, “Long live the king of the Jews!” and they gave him blow after blow with their hands.
ter rekli: »Pozdravljen, judovski Kralj!« in ga udarjali s svojimi rokami.
4 Pilate again came outside, and said to the people, “Look! I am bringing him out to you, so that you may know that I find nothing with which he can be charged.”
Pilat je torej ponovno odšel naprej, rekoč jim: »Glejte, privedem ga k vam, da boste lahko spoznali, da ne najdem krivde na njem.«
5 Then Jesus came outside, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe; and Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”
Potem je prišel Jezus naprej, noseč trnovo krono in škrlatno svečano oblačilo. In Pilat jim reče: »Glejte, človek!«
6 When the chief priests and the guards saw him, they shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” “Take him yourselves and crucify him,” said Pilate. “For my part, I find nothing with which he can be charged.”
Ko so ga torej visoki duhovniki in častniki zagledali, so zavpili, rekoč: »Križaj ga, križaj ga.« Pilat jim reče: »Vzemite ga in ga križajte, kajti jaz ne najdem krivde na njem.«
7 “But we,” replied the crowd, “have a Law, under which he deserves death for making himself out to be the Son of God.”
Judje so mu odgovorili: »Mi imamo postavo in po naši postavi bi moral umreti, ker se je delal Božjega Sina.«
8 When Pilate heard what they said, he became still more alarmed;
Ko je torej Pilat slišal to besedo, se je še bolj zbal
9 and, going into the Government house again, he said to Jesus, “Where do you come from?”
in ponovno odšel v sodno dvorano in reče Jezusu: »Od kod si?« Toda Jezus mu ni dal odgovora.
10 But Jesus made no reply. So Pilate said to him, “Do you refuse to speak to me? Don’t you know that I have power to release you, and have power to crucify you?”
Tedaj mu Pilat reče: »Meni ne odgovoriš? Ne veš, da imam oblast, da te križam in imam oblast, da te izpustim?«
11 “You would have no power over me at all,” answered Jesus, “if it had not been given you from above; and, therefore, the man who betrayed me to you is guilty of the greater sin.”
Jezus je odgovoril: »Zoper mene sploh ne bi mogel imeti nobene oblasti, razen če ti ne bi bila dana od zgoraj. Zato ima večji greh tisti, ki me je izročil tebi.«
12 This made Pilate anxious to release him; but the crowd shouted, “If you release that man, you are no friend of the Emperor! Anyone who makes himself out to be a king is setting himself against the Emperor!”
In odslej si je Pilat prizadeval, da ga izpusti. Toda Judje so zavpili, rekoč: »Če tega človeka izpustiš, nisi cesarjev prijatelj; kdorkoli sebe dela kralja, govori zoper cesarja.«
13 On hearing what they said, Pilate brought Jesus out, and took his seat on the Bench at a place called ‘The Stone Pavement’ – in Hebrew ‘Gabbatha.’
Ko je torej Pilat slišal to besedo, je privedel Jezusa naprej in sedel na sodni stol na kraju, ki se imenuje Tlak, toda v hebrejščini Gabatá.
14 It was the Passover Preparation day, and about noon. Then he said to the crowd, “Here is your king!”
Bila pa je priprava na pasho in okoli šeste ure; in Judom reče: »Glejte, vaš Kralj!«
15 At that the people shouted, “Kill him! Kill him! Crucify him!” “What! Should I crucify your king?” exclaimed Pilate. “We have no king but the Emperor,” replied the chief priests;
Toda oni so zakričali: »Proč z njim, proč z njim, križaj ga.« Pilat jim reče: »Ali naj križam vašega Kralja?« Visoki duhovniki so odgovorili: »Nimamo kralja razen cesarja.«
16 so Pilate gave Jesus up to them to be crucified. So they took Jesus;
Tedaj jim ga je torej izročil, da bi bil križan. In vzeli so Jezusa ter ga odvedli proč.
17 and he went out, carrying his cross himself, to the place which is named from a skull, or, in Hebrew, Golgotha.
In ko je nesel svoj križ, je odšel naprej na kraj, imenovan kraj lobanje, ki se v hebrejščini imenuje Golgota,
18 There they crucified him, and two others with him – one on each side, and Jesus between them.
kjer so ga križali in z njim dva druga, na vsaki strani enega in Jezusa v sredi.
19 Pilate also had these words written and put up over the cross – ‘JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.’
In Pilat je napisal napis ter ga postavil na križ. In pisanje je bilo: JEZUS NAZAREČAN, JUDOVSKI KRALJ.
20 These words were read by many people, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and they were written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek.
Ta napis so potem brali mnogi izmed Judov, kajti kraj, kjer je bil Jezus križan, je bil blizu mesta, in to je bilo napisano v hebrejščini in grščini ter latinščini.
21 The chief priests said to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The king of the Jews’, but write what the man said – ‘I am the king of the Jews.’”
Tedaj so visoki judovski duhovniki Pilatu rekli: »Ne napiši: ›Judovski Kralj, ‹ temveč, da je on rekel: ›Jaz sem Kralj Judov.‹«
22 But Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”
Pilat je odgovoril: »Kar sem napisal, sem napisal.«
23 When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and divided them into four shares – a share for each soldier – and they took the coat also. The coat had no seam, being woven in one piece from top to bottom.
Potem so vojaki, ko so Jezusa križali, vzeli njegove obleke in naredili štiri dele, za vsakega vojaka del in prav tako njegov plašč. Torej plašč [pa] je bil brez šiva, ves spleten od vrha.
24 So they said to one another, “Do not let us tear it, but let us cast lots for it, to see who will have it.” This was in fulfillment of the words of scripture – ‘They shared my clothes among them, and over my clothing they cast lots.’ That was what the soldiers did.
Med seboj so torej govorili: »Ne razparajmo ga, temveč mečimo žrebe zanj, čigav bo, « da bi se lahko izpolnilo pismo, ki pravi: ›Moja oblačila so si razdelili med seboj in za mojo suknjo so metali žrebe.‹ Te stvari so torej storili vojaki.
25 Meanwhile near the cross of Jesus were standing his mother and his mother’s sister, as well as Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary of Magdala.
Torej tam, ob Jezusovem križu, so stale njegova mati in sestra njegove matere, Klopájeva žena Marija in Marija Magdalena.
26 When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved, standing near, he said to his mother, “There is your son.”
Ko je torej Jezus videl svojo mater in učenca, ki je stal poleg, ki ga je ljubil, reče svoji materi: »Ženska, glej tvoj sin!«
27 Then he said to that disciple, “There is your mother.” And from that very hour the disciple took her to live in his house.
Potem reče učencu: »Glej, tvoja mati!« In od te ure jo je ta učenec vzel v svoj lastni dom.
28 Afterward, knowing that everything was now finished, Jesus said, in fulfillment of the words of scripture, “I am thirsty.”
Po tem, ker je Jezus vedel, da so bile vse stvari sedaj dovršene, da bi se lahko izpolnilo pismo, reče: »Žejen sem.«
29 There was a bowl standing there full of common wine; so they put a sponge soaked in the wine on the end of a hyssop-stalk, and held it up to his mouth.
Torej, tam je bila postavljena posoda, polna kisa; in gobo so napolnili s kisom in jo nataknili na izop ter jo pristavili k njegovim ustom.
30 When Jesus had received the wine, he exclaimed, “All is finished!” Then, bowing his head, he resigned his spirit to God.
Ko je torej Jezus prejel kis, je rekel: »Dovršeno je« in nagnil svojo glavo ter izročil duha.
31 It was the Preparation day, and so, to prevent the bodies from remaining on the crosses during the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a great day), the Jews asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies removed.
Judje so torej zato, ker je bila priprava, da na šabatni dan telesa ne bi ostala na križu (kajti ta šabatni dan je bil na prazničen dan), prosili Pilata, da bi bile lahko njihove noge zlomljene in da bi bili lahko odstranjeni.
32 Accordingly the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man, and then those of the other who had been crucified with Jesus;
Potem so prišli vojaki in zlomili noge prvega in drugega, ki sta bila križana z njim.
33 but, on coming to him, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
Toda ko so prišli k Jezusu in videli, da je bil že mrtev, njegovih nog niso zlomili,
34 One of the soldiers, however, pierced his side with a spear, and blood and water immediately flowed from it.
toda eden izmed vojakov je s sulico prebodel njegovo stran in nemudoma sta od tam pritekli kri in voda.
35 This is the statement of one who actually saw it – and his statement may be relied on, and he knows that he is speaking the truth – and it is given in order that you also may be convinced.
In tisti, ki je to videl, je izjavil in njegova izjava je resnična; in on ve, da govori resnico, da bi vi lahko verovali.
36 For all this happened in fulfillment of the words of scripture – ‘Not one of its bones will be broken.’
Kajti te stvari so bile storjene, da bi bilo izpolnjeno pismo: ›Nobena njegova kost ne bo zlomljena.‹
37 And there is another passage which says – ‘They will look on him whom they pierced.’
In ponovno drugo pismo pravi: ›Gledali bodo nanj, ki so ga prebodli.‹
38 After this, Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus – but a secret one, owing to his fear of the religious authorities – begged Pilate’s permission to remove the body of Jesus. Pilate gave him leave; so Joseph went and removed the body.
In po tem je Jožef iz Arimateje, ki je bil Jezusov učenec, toda zaradi strahu pred Judi skrivaj, prosil Pilata, da bi lahko odnesel Jezusovo telo; in Pilat mu je dal dovoljenje. Prišel je torej in vzel Jezusovo telo.
39 Nicodemus, too – the man who had formerly visited Jesus by night – came with a roll of myrrh and aloes, weighing nearly a hundred pounds.
In prav tako je prišel Nikodém, ki je najprej ponoči prišel k Jezusu in prinesel mešanico mire in aloje, težko okoli sto funtov.
40 They took the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen with the spices, according to the Jewish mode of burial.
Potem sta snela Jezusovo telo in ga z dišavami ovila v lanene trakove, kakršen je judovski običaj pokopa.
41 At the place where Jesus had been crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a newly made tomb in which no one had ever been laid.
Torej na kraju, kjer je bil križan, je bil vrt in na vrtu nov mavzolej, v katerega človek še nikoli ni bil položen.
42 And so, because of its being the Preparation day, and as the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there.
Zaradi judovskega dneva priprave sta torej Jezusa položila tja, kajti mavzolej je bil blizu.

< John 19 >